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Comment Re:did they even think when they made that list? (Score 1) 99

PS3 emulates PS1 in software if I remember correctly. So why doesn't the PS4 emulate PS2, which is likewise two generations back?

Installed base, and the desire to sell new games. Anyone who really wants to play PS2 games can have one for next to nothing now to play their PS2 games on. Since it doesn't have HDMI, odds are good you'll have someplace appropriate to connect it. But the idea is to get more of your money.

Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

The problem is that with Lithium batteries, you can't tell the usable capacity from the charge.

I can ask my laptop battery about its characteristics right now and it will tell me somewhat faithfully what the battery's design capacity is, what its current capacity is, and therefore what the projected runtime is for the battery's current condition. You can't tell by the voltage, although that is reported as well. One would expect interchangeable EV packs to have the same functionality.

Comment Re:Stupid metric system (Score 1) 140

In fact 'imperial' system is stupid. It is even retarded.
12 inches to 1 foot, 3 feets to 1 yard, 1760 yards to 1 mile, ...
This is just moronic.
Compare to 1km = 1000m = 100000cm

My theory is that the illiterate medieval peasants who invented those systems had an intuitive knowledge that a duodecimal number system would make a lot more sense than decimal, and they ended up creating various half-assed implementations of it for their measurements. (The mile thing is different; it's a Roman decimal measurement of steps).

Unfortunately we did end up using decimal, and reinforced it with Arabic numerals, which makes those intuitions worse than useless in the modern world.

Comment Re:My two cents (Score 1) 338

All you have to do is to tell people. People are not stupid.

Then how do you explain the fact that after well over a decade of people being "educated" that Triclosan in hand soap is useless and probably dangerous, almost every soap on the market is still laced with it?

I'll explain it: such education simply doesn't work. The average person can not hold enough factoids in their brains to make the correct decisions on all of the things they need to purchase in modern life. Morever, the manufacturers are constantly bombarding those same people with misinformation and half-truths to promote their products. (This soap is Antibacterial!!!)

Without a ban, tax tweaks, or large mandatory warning box on the package that says "This vacuum an ineficient power hog. Do not buy.", then absolutely nothing will happen. (I'll also point out that the difference between increasing the tax on one thing and rebating it on something else is purely academic. They're both effectively raising the share of overall tax burden on one set of goods and reducing it on the complementery set.)

Comment Re:Free market (Score 4, Interesting) 257

No. The execs have realized that they can get fatter paychecks if they eliminate "cost centers" that don't deliver any perceived value. Anyone not working in the executive suite is viewed as a liability to the company and needs to be eliminated to reduce the pesky overhead involved in having real employees.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Information Age! (Score 1) 144

Not only is it that the guys making big bucks making decisions are horribly undereducated: they won't pay for security because that would cut into THEIR compensation (to have to pay competent engineering staff). So not only are they undereducated, they have a conflict of interest that promotes horrible engineering practices.

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