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Comment Re:Incoming international flights (Score 1) 702

You're not thinking big enough, why pull out a bomb when the whole over-sized fucking carry on bag is a bomb filled with explosives and nails, its not like your final destination requires a clean set of cloths. Also this would work best when done in the middle of a security line, on the busiest travel day which would also be a good time to have a "winter" coat on for some extra punch.

Comment Re:Is this new? (Score 1) 702

Understandable, most people have moved on from film so I think the screeners just have no idea what they are looking at with a basically all mechanical camera. The bulb cable also seems to cause them a lot of confusion as well. I have been tempted to take my Pocket Kodak No. 1 series II to see their reaction.

Comment Re:Is this new? (Score 1) 702

Was it a SLR or DSLR? The TSA can't seem to figure out my SLR and have asked me to turn it on because they couldn't figure it out. On numerous occasions they have also opened it up ruining the film (I no longer fly with film in it), removed the lens to what I presume was checking to see if it was a firearm, and have wiped everything down checking for explosives. I find to really perplex them bring a set of macro rings as well.

Comment Re:Amazing technology (Score 1) 133

And even there you aren't maximizing the value. I end up making a fair amount of biochar every year in my smoker and BBQ, both are home made since I didn't like the ones available for sale. Put in some trimming from relatives' apple, pear, or cherry trees and use those to give a nice flavor, I have also been know to dispose of apples and pears that aren't fit for consumption in similar fashion which really adds flavor. I save up the char from these and it gets added to the garden every year which also is where lots of other things end up like fish remains and other organic composts. Basically this is making some terra preta.

Comment 1% at 1% (Score 1) 133

Well from what I have read we could meet out existing energy needs by covering 1% of earth's surface with 1% efficient solar panels since the earth receives about 10,000 times the energy from the sun that humans consume daily. Now granted we probably couldn't extract all that energy, and we would need to have some surplus built in for times like cloudy days so something like 10x our current daily consumption should be plenty which is still doable since 5% efficient panels are the really cheap crap and that only would require covering 2% of earth's surface. Now jump up to 10% efficient panels and we are back at 1% coverage and these are common and the numbers only get better with something like the higher end but still fairly common 14% panels. Granted local storage would be needed to provide smoothing and having a large national grid with larger regional storage would also probably be needed (if you have huge local storage this becomes less important) but with more intermittent renewable entering the energy market things like this will be needed anyway.

This also doesn't even get into cutting down on wasted energy which we have a lot of in the US. I don't want to sacrifice my standard of living one bit and I wouldn't want anyone else to either but to say going green would require living a lifestyle comparable to that of a nomadic loner is just being stupid.

Comment Re:Uh... Yeah? (Score 2) 242

Ever heard of water boarding? Continuously playing music at high volumes? Continuously having strong light and/or switching the light on/off on random intervals? Locking people in small completely dark environments? Waking people as soon as they fall asleep? Mentally abusing people including forcing them to do things against their morals and/or religion? And a lot more...

Are you sure you're not talking about a a pretty fucking awesome rave?

Now that I have that out of the way I just assume that my government is just as bad as most when it comes to shady dealings but is just better at hiding it or convincing its citizens that it is needed (see Palin's baptism comment). I wish it were better and I try to make it better but too many of my fellow citizens think these things are perfectly A-OK.

Comment Re:I'd rather have solar power, though. (Score 1) 441

Hell it is practical even in cold northern states, but has a much larger payback time. I have been looking into getting 7 to 14KW of installed capacity on my roof and it looks like the payback time would be around 8 years for me here in Minnesota. I am lucky to have a huge south facing roof slope so that makes it more attractive, but there are other things that have a better pay back that I am looking into as well, like a ground source heat pump when either my AC or furnace needs replacing.

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