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Comment Re:FTA (Score 3, Informative) 198

Because Amazon Canada's selection is pretty terrible compared to Amazon USA. Best Buy sells the ROG Swift monitor for $900, with free shipping or local pickup. Amazon doesn't sell the monitor directly, has it for $1000, and doesn't offer free shipping at all (due to them not selling it directly).

Comment Re:Monopoly (Score 1) 198

I never had that problem. In fact, they seemed to consider it a special case where they'd beat each other's prices immediately without any hassle because they didn't want to be called out on being the same store.

Comment Re:First RadioShack, now Future Shop!? (Score 1) 198

What was once Radio Shack in Canada is still operating today. They're called "The Source" today, and they're just as bad as Radio Shack ever was, with terrible selection and insane prices. I never see anybody in the stores, so I don't really understand how they're still operating. I'd say they were a mob front (my normal explanation when a store or restaurant stays open despite having no customers) except they're owned by Bell Canada these days.

Comment Re:A long time coming for some stores (Score 1) 198

This was also true where I grew up. They opened a Best Buy there more than a decade ago, right across the street from a Future Shop. They've been operating like that ever since. I can imagine it's one of the places that they're going to close the future shop, even though it's a better location (smaller mall, easier access, bigger store) than the Best Buy.

Comment JoCo...calling the future (Score 1) 71

Ikea: just some oak and some pine and a handful of Norsemen
Ikea: selling furniture for college kids and divorced men
Everyone has a home
But if you don't have a home you can buy one there

I can now wait for the day that some idiot shows up at my office asking me to certify/upgrade their Ikea shelter the bought on CraigsList for use as a permanent dwelling.

Comment Re:Fix is pretty obvious. (Score 1) 116

The content and attack is only served to people OUTSIDE of China accessing Baidu. People from inside of China aren't affected.

China watches external visibility of Chinese sites. A Chinese site serving pro Tibet/Falun Gong info would get flagged very quickly, especially if the text is sensational and purports to be from a Baidu employe, since the press outside of China isn't going to check their sources very closely, any more than they check any of their sources very closely these days.

So it will at least hit some, if not many, mainstream news channels, especially if it's couched as a "Help! I'm trapped in a Chinese fortune cookie factory!" style message. It depends on how good the story ends up being.

This is a matter of using social engineering Judo against the Chinese attack on GitHub. Don't tell me that GitHub is not (also) used by grey and black hat hackers familiar with social engineering techniques.

The point is to make them look bad for doing the attack, and for the attack itself to participate in making them look bad so that the way to remedy looking bad is to desist the attack.

Comment Re:Disincentivized (Score 1) 407

I would include all of those, except UTA, in the "and so on".

It's a bit disingenuous to list out the Ivys while only implying the public schools, considering that the point you were trying to make was that going to a good CS school is expensive and the schools you selectively omitted disprove it.

UCB is pretty expensive, if you are paying out of state tuition. Same for the other schools on our combined list. SJSU, as an example, is relatively cheap.

I'm not saying that you should hire somebody who picked the "Intelligence" and "People" threads and took the least-rigorous classes possible (and thus got a glorified psychology degree) to do embedded device programming, but I am saying that even that guy should be competent enough to understand pointers and therefore be employable by the vast majority of Silicon Valley companies that aren't actually writing OS kernel or firmware-level code.

Georgia Tech with some combo of a high GPA, good internships, lots of extracurriculars, would likely get you an interview. Passing the interview is another matter; it would include whiteboard work in algorithms, and changes to base conditions necessitating changes in the algorithms. How well you planned out the code to be portable to other problems in the first place would bear significantly on your ability to pass.

Comment The unkempt person in the high level meeting... (Score 3, Insightful) 365

"She always dressed in a way that made people respect her."

That's horrifying.

I'm a middle-aged male. I have waist length hair, a huge beard and never iron anything. I definitely don't dress so people respect me, but people respect me because I am an expert. Why should women have to dress so people respect them to be valid people?

The unkempt person in the high level meeting is either the client or a technical expert.

The client is unkempt because, hey, screw you, you want their business, you put up with them.

The technical expert is unkempt because They Can Get Away With It Because They Are The Expert. It's actually part of their robes of office.

In other professions, there are other uniforms. Finance people always have very expensive clothing because they want to exude an aura of money. Do you trust a finance person in a Grateful Dead T-Shirt? Maybe, if you are scoring weed from them at a concert, but in a business meeting, you expect Warren Buffet will be in his suit and tie.

Everyone else "dresses for success".

Comment Re:Disincentivized (Score 1) 407

WTF? The very next requirement after your quote says "3. Proficiency in at least one higher-level language. [CS] ."

Generally, that ends up being something like Java. I am more interested in people who know lower level languages, like C/C++ and ssembly. So are most employers in Silicon Valley.

The bad news is that there's only a handful of places that have these programs, such as Brown, Rice, Stanford, MIT, CMU, and so on.[ ... ]

Bullshit. While there are some expensive good CS undergrad programs, there are also good (relatively) cheap ones at public state universities such as University of California - Berkeley, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor and University of Texas - Austin (and those are just schools in the top 10 -- ranked above the Brown and Rice you mentioned!).

I would include all of those, except UTA, in the "and so on".

UCB is primarily responsible for BSD UNIX. IT's CS department is also not strictly a CS department, it's an EECS department.

UIUC Has CS 241 and 242, among others; it counts a a place that teaches the C language specifically. CS 423 covers Linux kernel programming, which is in C. Note that these classes aren't specifically required for a CS degree, unless you pick the appropriate emphasis, so it's still possible to graduate from here as unhirable.

Georgia Tech has 8 tracks. Pretty much the only hirable ones are the "Devices" and "Systems & Architecture" track. If you too CS4210 and CS4220 as electives on the "Theory" track, you might also do OK. I typically don't mention it because of the low percentage of people who opt for these tracks, compared to the other tracks at this school, so you have to be picky.

UMich I am a great fan of. It was their LDAP implementation and my patches which started OpenLDAP, and they've kept up the tradition. They are also not a traditional CS only program, they are an EECS program, which gives them an advantage. However, they have 7 programs, and it's possible to escape through 2 of them without actually learning to code usefully.

It looks like I should add UTA to the list; CS105 appears to be C++ - an actual, honest to god, language class. Again, it's a degree program elective, but it's heartening to see there, given that ABET wouldn't require it for accreditation.

Thanks for pointing me at UTA. I'll give those resumes a bit more weight, depending on degree track.

Comment Re:And as an employer... (Score 1) 407

This is the same suggestion I've made in multiple places, and exactly what I would have gone on to suggest in this thread.

Although, I generally peg the number at 10%. :)

Every time I bring it up to Robert Reich, he gets red in the face and incredibly pissed off, because, while he's now an ivory tower teaching type, and wants companies to hire more Americans, and pay for the social good, he was instrumental in the policy decisions, going back to the Carter administration, which have resulted in the current situation where we are offshoring everything.

I happily bring it up every time he speaks at The Commonwealth Club in SF, if I happen to be attending that particular session, and I have cheerily brought it up at other speaking engagements he's had, as well as on his postings on LinkedIn (which he doesn't make that many of, these days).

Comment Re:Also, about long term unemployment... (Score 1) 407

Valid complaints would be that the numbers reported don't include the homeless (although those estimates are gathered elsewhere), you don't understand the report, or that it conflicts with your personal opinion.


The numbers are specifically the number of people who are unemployed long term.

If you want to include the people who have simply stopped looking entirely, the percentage of working age people who were engaged, but are no longer, in the workforce in the U.S. who are not working is much higher.

Feel free to try and spin-doctor this:


The Real Unemployment Rate: In 20% Of American Families, Everyone Is Unemployed

Fact Check: No, ‘Actual’ Unemployment Isn’t 37.2 Percent
(it's "only" more than twice the number reported by the government)

Chart: What’s the real unemployment rate?
(This is the "U-6 rate" - "The U-6 rate covers the unemployed, underemployed and those who are not looking but who want a job.")

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent

Missing Workers: The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story
(This is the economic policy institute; they have the lowest "real" estimate, slightly less than 2X what the fed is reporting; they have a somewhat vested interest in casting the numbers lower than the others, as they get more than 1/4 of their funding from labor unions)

Feel free to disagree with them, or cite numbers from sources that don't have a political master to which their numbers are subservient (i.e. "someone other than the DOL").

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