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Comment Re:Code Quality Sucks on Either (Score 1) 139

First of all, built means compiled and modified means I switched off u32 support as well as targeting a Xeon processor class.

I did not need to write code, the kernel had to be rebuilt and the binary replaced/modified for the target processor and memory architecture.

You use the .config for that and rebuild the kernel tree. You don't need to write code.

SO! The included Redhat kernel was way too generic for the application performance required.

Among other things. But the point is, you can't do that with an OS binary, so LINUX as an OS Kernel, is far more flexible than a proprietary one.

Comment Only criminals (Score 1) 1633

When you make it illegal (or very difficult) for good and law-abiding people to own weapons, then only criminals will own guns.

Make no mistake- people that are out to do bad will have no trouble at all obtaining weapons and using them and will have a field day knowing that even more of the good citizens have been stripped of their rights to protect themselves, their families, and their property.

Comment When someone else controls your stuff (Score 3, Insightful) 139

When someone else controls your stuff, it's not your stuff. Look at Germany's gold! Where is it? It's in the US. They want it back, it's supposed to be on its way over... slowly. Net result, it's not Germany's gold. And if this tech makes it into our phones? Yeah, same thing. We "give up" our phones in order to prevent them from being stolen. Nice trade.

Comment Code Quality Sucks on Either (Score 1, Troll) 139

Yeah, I have seen the source code to the Windows 7 OS, CISCO's iOS and LINUX of course.

They all suck equally.

However, that being said, I am currenrlty running a version of the LINUX OS I built and modified for my customers use in a PostGRES server which is quite large.

Open Source wins again because I can correct the suck. :-)

Comment People who do not learn from History. (Score 2) 1633

The 2nd amendment was not put there for cattle ranchers and farmers and people who hunt for food.

It was specifically put there because the founding fathers recognized that the human spririt has failings.

One of those failings is the one THEY were most familair with, and Mr. BUNDY out on his Ranch in Nevada is finding out right now.

HIstory is quite clear about this point: Governments have a nasty tendancy to kill, and destroy themselves along with the laws of the land and the citizenry with them.

If the people are denied the unconditional purchase and ownership of ANY weapons, governments will have their way with them.

Contrary to that is, of course what we know to be true: If no person who gets out of bed in the morning feels like controlling, possessing or stealing, or killing his neighbors were around, I would agree. We would not need weapons.

But we live in a world were a small fraction, about 1% of the population have uncontrollable urges to Murder, Steal, Rape and Loot our country.

If everyone is not armed, they will eventually take over. It also makes it VERY expensive for say, the Russians, Europeans or Chinese to ever EVER get the notion of invading and setting up on US soil. So arming everyone has lots of benefits.

But unfortunately we have subject A: Mr. Harry Reid from Nevada.

But we do not live in that sort of world with Mr. Reid and his ilk around.. We live in a world, were Harry Reid, a Senator from Nevada has colluded with foreign interests, to use his ability as a law maker to make laws that make it OK for China to steal land from a American citizen.

When Harry Reid says for example, you can't break laws I make for my own benefit to steal Mr. Bundy's land AND you are a domestic terrorist for resisting my business investments as such...

WELL WE HAVE A WHOLE NEW KIND OF COUNTRY WE ARE LIVING IN. ...For his own personal gain himself, and his family. That form of government is not a democracy. Or haven't you all heard?

It is a Oligarchy.

What? The USA has no engineers who could build, manufacture and create a solar energy plant as good as a Chinese government firm? Really?!

News to me for those of you sitting in your parents basement after 4 years of engineering school looking for a job!

Of course we do and worse yet, I wouldn't trust Chinese parts in something as critical as a power plant in the USA.

In the end Senator Reid, has colluded with foreign powers to steal this land, and profit from it, including his family.

O L I G A R C H Y.

According to the Constitution, that is TREASON, as it redraws the borders such as what wars do, and therefore has made war on the American people for his personal gain.

Secondly why do you need snipers to come out and target Bundy over were his cattle are grazing? Unless of course you know what you are doing is against the law, and immoral and he would resist?

Third there are laws that have been ignored, that have means to grand father Bundy into the ownership of the land he grazes his cattle on. I am sure an agreement could be reached on that without the need of Military snipers, Blackhawk helicopters. These laws are totally ignored. That is to be expected, because this isn't about the LAW, it is about Reid and his kid getting a sweet deal on a solar energy plant.

Bundy is a special case because he has been grazing those lands before most of your grandfathers were born, over 100 years his family has been there using that land the same way he always used it.

The response from the Feds makes absolutely no sense. Certainly no sense in formenting, provoking the American citizenry with military assets placed all around the ranch.

How do we fix it?

1) Reid resigns immediately.
2) Bundy is grand fathered into the lands he has been on for over a 100 years using existing laws.
3) An american company should build that Solar Plant. Any investments currently made are null and void/confiscated from Reid and Chinese firm for criminal activity/evidence of such criminal activity.

Bundy gets his Ranch, and we get rid of a Oligarch, who been sucking on the tit way too long and we put some young guys to work right now who are sitting in their Mom, and Dads basement with useless engineering degrees.

All the while, Nevada gets a nice new energy plant!

Sounds like a plan too me.

Comment Re:Open source was never safer (Score 1) 582

One problem I see that is huge is in where it affects Android. It is an unfortunate reality that phone makers do not want to update or patch their phones as they would rather sell people new phones and carriers would rather extend contracts. So yes, perhaps I did understate it a bit.

There needs to be a push for phone makers to update their firmware NOW.

Comment Re:most lego's are a rip off (Score 1) 355

Well yes and no. Yes, it's overpriced. But when my son plays with them in ways I don't like (that is, I like to follow the instructions and only sometimes make changes for improved look or structure) he gets many hours more. He builds crazy and silly things but then again, he's 7 so what do you know?

Sad that kids can't use their hands. I didn't realize it was becoming a problem as I am trying my best to give my son the type of childhood I had. And yes, that includes teaching him how to go camping and fishing and shoot a gun and all of that. Am I a caveman?

Comment Re:ARM is the new Intel (Score 2) 110

Intel-powered Android tablets can run almost all Android-ARM apps. Those that are native ARM apps are handled through binary translation. It works very well. I've used a Dell Venue 8 (Intel CloverTrail+ Android) and did not find any apps that wouldn't run just fine.

Is that done in hardware? Is there a performance penalty?

A related question about the programs you tried: were these computationally intensive games, or things like office apps and file managers?

Comment Re: Bundy (Score 4, Insightful) 1633

I keep seeing news clips from sources like MSNBC who are apparently on a mission to frame Bundy in that light (thief, welfare mooch, etc. etc.).

If you look at it a little further though, I don't think it's quite that clear....

First off, the entire argument centers around his letting his cattle roam and graze on the grass on all of the otherwise unused land that the Feds are NOW putting up a fuss about. Do animals not roam and graze on land in nature anyway? This isn't a case of Bundy building physical structures on govt. land, or even so much as parking vehicles on it. The government's main defense here is a claim that he owes them a large amount of money for unpaid "grazing rights". Ok ... except if you look at the history of grazing rights? All they were was a way for ranchers to avoid having to deal with the hassles of maintaining grazing lands themselves -- repairing broken fences and so forth. A govt. agency offered to make things easier on them by performing those services centrally and collecting grazing fees to fund it, and they agreed. Bundy was actually doing the fence repairs and maintenance himself ... so his failure to pay these fees is little more than a technicality.

Additionally, I think many folks supported him primarily as a way to "poke a proverbial stick in the eye of big government", as opposed to a direct interest in seeing justice done for Bundy and his family/relatives/friends. As a taxpayer myself, I have a big problem with government buying up large tracts of land and then just sitting on them, as they clearly did here. That's a huge waste of our money! Government's purpose is to serve the public -- so any land it purchases should be clearly towards that end. In this case, Bundy's ancestors had cattle grazing on the same land for over 100 years ... and it didn't bother anybody. Only *now* is it such a big deal, govt. felt the need to use helicopters, vans with SWAT teams and more, to basically invade the area and put on a show of force -- even attempting to seize the man's cattle.

Lastly, there's the issue of govt. clearly lying about its intentions. A claim was initially made about the land being purchased for the purpose of preserving an endangered species of tortoise. Interestingly enough, there are records showing the boundaries of the protected land were re-drawn in the past, to accommodate other government projects - when they were found inconvenient. So the idea Bundy has to go for endangering these animals now is ludicrous.

Bottom line? If the guy owes the IRS back taxes and keeps refusing to pay, fine... Collect it from him the usual way. Seize his bank account or garnish some of his income. If the govt. *really* wants to FINALLY do something constructive with the land they sat on for over a century? Again, fine ... but do it in a sensible way. Inform people of exactly what's going on (not LYING about it), and if it's something like a solar project? Why not just build it there and leave the cattle alone? I don't see why they couldn't co-exist and keep everyone happy.

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