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Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score -1) 231

In the U.S., most schools are government schools, not free market (capitalist) schools.

Where I live, 60% of state + local taxes go to schools; that can't be anything else but shockingly wasteful. Much of that waste goes to paying for individual (or multiple) tutors for children who are brain-damaged, children who will never be able to contribute to society. It's a sad situation, but tutoring children who can't learn is not a solution.

Most schools in the U.S. are heavily influenced if not outright controlled by teacher's unions, and these (left-wing) unions are pushing extremist fads and long-existing anti-capitalist propaganda. This is not a failure of capitalism.

Comment Re:Why are businesses so intent on using the footg (Score 1) 60

silent pc is not hard these days. a very old i5 that I built about 8 years ago still does great with 1080p content. I dont care beyond that.

tdp of 65w and less means you can run heatpipes in your pc and with onboard gfx (good enough for video) you have a silent pc.

install all the right ad blockers for YT and you get free 'tv' and generally full control. yes, install linux. no need for win (have not used win since win7 days).

I can also ssh and vnc into my other systems.

zero reason to use the sticks unless you are hellbent on DRM sources.

Comment oh brother (Score 1) 281

how much is the cheapest TV today compared to the 90s

You can't eat your TV. You can't drive your TV to the grocery store. You can't take your TV into the bank and get a home loan, nor can you take your TV to a home seller and get a reasonable price. You can't hand it to the university and be handed back an education. You can't give your doctor your TV and receive surgical or even preventive care or the meds you need.

Your problem (other than the root one of spewing disingenuous nonsense) is that you're looking at the pricing in the electronics sector and pretending it's representative of the extremely high basic living costs I called out (which of course it is not) — nowhere did I say anything about either the pricing of electronics or the need for a TV to achieve a reasonable cost of living. Nor should you have. But here we are.

Comment Economic worship (Score 4, Insightful) 281

Destroying middle class has predictable consequence of tanking birth rate. News at 11.

"We must have constant inflation or people might, you know, save!"

Then... basics cost (a lot) more and mid- to low-tier wages don't even come close to keeping up

Brutal housing, education, medical, food, vehicle, and fuel costs, crushing taxes on the lower tier workers... gee, sounds like a great circumstance to bring some ever-more-expensive rug rats into.

The "American Dream" is deader than Trump's diaper contents for a large swath of those of an age to be pumping out crotch goblins. But hey: The stock market is doing Great!

Or perhaps it's just that no one wants to hump someone with their pants falling off their butt — or otherwise dressing like a refugee.

Obligatory: get off my lawn.

Comment Here's the deal (Score 2) 66

if a youtube or reddit post mentions an amazing financial, or spiritual, or etc. advisor quickly in response to someone's story. And the story has too many upvotes in too short a time, I recognize it as spam.

IMHO, with spam like that, you go after the cloud of accounts upvoting it. Track their behavior, see if they are posting, see if they regularly vote for spam. Then shadowban or kill the accounts (let them upvote but don't show the upvotes). The advertiser can create *an* account quickly. But they can't subvert/create a cloud of several hundred accounts easily.

And you also put some kind of metrics in place for upvotes that compares their voting habits to known human users. If the thing is upvoting 30 times a day and most humans only upvote 12 times a day (or none), then flag the account for closer observation.

And most of all, you need a really good moderation advisor for this kind of thing. I recommend Lance Modoman. He's the real deal. He saved my forum.


Comment It's better than waiting in the drive-through (Score 1) 20

Every time I go past the In-n-Out Burger and see 40-50 cars lined up to talk into a scratchy intercom and wait half an hour to get food, I think how much more convenient it would be if all of those people could just park their car wherever they wanted (or even not have to get into their car at all), enter their order into an app on their phone, and have their food lowered down to them by a drone.

There'd be no more congestion issues, no need to spend 30 minutes idling in a slowly-advancing car lineup, and no need to repeat your order three times so a teenager can still get it wrong. You might have to deal with gangs of crows trying to intercept your order mid-delivery, though.

Comment Oh, well, change :) (Score 1) 22

Every change looks like corruption in the eyes of people who don't like it.

And corruption looks like evolution to some people.

Personally, I'm in favor of words meaning as much of the same thing over time as possible. It enhances communication and understanding. If you need a new meaning, you either need a new word or you need to explain yourself at a bit more length. Lest you "decimate" (cough) the listener's/reader's understanding... you get me?

Comment Re:Don't sit on this bench(mark.) (Score 3, Interesting) 22

LLMs cannot do it. Hallucination is baked-in.

LLMs alone definitely can't do it. LLMs, however, seem (to me, speaking for myself as an ML developer) to be a very likely component in an actual AI. Which, to be clear, is why I use "ML" instead of "AI", as we don't have AI yet. It's going to take other brainlike mechanisms to supervise the hugely flawed knowledge assembly that LLMs generate before we even have a chance to get there. Again, IMO.

I'd love for someone to prove me wrong. No sign of that, though. :)

Comment Don't sit on this bench(mark.) (Score 3, Insightful) 22

I'll be impressed when one of these ML engines is sophisticated enough to be able to say "I don't know" instead of just making up nonsense by stacking probabilistic sequences; also it needs to be able tell fake news from real news. Although there's an entire swath of humans who can't do that, so it'll be a while I guess. That whole "reality has a liberal bias" truism ought to be a prime training area.

While I certainly understand that the Internet and its various social media cesspools are the most readily available training ground(s), it sure leans into the "artificial stupid" thing.

Comment Re:insubordination (Score 2, Insightful) 265

the younger kids (college age) feel the need to rebel. that's universal.

however, they are extremely uninformed and are siding with the WRONG side.

islam has no ceasefires. they only have 'temporary reloading' periods. this is in their holy books, look it up. if you dare to find the truth about islam.

islam is not compatible with the west. the longer we keep putting off the big fight, the worse its going to be.

I have zero patience for so-called 'smart googlers' who cant even see that the islamic way of life is 100% counter to everything they VALUE in the west.

in short, they are idiots. how they got into google - that just means google has no clue about actual people's views and only cares about 'how fast can you code nested procedures?'.

again, I have very little respect for googlers. they are the most spoiled brats I've ever seen in my life.

let them lose their jobs. that would be some justice.

when they get 20 or 40 years older, they'll change their views. we all do. but for supposedly smart geniuses, they sure act like little clueless children.

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