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Comment Re:Victim Blaming vs Common Sense (Score 2) 622

In your analogy your car would not be stolen. It would be copied and you would only know because you saw the guy driving it around.

Also your car would be parked in a gated parking garage and the parking attendant was the guy who copied it and made his copy available in the public parking lot.

Of course if you left your car unlocked and it got stolen I would most likely blame you for being so irresponsible but the attendant had elevated privileges to your car and should be held to a higher standard since he had been entrusted with your property.

Comment I imagine (Score 1) 429

I read the summary and imagined Soulskill hunched over his/her keyboard rubbing his hands together as he let out an evil giggle just before he hit return to publish michaelcole's submission. Knowing what hell was about to be unleashed on this poor soul.

Comment Re:Mint (Score 2) 303

For many other Mint users such as myself it's the inclusion of the non-free stuff that Ubuntu avoids due to licensing issues. I use my laptop to listen to music and watch videos. I can install everything I need on Ubuntu but it's a hassle and takes considerably more time than just installing Mint and running updates. I was installing Slackware and RH in 1994. Hell I've even built several Gentoo boxes over the years. As others have eluded I have grown weary of starting from scratch. Call me the anti-neckbeard if you will.

Comment Re:So.. (Score 1) 208

will the government support me putting a 17-year old idiot behind bars for killing a loved one of mine with distracted driving?

Forget the teens...I see soccer moms and jerks every day all day with their heads in their laps cluelessly driving down the freeway. The look of indignation when I honk and "wave" are priceless. It's that "I'm a responsible driver. I know how to text and drive safely. How dare you!" look. This should be a night in jail mandatory sentence for depraved indifference IMO. A couple of those and it might start to change. But with cops being just as big offenders that's not likely to happen.

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