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Comment Re:In other words (Score 0) 151

Nah, don't worry about it. It's just some "security expert" going all dramatic on some minor vulnerability he found, to plaster his name on the front page. Anything talking of airplanes, hacking, hijacking, plays the terrorism bullshit music score, and is a surefire way of attracting media attention.

No doubt the TSA will very soon jump on the opportunity to invent some new rule to steal - sorry, confiscate - your Wifi-enabled devices at the security checkpoint too...

Comment I'm officially old I guess (Score 4, Interesting) 84

When I was younger, I worked on speech recogntion problems - well, expert systems and neural networks in general. It was the toughest nut our team had ever been tasked to crack, and we didn't crack it.

When the man on the street perceives speech recognition to be simple - and coming from a taxi driver, that's more than a little ironic, considering they're essentially human Traveler Salesman Problem solvers - you know technology has overtaken you beyond hope.

Me, I can't stop being complete blown away by what can be achieved today. Driverless cars are almost a reality everybody can buy, yet I still vividly remember MIT experimental self-driving trucks trying to hold a straight line on a closed circuit at 1 mph!

Comment Re:Being a former drug addict, I think (Score 4, Interesting) 47

If you think you can still be friends with addicts/users, you are mistaken. If they can't get clean, screw them, they will only pull you down.

I suppose it can work with hard drugs or alcohol - I am not, and never was, a user or either, so I'm no specialist though.

However, I AM a nicotine addict. I say nicotine and not tobacco, because I have switched to vaping as a risk mitigation strategy (and quit smoking for good as a result).

One thing I can tell you as a former smoker is, when you're hooked on tobacco, there's no escaping it. You can't avoid being with other smokers, because the smell of cigarette is everywhere. When I quit smoking, it'd only take some random guy who had just smoked outside, walking past me, reeking of cold cigarette smoke, to send me craving like there was no tomorrow.

Random guys who smell of tobacco are everywhere. You just can't escape the smell. You're constantly bombarded with reminders that, yes, you'd really REALLY want to smoke one just right now.

Comment Re:So, what does the in-memory database option do? (Score 1) 97

In-memory tables allow the indexes of database tables to reside in memory to speed up transactional updates. These in-memory indexes are typically hashed for unique versioning so queries can spread throughout all of the processors in a computer, which presents the problem of the table de-syncing as each processor/core makes a change.

So, this Xeon model has special instruction set that helps keep the in-memory index synced across all cores in the server. Here is an Intel brief describing the technology and it's use:

Comment Re:fundementally impossible (Score 1) 86

Have you seen all of nature to affirm without any doubt that something doesn't exist?

Besides, just because the overwhelming majority of something is a certain way doesn't mean it can't exist in another way. For instance, while all known beaches organize themselves as flat expanses of sand, there is still a probability that a wave comes along and spontaneously forms a sandcastle, albeit a vanishingly small one. Nobody's ever seen it, and probably nobody ever will, but it's possible. That's just math.

Comment Re:SWA Terms of Carriage... (Score 1) 928

What people seem to forget is ... airline employees have contract rights ( based on that ticket you bought ) that states something like this... " if you make me feel uncomfortable, I will do my best to boot you off the flight "

While 99% of these are violence related (drunks, people taking a piss in flight on the floor ... ) A steward for any reason they see fit, if they feel uncomfortable will boot you. Seen it more than once with those passengers that say "I'm calling the cop's" and the steward say's "please do, and everyone else please keep boarding", and "you whom are calling the cop's, I'll wait right here as the plane leaves". I get a laugh every time.

Comment Re:Fast Forward (Score 1) 69

I do recall that episode and was going to write about it. It was late 80's. I will say that I don't recall it being 2 feet long and I don't recall it being connected to anything. But you are exactly correct about the test. they disabled it somehow, and over the course of 5 minutes it was walking again and running some sort of search pattern.
But now I don't recall if they disabled a leg or not.

This brings on a side point:
I do recall a study about repetitive science and lab work (also coding): their study showed that about 5% to 10% of all lab work has already been done within the same firm (or university) and about 15% of all lab work is duplicated and publicly documented. My take... do a good search and most of it should be online LOL

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