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Comment Re:Why is high incarceration bad? (Score 1) 80

" Are there too many innocent behind bars?"

You are close. There are too many innocent of any crime with an actual victim in prison. Perhaps you forgot, but here in the US most places still lock people up if they are discovered having a good time and enjoying the day, bothering nobody, smoking a joint.

Comment Re:Shawshank Redemption (Score 1) 80

" Do you think people are put in prison that haven't committed a criminal offense?"

First, I can guarantee you people are put in prison for crimes they didn't commit all the time in the US. This is a known fact, not conjecture. Of course the real issue is that so many people are incarcerated for victimless crimes, as you well know.

"Do you think people aren't being released properly?"

You clearly know all the real issues and are trolling (as usual), as you keep mentioning the issues and denying them. Obviously they aren't releasing criminals properly. Every day hundreds of thousands are released from prisons into the street with no place to go, no money, and no assistance. Gee .. I wonder why we have a high recidivism rate?

" What exactly is your complaint?"

His complaint is that this continues, and will continue, so long as the world is full of so many morons such as yourself. HTH

Comment Re:Because Microsoft laid off their QA team last f (Score 1) 281

I have no doubt that you can't figure out the difference between trying to find a citation that something is true, versus trying to find a citation that proves a negative. Congratulations, in one single statement you graduated to the top of the moron list here on Slashdot. Kudos, as that is no easy feat.

Comment Re:Because Microsoft laid off their QA team last f (Score 1) 281

"Except that's fucking bullshit. It's the job of the person making the assertion to back it up with evidence, not the audience."

It is certainly not the job of every poster to anticipate how uninformed you are and then provide links to help you combat your own ignorance. If you couldn't get proof by simply googling it would then - at that point - it be reasonable to ask for some kind of citation. As it stands now you are just another sad and pathetic variation of the Citation Needed weenie.

Comment Re:Almost (Score 1) 263

"Of course I normally use a syntax-aware editor, but the fact is that you don't always have one to hand,"

It is impossible for me to take you seriously after a comment like that. If you can't figure out a way to guarantee that you have the editor of your choice at your disposal you are hopeless. Seriously.

Comment Re:Almost (Score 2, Insightful) 263

To write python, you cannot do without a python-aware editor.

What kind of idiot writes code in an environment that isn't language / syntax aware in 2015?

" It's such a weird design decision, when we've getting by with curly braces for so many decades in so many languages, that to just decide to do things differently to *everything* seems .. Well.. Kind of pig-headed."

Seriously? You are arguing against change adamantly, and citing pig-headedness on the Python developers part? Now that is hilarious.

'Fact is, python would be less irritating if they hadn't gone for the whitespace thing. Therefore it was a bad call.

Since it isn't even remotely irritating to myself and (likely) hundreds of thousand of others it wasn't a bad call for us. If it was a "bad call" for you, I suggest you can chalk that up to your pig-headedness combined with your lack of understanding the important of using decent code development tools.

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If you had better tools, you could more effectively demonstrate your total incompetence.
