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Comment Re:SAVE US AND THE WEB FROM MOZILLA! (Score 1) 324

Also the whole h.264 non-support debacle. Of course, to be fair, Google waffled on that too... but was on the flip-side, and never actually followed through and removed it from their mainstream browser.

At some point Mozilla decided its philosophical (and sometimes political) agenda was going to be the driving force behind its decisions, rather than the users' wants/needs. That's fine; they're certainly free to do that - but if their users don't see value in them doing so, they're going to fade into obscurity... and, from what I can determine, most users don't care about the things Mozilla cares about.

Comment Re:The author forgot one other option. (Score 2) 105

Simple enough - just require that all phones in the US use a fingerprint scanner for unlocking. The courts seem to be ruling that police can require you provide your fingerprint for phone access.

Which, by the way, is a good reason to restart your iPhone the moment you think you just might get some unwanted attention from the constabulary.

Comment Re:Z80 was in TRS-80 (Score 2) 124

My first summer job was at a music store, doing some simple coding and data management on a TRS-80 (with 16K, BASIC, and even a floppy drive!). At least that was my job when they didn't need me to man the till or help fill out rental contracts for students who were going to be taking band.

There were some simple software packages available commercially for stuff like payroll, but my boss wanted custom stuff so I wrote it all myself.

I remember staying late a lot, after the store closed, and playing games that I first had to manually copy the code for out of computer magazines. Ah, memories...

Comment More than 2,200 have died (Score 5, Interesting) 164

It was very tragic for the Nepalese people as well.

I feel sorry for the people grieving today for lost loved ones. But I'm getting a bit tired of the tiny number of climbers and tourists that died completely dominating the news. Thousands of Nepalese died. Their loved ones may have trouble even surviving, going forward. Let's not forget about them.

Comment Re:I need a reminder (Score 1) 194

Since you don't seem to understand the concept of net worth, here's some light reading about Yahoo for you:

How much is Yahoo worth without Alibaba? Not much.

Now according to that particular story, Alibaba only makes up 88% of Yahoo's total value. But others have calculated it differently, with their share of Alibaba being worth even more. Google can help you find those.

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