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Comment Re:We've had faxmodem cards back in the 1990s (Score 1) 187

That is very true, that process requires manpower. It does reduce error and chances for lost documents, however. Truthfully, these transactions should move to something like HL7. Let's be honest, though. Most of these shoestring budget health departments can't afford any of this stuff we're talking about.

Comment Re:We've had faxmodem cards back in the 1990s (Score 1) 187

It's not perfect, but there's plenty of software out there that lets you organize any inbound faxes and add information like patient demographics. Several EMR vendors even allow you attach inbound faxes directly to patient records. Still, I'd prefer to see faxes die a quick, painful death.

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 2) 271

I wonder why they didn't build a grace period in. I'm not going to pretend Sony is some role model or anything, but I believe their software only checks every x number of days. I've seen some items with a 30-90 day check and some with a year, depending on PS Plus items or purchased items.

Comment For good, not evil (Score 1) 115

I can only hope that Boston Dynamics will use this for good, not evil. Don't build military or police robots. Do the right thing: build sex robots. Considering they are owned by the Japanese company Softbank, I can only assume this is now the intended use case for this technology.

Comment Re:I'll do you one better than that. (Score 1) 113

It depends on where you're looking at along the smart-watch-fitness-band spectrum. I have a Garmin watch. I use mine to track my rides with GPS and heart rate. It also has ANT+ so I can connect it to speed and cadence sensors (or a power meter, if I had one). The battery lasts a week or so with the amount of time I ride. I bought it last year as a refurb for about ~$130.

Comment Not needed (Score 1) 71

Nice. Self driving cars in the one nation that doesn't really need them (in the major cities). I can only imagine these will be primarily on main thoroughfares, as the streets within blocks are seriously cramped and have way too much mixed traffic (we're talking crawling 2-3mph through a sea of pedestrians and bicycles in busier areas.

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