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Comment ISP Portion seems Expensive (Score 1) 15

The network access portion seems reasonable... but the ISP component would seem excessive. I would expect something like $25/1Gb + $10 profit on service and access. Upstream access should be about $10-15 max, and the other services and infrastructure I would expect to be covered by ~$10-15.

What am I missing?

Comment Re:Thinner phone that requires reinforced case (Score 1) 66

I don't understand what the point of having thinner phones when universally everybody puts protective case around phones, because they are too fragile. I still remember when it was rare to be needing a case.

Cases are for grip and to add a ridge above the bezel to protect the screen. That is what makes them protective. You can still have a thinner phone and put it in a thinner protective case.

Comment Re:Thicker (Score 1) 66

I don't want a thinner phone. I want a more durable phone with a longer battery life.

Buy a different phone. There's more than one on the market you know. Not every company exists to produce a product with the label "Exclusively designed for LatencyKills".

Comment Re:Drop in the bucket (Score 1) 151

Until you shutdown the existing AND NEW coal plants in China.

The existing ones are being shutdown. That's what the new ones are for. There's a reason China has built many new coal plants and has had no significant increase in coal consumption in over a decade now.

But hey, look over there, it's a China. We can't do anything until they fix their power plant. We just don't have the time to solve problems while also bitching about China (a country whose green investment far outpaces the west's in a per capita and total basis).

Comment Re:Who funded this "study"? (Score 1) 151

At this point the propaganda is so predictable and omnipresent I don't even bother to go and read the article. This has the stench of the fossil fuel lobby on it like smog on a day when you're supposed to stay indoors and only take shallow breaths.

Errr the fossil fuel lobby is all in on SAF production. That is the main solution they are pushing. Are you saying they are investing billions upon billions to scale up SAF all the while undermining their investments before they've even had a chance to reach breakeven ROI?

Your conspiracy theory makes no sense, your conspirators are conspiring against themselves.

Comment Re:Physics. In your face. (Score 1) 151

This is exactly why we should make STEM education mandatory at schools in this day and age. So that basic physics and relation between mass, distance and energy required to move this mass from point A to B become common knowledge and so that everyone on this planet is capable of calling bullshit on claims like this before they get out of proportions.

I don't know what you think you are saying but you're doing so from a position of insane ignorance. You seem to think the issue is somehow the storage of energy? There's already been 100% SAF transatlantic flights. SAF has the same energy density as kerosene. You should really go and do one of those STEM degrees you're advertising.

The problem is ultimately one of production and economics. SAF is hard to produce, doesn't have any meaningful scale at present, and doesn't have an upstream sourcing industry capable of sustaining the aviation sector.

Comment Re:Lighter than air (Score 1) 151

and that is the most realistic option to really reduce pollution

There's nothing realistic about substituting a jet plane for a blimp. You think you're going to move 2.2 billion people a year at 1/10th of the speed with 1/1.5th of the passenger capacity, and 1/3rd of the payload (assuming Airlander's *big* ship). If so you're delusional.

Comment Re:Who thought this was feasible? (Score 1) 151

Aviation is the ingrown toenail

I know you think otherwise but there's more than one person in the world and not everyone works on the same singular problem. You go solve the power crisis, let other people work on other things, such as the 3% of global CO2 emissions which come from just burning jet fuel.

Comment Re:Another way to advertise on Reddit...yuck! (Score 1) 20

The premise behind the reward system has always been completely implausible

It used to be you contribute something of marginal cost, and the person awarded would receive some sitewide Perks for a few days, depending on how much you spent to award them. Kind of like a temporary "gift subscription" to Ad-free access, etc.

That was a compelling award, not like the Gif nonsense.

Comment Re:OpenAI (Score 0) 20

but so the comments have an additional indication of user engagement and score.

What part of the ChatGPT experience makes you think OpenAI is in any way discriminating enough to pick "good" content out from "bad"? If anything past performance shows that they train their LLMs with literally any shit they can throw in there.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 76

5.x isn't overly complex. It was a reversion back to the 2.x code with some enhancements that made it actually run properly. Sure it's got more features than Winamp 2.x but unlike Winamp 3.x it actually still uses quite few resources and isn't bloated at all.

Comment Re:Thank the Lords Above (Score 1) 76

You may have missed some more recent developments. When AOL bought it Winamp turned into a massive shitshow. Sidenote: Peter Pawowski left Nullsoft after being disgusted with what Winamp turned into and proceeded to write Foobar2000 - a bloat free media player that is just generally awesome.

But fast forward 20 years and the Llama group put quite a bit of effort into de-shittifying Winamp. Winamp 5.9 is more like Winamp 2.x than Winamp 3.x is.

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