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Comment Re:I thought it wasnt possible (Score 0) 133

When talking about lossy compression for video it might technically work but it's still worthless. For example my highly proprietary heavily patented postage stamp algorithm reduces all video down to 90 era dialup rate mpeg 2 aka a blurry postage stamp. This means it's massively compressed and very quick so it scores high on both metrics. It also looks like crap. Output quality and ratio are generally the metrics that matter and output quality is a subjective factor that needs to be determined by humans. How long it takes to encode is general a non factor as outside of live encoding it's a one time event. The other factor is how hard is it to decode generally not an issue right now.

Comment Re:Alternative explanation (Score 1) 398

But that is not how the internet has traditionally worked. Teir 1 providers (those that pay nobody for bandwidth) which L3 and Verizon are do not pay each other ever. L3 is more than happy to increase port capacity/count and Verizon is refusing to do so. Put more simply Verizon is refusing to increase capacity in hopes to get the Comcast deal with Netflix. Netflix is also happy to give Verizon CDN gear to deploy on their network again a common practice.

Verizon is a teir 1 but pretty much an eyeball network, they send very little traffic compared to what they consume. They are effectively gaming the settlement free peering that has made the internet work to date in attempt to extort netflix and the like to buy their more expansive bandwidth to use their CDN etc etc. If you extend that logically we fall back to the walled garden days of compuserve aol etc which seems to what Verizon wants people paying to consume the things they are getting payed to send them.

For the obligatorily car analogy it's the car dealership making the factory pay them to take the cars and making the consumer pay for the car irregardless if it's the one they want coupled with the government only allowing a couple car dealerships sell to people in a given area, effectively take what they offer or get nothing.

Comment Re:Good to hear (Score 1) 296

It's native objects can look rather childish, look at the cloud object that looks like something from ms paint for an example. But the big issue for me is it's missing the tools built around visio. Network discovery being the big one. Sure could I hack something together to use an existing tool and get the objects into Dia. I may be wrong as it's been awhile since I looked at it.

Comment No... (Score 1) 168

The investors might have made profit but the company itself is operating in the red. This just means the perceived value is higher than it was in 1998. Which makes sense, we are talking about a company that had 19 billion dollars flow through it in a quarter, which suggests a high likelihood they could be profitable at least for some time if they chose to.

Basically amazon has been saying they are investing and in the very long term the bets will pay off. AS it stands, amazon has not opted to proceed to '3) profit' and are firmly in the '2) ???' phase of their plan.

It remains to be seen how long their investments will pay off should they decide to back off. They have effectively been buying market share and for all the investors know, they have built no 'stickiness' and that share could evaporate the moment amazon decides it needs to be profitable and stops undercutting everyone else who needs to make a profit.

Comment Re:can be done (Score 1) 200

Frankly if this is done right the muni primarily provides the natural monopoly portion, just the glass back to the CO, no active gear on poles etc. At the CO they could provide power/cooling and implement there own layer 2/3 network to act as an ISP.

CWDM makes it easy to have a muni network and 8+ other networks on a single fiber. A muni might also resell it's active infrastructure allowing smaller players to enter a market and for efficiency serving lower utilization clients. Besides internet access it's fairly simple to provide library, school and government web site access via a google like install fee to cover costs. Offering metro area network type services is an easy add on, point to point via a dark channel and lit services and multipoint via lit services can be a huge boon to companies. Companies can fill in back-hauling to telco hotels and other muni's allowing for meta services to be built on top much like today's long haul fiber market.

Comment I had iLASIK about 11 months ago. (Score 2) 550

iLASIK is done with all lasers, one to make the flap that was previously done by blade, and the usual LASIK after that. Fewer reported complications than with the older blade style. At my six month checkup I was seeing 20/10 from my left eye and 20/15 from my right. I'm 48 and previously wore progressive lenses. They adjusted my right for a closer focal distance.

It all just works, I love it.

Comment Re:"Just let me build a bridge!" (Score 3, Interesting) 372

those two people SHOULDN'T be the same person.

In my experience, that is the heart of what is wrong with a lot of software projects: it's considered taboo to do both architecting and developing.

The theory is obvious enough, but in practice an architect that is not implementing overlooks some very significant issues. The implementer has his hands tied because 'the architect said so' and the implementer trudges on also blindly unaware of anything beyond his little island.

The best teams I've been in have had everyone participate in architecting and development, with healthy amounts of communication.

The thing about construction projects is that they are simply so massive you need a horde of construction workers. In software development, we often like to *think* we are making something equally massive when in practice if we do need that many people working on it to get to the goal then it 99% of the time means we are doing something wrong in the first place. If we put hubris aside and realized that the scale isn't so grand as to require a trillion little dependencies and components, we produce good code. This doesn't mean the opposite situation of a gigantic monolithic blob is good, but there is a reasonable middle ground.

Comment Re:Analogies are poor... (Score 2) 372

My point was that in MS world, you don't have a compiler until you get the SDK (which most people don't even know exists), and most think you only get a compiler through visual studio, whereas in linux it is commonly already there or a 'yum install gcc' or 'apt-get install gcc' away. A *whole* lot of people assume visual studio is a hard requirement to develop with microsoft first-party toolchain and as such you end up with project files for really stupid crap.

Comment Analogies are poor... (Score 1) 372

Yes, if a project gets to be large, then you need careful process. There are a few flaws though:
1. A large proportion of the time, you are doing something far less complex and/or dangerous than bridge building. There are people who insist that for something akin to 'hello world' test cases must be written, everyone must use a bloated IDE, all code must be in version control managed by some project hosting site with issue tracking, wiki, code review, and continuous integration. Sure, there can be value in that stuff, but there is cost. Frequently the cost outweighs the value for simple utilities (git and test cases are generally tolerable, but venture far into mandates about IDEs and project management and it can get nasty).. One example for me was for a quick 2 or 3 line C program people might fire up visual studio, and end up with a 'project' with a lot more metadata than the application itself, when using the microsoft SDK by itself with notepad would have been just as good (in linux the 'just run gcc' can be taken for granted, in MS you don't have a compiler and most laypersons don't even realize you can get SDK without visual studio, so I used that example since I see visual studio project files for the dumbest stuff).

2. A great deal of the tools are frankly half-assed. Particularly when it comes to deploying the tools. Once deployed they work about 80% of the time, but then fall over and block progress while someone figures out why the tooling fell over. A lot of these development tools got to the point where the authors of them could use it and that was about it. One who understands every nook and cranny and can quickly recover given a stack trace doesn't feel as strongly about doing the other '1%' of work to make it easy for others to deploy and administrate.

Comment Re:Yet another reason to turn off Ecmascript (Score 1) 194

Not really. The Amish reject technology across the board, whether useful or not.

Actually, at least for a lot of Amish this isn't the case. For example, many Amish communities will have phones. They may relegate them to emergency and/or communal space use because they don't think it's good for private family time to be disrupted by a phone call. They reject grid power but do use batteries and generators. They use LED flashlights and buggy lights rather than burning lamps in many cases. They use cash registers, alarm clocks, and even power tools to some extent.

Sure, they are a lot more reluctant about technology and they believe a lot of family and social values are threatened by wanton use of technology, but they do partake of some key technology benefits.

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