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Journal Journal: Weekly Recap(tm): The beatings will now commence! 30

Weekly Recap(tm): Because enquiring geeks wanna know!

SolemnDragon, has decided to keep knives under her pillow, following an incident involving a cake that didn't turn out too well. Could it really have been that bad? Sol also got older this week! Happy birthday, Sol! May the Twenty Seven Birthday Spankings Commence! Surak has volunteered his services in administering the birthday scour...err...spankings. ;)

bethanie, bethanie, bethanie. All you talk about is Bethanie, Surak! Well, if you knew that what she has that's *Warm*, "*Soft* *Moist* and tastes great," that's all you'd be talking about, too. Oh, and she wants to how many times *you've* had the pleasure as well. Weekly Recap(tm) has no idea what that's all about, but suspects that it may have to do with hints of a tryst between bethanie and gmhowell. Could this mean the end for Bethanie and Surak? Will Bethanie replace Surak with gmhowell? Find out next week!

Speaking of gmhowell, read his his rollercoaster ride job hunting exploits. Just do it.

robi2106 finally understands the U.S. Constitution after reading a version of America's highest law written for 5th graders. There is hope for robi2106 and the USA yet.

NeMon'ess has compiled his listing of the Best. Bondage. Movies. Evar. NeMon'ess was subsequently beaten severely by his dominatrix. He is currently at a local hospital and is listed as being in stable condition.

Remember last week's Recap tips? Well, The Cydonian apparently thought he'd get into Weekly Recap(tm) by whoring his way in. Well, well, Mr. Cydonian, it seems that you are wrong. So there! :-P

FortKnox, after last week's encounter with the mindless suit droid version of SlashChick has had his "brain wiped out" by Wings and Garlic. Dave Lewis, the new head coach of the Detroit Red Wings, could not be reached for comment.

How do you make 105 degree heat feel good? Well, according to intermodal, it apparently involves "a jury-rigged setup of a battery charger and a set of jumper cables attatched to my wife". Amazing.

SlashChick met FortKnox at the mall, but we all knew that. What we didn't know is that SlashChick has "some voice inside my head [and] it scares me to death!" Listen to the voices, SlashChick, listen to the voices... do what they say....

LadyGuardian has returned from her apparent alien abduction as well. What still has to be explained are the "140 odd /. messages" in her inbox. Alright, who left those? C'mon. Fess up. Actually, judging by Some Woman's latest display of total insanity, it was probably her.

Looks like it's going to be such "an expensive month" for Tet that he's going to "go...Hungary! (or something like that)." Wow. If you have food donations, you are asked to donate them to the Save Tet From Starvation Fund.

Em Emalb got seriously sunburned and wants to know whether you think that that's worse or gnawing your own arm off. Apparently Em has never actually gnawed his own arm off.

Oh, and apparently Surak after committing incest with a family member has become a dead-beat dad. And then the guy has the nerve to turn around and advertise himself as an available bachelor! Wow. He needs a beating. Sol? ;)

Update: FortKnox pointed out that SamTheButcher has been out butt-fucking animal ass. Police are currently searching for Sam and ask that if you know his whereabouts to call 1-800-ANIMALABUSE.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Someone offered me money for my account 29

Wow. Someone offered me money for my account. Apparently I have a low UID. Like it matters all that much. When I started, my UID was high. Now it's low. Whatever. How much are they getting for accounts with low UIDs and karma capped at "excellent" these days? Should I sell it? It's not like I need the money, but hey, a new PC *would* be nice. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Last update on the sorta-girlfriend situation 53's the scoop: I have given up. After becoming wayyy to embroiled in family politics and ending up physically ill over it, I and the sorta-cousin, sorta-pregnant, sorta-girlfriend girl have mutually decided to give up. So there ya go. I am now searching for new love interests once again, there's no turning back this time. :)

So, if you or anyone you know is interested in dating a single male in his early 30s who has modern feminist ideals, works as a UNIX sysadmin with decent salary, and currently lives in Michigan but has considered (and will continue to consider) moving to other parts of the country (not for the sake of love per se... I think it'd just be cool to live somewhere else :), likes outdoorsy stuff (especially camping and hiking), sings karaoke, enjoys taking long romantic walks, likes to write and generally enjoys movies, music, books, is a great cook, intelligent, charming, attractive ummm...drop me an e-mail.

(Yes the personal ad is only semi-serious ;)


Journal Journal: Weekly Recap(tm): Back with a vengeance! 28

Weekly Recap(tm): Because enquiring geeks wanna know!

Surak disappeared last week, apparently abducted by aliens from outer space. Or Al Qaeda terrorists. Or it could be that he's been sick with gall bladder disease. But Weekly Recap is not buying it. We're going for the Al Qaeda terrorists from Alpha Centauri theory.

FortKnox is the next Slashdot user to abducted by said Al Qaeda terrorists from Alpha Centauri. After meeting SlashChick in the mall on August 12th, he hasn't been heard from since.

SlashChick, meanwhile, after being abducted by the alien terrorists, has been replaced with a mindless suit imposter. The imposter was heard using droid-phrases like "initial capital," "cash-flow statement," "secure additional capital," and "profitable." The search for the real SlashChick continues, and has begun with her mysterious disapparence along with FortKnox at mall near their homes. Anyone who has seen FortKnox or the real SlashChick is asked to call the milk carton hotline at 1-800-MISSING or your local FBI office.

Bethanie, deprived of the company of Surak, stating, among other things, "WHERE'S THE WEEKLY RECAP(TM)!?!" bemoaning "This is kinda like an alcoholic running out of liquor on a Sunday night ('round these parts) and getting desperate enough to break out the NyQuil," actually went back to performing her wifely duty. Meanwhile, bethanie's parents were over her place getting nude in front of her and her preschool-age child. Finally, the lights went out in Georgia. To quote bethanie "It was a hardship, I must admit. But we struggled through our hour of darkness (for indeed, it was about sixty minutes that we were without power) with the tenacity and strength of character passed down to us from our steely Appalachian forbears." Bethanie, honey, you don't know the MEANING of the word hardship. ;)

While LadyGuardian was battling an unidentifiable stench, probably emanating from the Royal Candian Mounted Police, the power went out. Evidentally, Toronto got their power going well before Detroit did, because Surak didn't have power until the next day. Damn those Canadians all to hell anyway!. All they do is go on road trips and get sloshed, just like LadyGuardian.

TechnoLust, who has been seeing multiple chicks lately, called hottub girl a whore and then slept with her! Meanwhile, TechnoLust has been stalking CR, the girl he met at church, while asking Slashdot users for their blessing in doing so. Bethanie, who is apparently into stalkers, was all over that, totally encouraging him to go for it!

Xerithane has apparently contracted multiple personality disorder, since he now thinks that he's Jenny from the Bronx. Obviously his latest journal entries are a desparate cry for help.

Rumours abound: sulli is actually Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly. Weekly Recap(tm): Gossip that's fair and balanced.

On a more serious note,SolemnDragon writes about her experiences with karma. She assures us that karma has nothing to do with her recent episodes involving cow flinging, poor dating etiquette, blood money, or the death of Gregory Hines. It is unknown if Hines' death had anything to do with the blood money, dating etiquette or cow flinging.

Some Woman is running for governor of California. However, it is important to note that, unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger, she is not for sale in North America.

intermodal was arrested today on charges of violating the USA Patriot Act. Apparently, intermodal is advocating that the states overthrow the federal government. No word yet on when intermodal's trial is set to begin.

How to make it into Weekly Recap(tm)!

Some of you were begging to make into Weekly Recap(tm). For those of you who didn't make it, and want to make it in, some tips:

  • Keep your journal up-to-date. Stuff older than about a week generally won't make it into Weekly Recap(tm) (hence the name WEEKLY recap), unless it is being used as background for more recent material.
  • Write interesting stuff about your life. The latest bugs in program X, while newsworthy, don't make interesting gossip.
  • Get my attention. Good headlines grab my attention.
  • Post in the Weekly Recap(tm) discussions if you aren't on my friends list. This will get me to notice your journals if you aren't on my friends list for some reason. I'm a little bad about keeping it up-to-date, so keep posting until I notice! :)
  • If you can't be interesting, be funny. Unlike on the rest of Slashdot, this WILL earn you karma points! ;)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Return from Blackout 2003! Plus a theory and a Mini-Poll 37

Well, I'm back online after the notorious Blackout of 2003. As a computer expert, I've been speculating on another cause of the blackout other than the 'official' stories running around. I'm not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist here, but let's consider one possibility for a moment. When the Kevin Mitnick story was going around, there was a lot of speculation about 'hackers' (I hate that word, I prefer 'crackers' myself, but then the all the white people in Detroit go 'huh?' ;) breaking into the electric power grid.

What if it happened? What if that caused the power outage? The government says it wasn't terrorism, but they don't *know* what caused it. What about cyber terrorism? I think it was Cavuto on Fox News that paused to ask that question.

I heard not-so-widely touted reports on one news station that if it weren't for some vigilant people at the Valley Forge, PA power station that much of the entire country would have been out, at least all the way to the *Rocky Mountains*. No, I'm not making this up, this is what I heard. This story talks about the fast finger work the Valley Forge operators did to prevent their system going down, but stops just short of making the implication I laid out. But I *know* what I heard elsewhere, and it hasn't been widely touted.

The Great Blackout of 2003 comes just around the same time as LovSan. Hmmm...what if LovSan were a cover for the *real* hacking that was going on to bring the power grid down? Get the network security guys at the power companies busy locking down Windows servers while the real dirty work goes on to bring the power grid down?

Now the government, for it's part, changed its story quite a bit over the weekend. When the power went down, the media were touting a new explanation every five minutes: a solar flare? Lightning striking the Blackhawk/Niagra Falls station? Massive mechanical failure? Every theory thrown out has been tossed due to overwhelming evidence to the contrary (it was a sunny day in Niagra Falls, no mechanical failure has been found, no unusual solar activity for the day, etc.)

It's like Flight 800 all over again. And many many people STILL suspect a coverup. People who work in the aerospace biz. (I work for a company that does aerospace and automotive engineering). People who say that there was NO WAY it was a fuel tank explosion caused by an electrical fire. But I digress.

I don't know...I'll be waiting for an explanation myself, but I honestly think that there is a strong possibility that the Blackout was orchestrated. By whom? I won't speculate. But I, personally, don't think that the timing of LovSan was any coincidence.

What do you guys think? Mini poll:

A) Surak lost his mind when the power went out and he STILL doesn't have it all the way back.

B) Surak lost his mind a LOOOONG time ago.

C) Hey, maybe you're on to something here...

D) I believe everything the government tells me. Oswald shot Kennedy, that was a weather balloon in Roswell, NM, and the U.S. is perfectly safe from terrorist attacks.

E) Nah, man, the power transmission system is just friggin' ancient.

F) I have no idea.

G) Other


User Journal

Journal Journal: My only life/death experience 19

I've lived a rather uneventful life. Maybe I don't take many chances that would get me close to death. Or maybe I'm just lucky. I dunno. :)

The only time I've ever been close to death was a traffic accident I had.

I used to work at the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Michigan, about 4 miles north of Detroit's east side. During that time, I was attending college at the University of Phoenix's Troy, MI, Campus, and had regular (mandatory) study group sessions in which we worked on group projects. One session in particular was at this woman's house who lived on the far east side, in Grosse Pointe area (very wealthy people, some of those Grosse Pointers). Anyway, the meetings were at her house (there is another whole story behind this woman that I will save for another day...she became my best friend and almost left her husband of 10 years for me later on ;). For any of you Red Wings fans, there is TONS of hockey memorabilia in this woman's home, mostly because her husband works for Joe Louis Arena, where the Red Wings play.

Anyhow, I had barely known her at this point, or any of the other people in my new study group. But I had to go, and I was kinda anxious to get there. Wasn't sure why, but in retrospect, I'd have to say that maybe part of me knew then exactly how much impact this woman would have on my life later on.

So I'm driving in heavy traffic on I-696 after work, heading to her house. The usual stuff as any Detroiters will instantly be able to tell you. Insanity. People cutting in and out of traffic, people getting on your a$$, total utter chaos.

This jackass in a large white van has been tailgating me since I made the mistake of getting into his lane. The traffic is stopping suddenly ahead, and I'm worried that he's gonna hit me when I brake.

So I try to swerve into the other lane next to me, and realize that the guy that WAS behind me in that other lane saw me looking over my shoulder and decided to speed up so I couldn't get in. He almost hits me as I try to swerve back into the original lane, only this time I have lost control of the vehicle and end up in a spin...I ended up clipping someone, not sure where she was, I guess she had cut in front of the van from what witnesses tell me, and we both spun into the median wall.

I hit it pretty hard and my car, a late 80s Volkswagen Jetta, flips over. The roof and windshield crush in on me, cutting my face, arms, and head. I had put my arm over my face to sheild my eyes instinctually, and ended up breaking it -- bad. I had to have an external fixiator device that had steel pins that were drilled into my bones. It wasn't pleasant, and it looked rather disturbing. :) And there was the whole one-handed typing thing. Heh. ;)

I went to the hospital, in shock and passed out from it by the time I got there. So the cops never really heard my side of the story except when they woke me and I was on some heavy drugs (probably morphine).

To make matters worse, the asshat in the truck stayed and told the cops that I was cutting in and out of traffic and driving erratically at a high rate of speed to take any cast of suspicion off him. Jackass. I had to go to court. Fortunately, higher forces were at work and the cop never showed (because there was a nasty virus going around at the time), so the judge had to, under Michigan law, throw my ticket for careless driving out.

That was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. Changed my life. Forced me to question my own spirituality, and it is one of the many reasons I became pagan later. It's also the reason I now drive a pickup truck. Everyone wants to tailgate you when you drive a small car, but a pickup will earn you respect. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Weekly Recap(tm): HOT off the presses! 29

Weekly Recap(tm)

Because Enquiring Geeks Wanna Know!

SolemnDragon posted a lovely Chinese Pearl Ball receipe, which she undoubtedly stole from bethanie, the official Slashdot chef extraodinaire. Sources close to SolemnDragon tell Weekly Recap that she has hired Servo, who according to an earlier journal entry, who is not only also a chef, but may just be a lawyer, and is suing bethanie SCO style. SolemnDragon was later seen to be price gouging and infringing on consumer's privacy. Slashdot geeks have labelled her to be the next Microsoft.

ceejayoz recently got divorced over SMS. Since ceejayoz lives in the U.S., to add insult to injury, he had to pay for the SMS.

sql*kitten is having an affair with singer Blu Cantrell. There are rumours of a four-way between everyone's favorite kitty, Cantrell, Beyonce and Anastacia.

LadyGuardian, while being chased by an angry mob, who were after her for allegedly carrying fruits and vegetables that were contaminated "with all kinds of chemicals [that were] outlawed". Instead of running from the mob, she first stopped to pick up a duck, after which "It didn't move." The angry mob continued to chase the duck-killing, contaminated-food-carrying LadyGuardian to an inn called "The Willow," which according to sources close to Weekly Recap, is a haven for outlaws ran by a mysterious figure known only as "G". LadyGuardian was later seen in a bank, talking to parrots, a lady in an orange sequinned outfit, and the only teller in the bank, who was apparently, "very, very hot." LG was spotted later in the week driving a a stolen red convertible, with a hot laptop, the teller from the bank, and the parrot. LadyGuardian's whereabouts are unknown at this time. Police ask that if you see her to call 1-800-CRIMESTOPPERS.

daoine is looking for tips on being a contractor, apparently fed up with the whole Jedi padoine learner lifestyle of being basically broke. Ask Slashdot's Cliff was helpful to point out that these questions have already been answered by the Slashdot crowd, who apparently know everything.

SuiteSisterMary is converting all of his(?) servers to X-boxes. SuiteSisterMary was later arrested for violating key provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and subsequently fired by his boss, FortKnox because X-Boxes are apparently incapable of running Java.

NeMon'ess has done one worse than Surak (who merely asked Slashdot for relationship advice) and is asking Slashdot for for fashion advice. C'mon, NeMon'ess, the height of fashion on /. is those "got r00t?" T-shirts. Gimme a break!

jawtheshark celebrated his 3.5 year wedding on the 29th. Apparently not only are anniversaries celebrated on half-years in Luxembourg, but it is also legal to marry one's car there.

Em Emalb has decided to lock his two furry bitches..." in FortKnox's bathroom (mentioned last week), with a knife in a contest to the death. No word yet on which one lived, but a similar fate awaited Jim and Itai, Xerithanes "tonsils" who were also pitted to a deathmatch. No one seemed to care.

bethanie, after the controversy involving her public sexcapades, has lately been enjoying The Wild Life on her sprawling estate in Georgia. Surak publically denies ever being in Georgia or going under the pseudonymn "The Wild Life". Bethanie, when asked about her sexual practices, admitted that "there's no place like home". Meanwhile, in related news, rumours continue to stir about bethanie's sexuality, citing her recent fascination with gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and chest waxing.

TechnoLust, self-confessed gansta, was found bribing radio DJs, kissing gorgeous waitresses in a hot tub, and just generally being totally full of himself, which is apparently the secret to success with women. Either that, it was the ruffies that sources close to TechnoLust, known only to Weekly Recap as DM, say were slipped into into her drink.

Get your webhosting from

SlashChick has started a web hosting business,, which seems to be doing well despite being so young. Basic webhosting starts at $6.95/month, which includes PHP and MySQL access running Sun Cobalt machines running Red Hat Linux. Surak denies that the reason he is spamming Weekly Recap to advertise her business has anything to to do with the fact that he thinks she is super hot.

Despite rumours to the contrary, gmhowell claims that he's not dead. But Python probably is. ;)

$$$$exyGal wants to know why tech jobs are going to India. Slashdot users wanna know why her pr0n links went there, too.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Taco Eating Contest 9

I think we oughta have a Taco eating contest. :) Well, maybe a Taco crushing contest.

Taco's at it again. The Slashdot T-Shirt contest, while kinda cool, is exactly what I thought. A ploy to get the users to do the work that the VA Linux employees that make up the Slashdot editorial team should have been doing all along.

At the end of Taco's latest journal entry, which is filled with the same-old same old condescending attitude, this time towards those that sent in entries for the T-shirt contest, we find some musings that perhaps the next contest will be the "Redesign Slashdot's HTML Contest".

Now this is a bit ridiculous. Who's job is it to maintain Slashdot's look and feel? The USERS??? Um, no. That's why they hired you guys. Not that I wouldn't participate in the contest if the prize is great enough, but sheesh, aside from the sidebar, which everyone loves to hate, they haven't touched Slashdot's HTML in *years*.

Have you *LOOKED* at the code? It's awful. It's quite possibly the worst HTML code I have EVER seen. Ok, pot calling the kettle black here, I've written some pretty horrific code in the past too, but at least mine is somewhat maintainable. Sheesh.

I gotta give Taco credit though. At least it works well across different browsers. Then again, is that because people who write browsers tune their rendering engines based on Slashdot, or is that because Taco wrote (barely) passable code? :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm happy. 16

She used those three magic (or magick, depending on how you look at it ;) words ... "I love you."

I have no cares in the world today. The sun in shining, the trees are whistling in the breeze, birds are chirping.

Yet, who knows what tomorrow has in store? And -- yet -- isn't that the point? :-)

I know you ALL LOOK CONFUSED NOW. That's okay, though. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Weekly Recap(tm): Show me the money! 23

Weekly Recap(tm) Because Enquiring Geeks Wanna Know!

EXTRA: Surak's torrid love life! This weekend turned into Jerry Springerfest at Surak's LJBF-copping sorta-pregnant, sorta-married, sorta-cousin, sorta-ex-sorta-girlfriend's place (confused yet?). It all ended with Surak using the last line of Garth Brook's "mysterious third verse" from the long version of Friends in Low Places (which Surak legitimately owns a copy of [and legimitately MP3-ized] from his legitimate Double Live CD purchased from the Wal*Mart in Sandusky, Ohio of all places). More details to come in a day or so. (Unless y'all tell me you've had enough. :-P). Blame it all my roots, indeeed!

Xerithane broke his ankle and then used it as an excuse to geek out over the weekend instead enjoying the wonderful weather we've been having in most of the country.

Perhaps brought out of the woodwork by reports of bethanie and Surak having public sex last week, Bethanie's husband, BethaniesHubby created an account on Slashdot on Wednesday, who according to bethanie "got in on the action". Surak categorically denies that he was involved in any public sex, claiming instead it was the "other" Surak. Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda, principal author of the Slashcode, was quoted as saying, "Ummm, no. Account names on the system are checked for uniqueness." In addition, Bethanie is pornificating her journal as of late. Check it out!

The Cydonian has apparently been partying a bit too much lately, while still trying to work long hours, because he totally deleted a DataGrid object he had spent two days "working" on. Sources close to The Cydonian have told Weekly Recap that, "If he didn't spend so much time partying, maybe he could concentrate on his work."

Ceejayoz was caught trying to bug Democrats in the California Assembly, instead to have his microphone "accidentally" broadcasting the closed session around the entire Capitol building. Charges are still pending in that case. Earlier this week, word came out that ceejayoz had apparently fooled U.S. intelligence about uranium in Iraq with some form of the classic Nigerian E-mail Scam. Quite the trickster, indeed.

Em Emalb, having spent US $2500 on a plastic motorcycle part, decided to ask everyone if they were as done as he was. The overwhelming response? Motorcycle parts suck.

Servo has taken sharp criticism for his theory on what he calls "the global UNESCO conspiracy." Sources close to Servo and Weekly Recap have pointed out, however, that une is after all, French feminine for '1', hence UNESCO == '1 SCO'. Darl McBride, who is decidedly not French, could not be reached for comment and a spokesperson for SCO would only say, "IBM sux0rz! Neener, Neener! :-P"

When we last left sql*kitten, he was detained by the INS. After being deported back to the U.K., he was, however not arraigned for any of the crimes he committed here, because he apparently apologized to the INS for calling them inept. sql*kitten has been quoted as saying "Meow, I'm sorry."

SlashChick has reportedly been pestering the man she is currently shacked up with to purchase a digital camera, although she refuses to buy one herself. According to SlashChick, he "can totally afford one." Sources close to SlashChick have told Weekly Recap that their current living situation is "all about the money."

FortKnox was very late for work on Monday, so he cooked up this story to try to explain it to his supervisor. No word yet on whether FK's supervisor actually believed him, but Weekly Recap suspects that the real reason is that he keeps "two women [with] razors" and "a buncha toys" in his brand new "pitch black" bathroom. [ed. note: That'd make ME late for work, too. ;)]

SolemnDragon is having a chip implanted in her body so that she can be found after being kidnapped. No word on yet as to why she's suddenly worried about being kidnapped, but Weekly Recap feels that this probably has something to do with last week's cow flinging episode. Stay tuned to Weekly Recap for further updates.

UPDATE: Fixed a broken link or two. If anyone finds any more, post here. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Filesharing and Freenet 0.52 6

Little techno-side bar from the usual gossip today. I promise, the gossip returns tomorrow. ;)

Given the recent way that the RIAA is going after filesharers with a vegence,
I gotta say that filesharing using Kazaa or the Gnutella network these days is just an increasingly stupid idea. There's no protection for anonymity anymore, given the fact that the courts have set the precedence that ISPs *must* disclose subscriber information for anyone caught sharing copyrighted material via P2P filesharing networks.

That being said, one can still share files and not face the wrath of RIAA, MPAA, or anyone else. Unlike other filesharing networks, Freenet really does protect anonymity from all but advanced traffic analysis or compromising of a majority of nodes. Basically, to identify you **AA would have to h4x0r the network (violating numerous laws involving breaking into secured networks), and even then it is difficult to prove that a request that came from your node wasn't just proxying someone else's request. Also, since the data is decentralized, encrypted and scattered across multiple nodes, it's still hard to tell exactly *what* data you have retrieved.

I've started to use Freenet. I haven't looked for music yet, but I can imagine that since there are no search engines at this point, finding music is difficult. That said, I have found some other content like movies and such. Downloading is slow, sometimes painfully slow even over my 2Mbps cablemodem connection. As I type this, I'm getting ~115kbps on a ~250MB download. I have, in the past, gotten as high as 1 megabit, but I suspect that I just got lucky. You often have to restart downloads because once it reaches a certain number of retries for the remaining blocks, it gives up.

I suspect that command line stuff like FUQID would make splitfile downloads somewhat less painful, and I'll be giving one of those a try as soon as I'm finished with this file. Of course, FUQID only works on Windows, so I'm going to need to find something that works on Linux. Any suggestions?

Freenet is way clunky and slow. Even as of the 0.52 upgrade. But I suspect that it would get there if people would just use it more and donate more bandwidth and drive space and if more people would run permanent (as opposed to transient) nodes. I think one day it'll get there, but as of right now, it's still not totally useable by your average user, who's gonna get frusted the first time he tries to download anything over a few meg or so.

Maybe I just need to tweak my configs somewhat, I dunno. I'll keep you guys posted as to my progress with Freenet 0.52

User Journal

Journal Journal: COSMO POLL: Favorite pick-up spot (or, where you met yours) 47

Favorite pickup spot. Or for married/committed people where you met your sweetie:

A. Work/School
B. Laundromat
C. Grocery store
D. Bookstore
E. non-work convention (sci fi or similiar)
F. Bar
G. Neighborhood/apt. building
H. pr0n palace
I. under a rock
J. At Em's house
K. At a party
L. Not sure, but I *think* it involved interdimensional teleportation. And drugs.
M. Online. (and I'm INSANE)
N. Dating service (online or otherwise)
O. Other

User Journal

Journal Journal: Weekly Recap: Finally a reason to look forward to Mondays! 20

This is gonna be fun. I hope. In Weekly Recap, I'm going to highlight some of my favorite journal entries from the past week, and put them in the format of -- GOSSIP! Yay! Note that the gossip spread here may or may not be completely true, it is an exercise for the READER to pick out what is real and what is not! Hehe. This oughta be good!

Salimma is trying to be kept in the dark about the British round of the Forumla 1 championship and thinks that Americans don't pay attention to Formula 1. Not sure why he wants to be kept in the dark anyway, I mean, he *is* a psychic having predicted the release of the next Red Hat beta.

Bethanie has a new fascination with public sex, no doubt brought on by her hot stripping and screwing experience. Surak also noted his fascination with public sex. No word about whether bethanie's husband is into public sex, but public speculation is ramapant about Surak and bethanie.

sql*kitten has been detained by the inept US Department of Immigration and Naturalization. No word on yet on his release.

SolemnDragon has been caught flinging cows. The cows are reported to be in stable condition at this time.

Servo has a yummy black bean and corn soup reciepe that he says he made up, but undoubtedly he stole it from bethanie, who was notably silent on the issue, but Servo's truck is still damaged. According to one source, Servo could very well be a lawyer. Watch out, bethanie!

Some Woman is enjoying Cuban cigars and cognac in front of her luxurious fireplace. A spokesperson for former president William Jefferson Clinton refused to comment. In SW's own words, "I'm a wuss."

Em Emalb is 5'11" and wants to know how tall you are. No, he doesn't know what that is in stones.

FortKnox was in a car wreck, apparently struck by a a fantasy football.

M.C. Hampster, apparently upset and frustrated with his recent computer woes, has decided to take it out on naked women using a paintball gun. No word yet on casualities from that one.

This is all in fun, so no hurt feelings, 'k guys? :) If I left your JE out, it's not because I didn't like it, it's 'cause I'm scatterbrained and can't keep anything straight.

I'll try to do this every Monday. I can't promise anything, but we'll see how it works next week.

Take care of each other! :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Time to be mature and adult about this 16

Okay, she's not playing games. She's really not ready for a relationship. I talked to her about it, and she really is not ready for any kind of relationship at this point with anyone. Her LJBF move was not a rejection of me, just a rejection of any sort of relationship at this point.

I've found that she's really matured in the last year and a half, and that she's really at a place in her life that right now, she knows what she needs to be concentrating on.

She needs to get her life in order so that she can provide for this baby she's having. She doesn't want to have to rely on anyone to take care of her or the baby.

I think it's a very mature, and responsible attitude, and one that really surprises me given how immature she was about relationships a year and a half ago. She's changing into a new person, and I respect her for that.

She recognizes that there may be a relationship in store for us in the future, but who knows? Neither she or I are going to wait one second for it. I'm moving on while she figures out the rest of her life. IF that includes me, so be it, if not, oh well. She takes the chance that I could be with someone else by the time that she comes around, and she respects that.

Yeah, yeah, go on and raz me. I don't care. I know what I know and that's what I know. ;)

Oh yeah, thanks for everyone's input. And special thanks to Bethanie, SolemnDragon, MC Hampster, and the imaginary bunny man, Elwood, FortKnox, and anyone else I may have missed. :) (This is like an Oscar speech or soemthing ;) You all had special insights and I appreciate them all!

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