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Jesse Jackson: Tech Diversity Is Next Civil Rights Step 514

theodp writes: U.S. civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson called on the Obama administration Monday to scrutinize the tech industry's lack of diversity. "There's no talent shortage. There's an opportunity shortage," Jackson said, calling Silicon Valley "far worse" than many others, such as car makers that have been pressured by unions. He said tech behemoths have largely escaped scrutiny by a public dazzled with their cutting-edge gadgets. Jackson spoke to press after meeting with Labor Secretary Tom Perez for a review of H-1B visas, arguing that data show Americans have the skills and should have first access to high-paying tech work. Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition plans to file a freedom-of-information request next month with the EEOC to acquire employment data for companies that have not yet disclosed it publicly, which includes Amazon, Broadcom, Oracle, Qualcomm and Yelp. Unlike the Dept. of Labor, Jackson isn't buying Silicon Valley's argument that minority hiring statistics are trade secrets. Five years after Google's HR Chief would only reassure Congress the company had "a very strong internal Black Googler Network" and its CEO brushed off similar questions about its diversity numbers by saying "we're pretty happy with the way our recruiting work," Google — under pressure from Jackson — fessed up to having a tech workforce that's only 1% Black, apparently par for the course in Silicon Valley.

Comment Re:Printing useful things too (Score 1) 62

While I am not trying to belittle your hobbies. But Model Trains isn't for everyone, and a lot of peoples hobbies are not about making toys.

Sure if you are making toys, then fine, If I was a 7 year old kid, and I had access to a 3d printer, I would be printing out all kinds of cool stuff, from guns for my action figures, to special Lego blocks.

But my hobbies and interests today do not require too much plastic parts. And the occasional replacement part isn't worth the expense.

Comment Re:Not sure how well this will stop cheating (Score 1) 122

Well the issue of cheating wasn't really a full security risk, as most of the cheaters would have passed anyways. But with a 90% pass rate, the idea if you got a 90%-92% = D
93%-95% = C
96%-97% = B
98%-100% = A

I am sure most of you who have been threw academia, with percentages so close that any number of factors can fluctuate your score by a few percentage.
Too tired from a night of studying. Too Hungry, too full, having to go pee, Feeling too anxious or too confidant....

Now a lot of these people taking the test worried their promotion prospects are tied to these test scores, so if you have a C or B it will look bad, compared to the next guy who got an A. While the next guy might have just had a better day that day. So Cheating was rampant, not in the dangerous level where they wouldn't have passed the test, but in making sure everyone had that little extra to get promoted when the time comes.

Comment Re:This can be extremely misleading. (Score 1) 570

Is the collection still on your credit report? Something similar happened to me where the hospital ignored a letter from the insurance company asking for more information, and so the insurance company never paid.

The issue was ultimately resolved however the credit bureaus initially refused to remove the item, since the hospital confirmed that I technically did owe the debt at the time it was turned over to collections. It took me six months and a court hearing demonstrating the hospital's lack of due diligence in cooperating with the insurance company to finally get it removed.

Comment What partisan wrote this? (Score 1) 122

"There might not be much functional difference between a 93% and a 95%, but the person scoring higher will get promoted disproportionately quicker."

This weasel language implies that it's not fair that someone that scores higher on the test gets promoted faster, and also implies that any promotion due to higher grades is "disproportionate," which is media-speak for "unfair."

"This inspired a ring of officers to cheat in order to meet the unrealistic expectations of the Air Force."

Why is it unrealistic that those in charge of launching missiles that will end life on this planet as we know it pass a very high bar of excellence?

Comment 3D Printing Issue. (Score 2) 62

The real issue right now with 3D Printing, most of the stuff you can print is stuff most people really don't need.

The last time I wished I could have a 3D printer was to replace a Worm Gear for my Garage Door Opener. That was about 6 Months ago.

For decoration, I really don't want Cheap Plastic decorations, and a new phone case isn't that interesting either.

Right now 3D Printing is really still for industry.

Comment Re:Lemme guess... (Score 1) 183

Wow the problems of the world are based on a particular Academic degree?
You know Slashdot blame the MBA for a lot of the problems of the world. However I haven't ran into too many of them. A lot of the bosses making these type of decisions don't have an MBA, but some other degree. BA in History, or Arts, BS in Computer Science or Physics...

Also a lot of those MBA are not the ones in charge, but can be the Tech guy next to you doing coding as well.

Comment Re:Sound Familiar Anyone?? (Score 1) 928

SWA has a right to say who can and cannot occupy their airplanes, and they may place conditions upon that occupancy as they see fit.

Their plane, their rules. Property rights unquestionably trump free speech rights. If someone walks onto my property and holds up a sign, I can kick them off my property and it is not a violation of their free speech rights.

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