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User Journal

Journal Journal: What Does a D-and-B Holiday Look Like? 7

so if you were ever curious, this is what a dragon/blinder christmas looks like. we just finished wrapping presents and i decided to bring out the digital camera... and of course felt obligated to share it with you (well, not obligated of course, you don't own me!!!)

heh anyway, we are debating if we should start muppets christmas carol (yes, we own it on dvd)

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Sleepy Holiday 4

hello everyone. remember me?
yeah i haven't been around much. i just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a very nice, pleasant and enjoyable holiday.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Not Dead Yet 8

i know its been a long time. i've been buried in project hell. wrapping up a large content management implementation for a large insurance company (who you have heard of) - using teamsite. for those who have not had the pleasure of developing with teamsite, let me spare you the misery and just say this: everything bad you've heard about it is probably true. i've worked with teamsite on many projects, and i'm as close to an expert on the product as one can be, and i have yet to encounter a pro

User Journal

Journal Journal: We Got The Mini 23

we picked up the car this evening. boy is it pretty. i stalled it out a few times getting used to driving a manual transmission again.. but solemn was there with with the hazard lights, and with just a few impatient boston drivers, i managed to get us over to the store (getting supplies for the days of the dead dinner) and then home again without trouble.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Google Kills Puppies 6

so i was having this very weird, yet very entertaining conversation (via im) with a guy i work with. he's on this project to build a social networking application for a certain large client... and has spent the last few weeks doing mountains of research, most of it analysts type of research into social networking.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Huzzah! 10

as we did last year, we trecked down to southern ma to the king richard's faire and much fun was had. solemn got all dressed up (gosh, she sure is a pretty one) with walking-stick included. i rented a car for the weekend, in that that's the only way to get to the fair, and we drove down late saturday morning.

Ballmer Sounds Off 335

PreacherTom writes "Steve Ballmer shares his thoughts on the Web 2.0 phenomenon, Zune, XBox, Vista, Bill's upcoming 2008 retirement, the future of Microsoft, and other subjects. For example, regarding the GooTube deal: "Right now, there's no business model for YouTube that would justify $1.6 billion. And what about the rights holders? At the end of the day, a lot of the content that's up there is owned by somebody else. The truth is what Google is doing now is transferring the wealth out of the hands of rights holders into Google." He's blunt, if nothing else."
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Sniffy Box 21

i like my therapist. she gives me homework assignments. this week's assignment has been to take with me a little tin box that contains something that has a distinctive scent to it. throughout the day i'm supposed take a minute, small the contents, without worrying what it is, and then carefully concentrate on how that scent makes me feel, what it reminds me of, i then scribble that down.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Shuttle Bus: ~6, Blinder: 0 7

so, i've been having all sorts of fun with the shuttle bus that i take from harvard square to watertown (where i work).

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Notice To All IT Managers 8

this is really a public service announcement.

if you, in your capacity as an IT manager (one with purchasing/decision-making authority) decide that it might be a good idea for your company to purchase interwoven's teamsite product, i will fucking find you, hunt you down like the dog that you are and, well, do something really bad, like maybe ring your door bell in the middle of the night and then run and hide in the shrubs - over and over again. yeah, so there!

User Journal

Journal Journal: [SFB] A Simple Restart 10

lately i've been going through old songs i recorded, and after the initial disgust subsides, i'll usually pick one out to "re-do."

i can't play drums where we live (too loud) so i've been tinkering with other parts of the songs, since the drums, for the most part, i can live with. but i've been re-doing guitar parts, tweaking limiting/compression and eq here and there.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I Took The Survey 4

i just took the slashdot "do you like our new design" survey. here are my essay question answers:

7. What one thing would you most like to change about Slashdot's layout?
i'd move every element up, down or over 2 pixels. why? because i have nothing else to offer.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Darn It, They've Done It Again 7

for any of my regular readers (/waves to all three of you) you probably know i fancy the band samiam (pronounced: "sam i am"). about three or so years ago they went on "hiatus." anyone who's remotely interested in music knows that "hiatus" is usually latin for "broke up but don't want to actually use those two words."

User Journal

Journal Journal: [DYPG] The First Batch (UPDATED) 28

under the threat of being terminated for cause by our esteemed ellem, i have put up the first batch of DYPG (Do You Play Guitar?) entries.

Use this journal entry to comment, and please do comment. or not.

i'm still waiting on a few, and will hopefully get solemn's recorded within the next 48 hours or so (when she feels up to it - she's got a lot on her plate).

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