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Comment Re:Time will tell (Score 1) 354

To be a real dick about it: Nobody moved your cheese, the cheese is simply no longer there.

Cheese, to extend the metaphor, does not simply disappear. If it's no longer there, someone moved it.

Fortunately, there's no shortage of free cheese in the form of torrents. The more the copyright cartel tightens its grip, the more content will slip through its fingers.

Comment Re:The problem is... (Score 1) 190

You mean the theocrats that are always talking about bringing the US back to its "christian" roots?

These guys don't need smallpox, because they're doing just fine with plain old JDAMs and Tomahawks.

OTOH, when you're equally insane but don't have billions of dollars to piss off on making things go boom, you might start considering extreme but cheap options.

Comment Stay classy, big V. (Score 4, Insightful) 76

I'm not surprised, alleging that the telegenic interests of assorted groups just so happen to be aligned with your bottom line is an old strategy; but this is pretty incoherent even by the low standards of the genre.

Yes, if there were a fast lane, one could theoretically put special-deaf-packets in it (or just as easily shove them into the slow lane, if they can't afford to pay); but this ignores the more pressing question of "What, pray tell, is currently suffering for want of special bandwidth and how demanding must it be if your existing service can't cope?".

I can imagine that certain disabilities might drive modestly higher bandwidth demands (the deaf, presumably, don't get much use out of VOIP, which is lower bandwidth than video good enough to make lip reading or signing an option; but last I checked uploading and downloading video wasn't exactly a niche case, even if it is one where Verizon can't seem to get Netflix working...); but nothing that exceeds the current or near-term demands of most internet users.

They obviously won't prefer this interpretation; but just how awful is Verizon planning to make the non-fast lane if these special disabled services will need to be fast-laned to work? Anyone?

Comment Re:Better safe than sorry (Score 1) 190

we suck at knowing things, even when those things are big enough for us to see

Welcome to the real world where imperfect knowledge has been enshrined in a very useful philosophy we call "Science".

Science is just highly refined common sense. The fact that the biblical plague of smallpox has not been seen in the wild for decades convincingly demonstrates science knows enough to control it, what more do you need to know? Sure it may pop up somewhere after all these years, but even if that very unlikely* event was to occur we have already demonstrated we know how to deal with it and stop it spreading. So even though we can never know for sure that every last smallpox bug has been killed, we do know that as long as our current knowledge is passed on to the next generation, smallpox will never again cause human miseries of biblical proportions. This scant knowledge also tells us that smallpox (alone) would be a stupid choice for a biological weapon.

very unlikely* - Without special care smallpox does not survive for very long outside of a human host, the human body is it's unique natural habitat.

Comment Re:Proof? (Score 1) 962

"Just last night I was told I was going to be raped, along with my mother, for beating someone in a fighting game. "
Did they text that to your person phone? Did they tell you they are going to kill o and include the make and model of your car?
No? probably not the same thing then.

"you know that this is the internet we live on"
Maybe we should try to make it better? nah, lets just give up and shrug our shoulders.

" I implore everyone to provide proof of their allegations"
I agree. It's critical.

"before labeling it as a systemic issue.
it is a systemic issue, and it's pretty well documented. There is a difference between A threat, and a systemic issue of threats within a community.

"and I don't enjoy being falsely stuck in to a harasser category because I work in tech and have a penis but won't label myself a 'feminist'."
knee jerk much? no one is doing that, get over yourself.

" Furthermore, I feel that articles like this with claims but no evidence will just make people shy away from hiring Women for fear they are going to start claiming harassment when there is none."
did you read the article? Nothing in your post seems to indicate you did.

Comment Re:Occams Scalpel (Score 3, Insightful) 962

She has death threats sent to her phone. This isn't just an internet forum issue, and it isn't just her.
I have a daughter, she gets iot, her friends get it, I know 45 year old women who get attacked like this.

You're attitude is a large part of the problem. You have substituted actual think with some sort of ad hom.

It is industry wide, gaming culture wide.

Comment Re:How do you (Score 2) 962

Incorrect. You jump to some really broad interpretation of the article really fast. Maybe this hits a little to close to your behavior?

Women are harassed, viciously by men.
Not all men. But it's there and people like you just turn a blind eye and use excuses to be offended at a women pointing out this issue.
This is text messages, threats emailed to you, men send death threats that include personal informaiton, like what kind of car and location.
And it isn't uncommon., in that every woman will experiences it often.

"This woman thinks I'm asshole with no self-control for no other reason than because I have a penis. "
there is nothing in the article that implies that, you are reading into it as a reason to be insulted. Because outrage is easier then trying to help.

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