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Comment Ah good, the most important point addressed (Score 5, Interesting) 140

It does nothing to address global warming's ugly twin brother, ocean acidification. And by presenting the world's public with an apparent techno-fix, it could deflate the movement to reduce carbon emissions.

"For me, my main concern is that we would start doing solar geoengineering while we're still building things with smokestacks and tailpipes," he tells me. "And in that framing, I think the solar geoengineering is just facilitating continued greenhouse gas emissions."

Very well, as long as you know. No point having a nicer climate for a little while as we set the stage for an oceanic mass extinction.

Comment Re:We need positive Sci-Fi. (Score 1) 108

People will be really bitter about that positive sci-fi when those research grants build a powerful AI which is immediately used to make a replica Manna system.

Technology is a neutral force multiplier, and in our society evil is more powerful than good. Unless the AI spontaneously turns evil in the story, as in the Terminator movies, it's not saying AI is scary and dangerous. It's saying our society is scary and dangerous and this is what we'll do with the power of AI.

So maybe it is better if we stay away from some technologies until we're collectively mature enough to do positive things with them instead of using them to make things worse.

Comment Re:Just wait until they become hackable (Score 1) 28

It is a legitimate concern not brought up in the most tactful way. Anybody in their 20s should push for this because they will have one in 30 years or so. It might even be a job requirement ( ) (yup, it still gets hacked in the series)

Just look at what they can do with a CAN-bus in cars today:

Now imagine people instead of car. Yup, that's coming. Nothing's off limits.

If it's doable, some asshole will go for it.
Whether it's for kicks or cash.

Comment Re:Pardon my ignorance (Score 1) 465

No, a camrip is pointing a camera at the screen. A screener means a pre-release DVD/BR version of the movie distributed to movie festivals, celebrity reviewers, etc, usually these have identifying information overlaid at some position on the screen (which the ripper can blur out).

Comment Re:Atmosphere affects about a few inches of surfac (Score 1) 465

So you didn't even read TFS. If you did you'd see how ocean surface temperatures can affect temperatures lower down.

But you're beyond not trying to answer your own questions. You've become a tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theorist, while a real, factually provable conspiracy operates to maintain your belief.

Comment Re:Well, at last (Score 1) 465

Did someone who isn't a strawman actually tell you that?

Here's an explanation I've posted further up in the thread:

Anyone who said the drop in surface temperatures wasn't happening was an idiot. Someone should have told you that suggesting that this fact meant global warming had halted or reversed was highly misleading and ignorant. In fact I'll dig through my emails to see if I ever pointed this out to you myself, I know I have to many others.

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 465

The "hiatus" is real, but can be presented as a hoax.

Presented as an unexplained break in global warming, it's a hoax. It's been known for a long time that the oceans were absorbing the heat. To suggest that global warming has mysteriously been on "hiatus" due to a drop in surface temperatures alone is highly misleading.

An analogy I've used before is someone predicting that a roof leak will cause a bucket to fill at a certain rate. But then it turns out that there is a small hole in the side of the bucket and when the water reaches it, it starts leaking out onto the floor. The "hiatus" hoax is to say "See, your predictions about the roof leak were wrong, alarmist! Look at how the bucket hasn't filled to the level you've predicted!"

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