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Comment For what an anecdote is worth: Samsung S3 (Score 1) 484

I've got this Samsung S3 about 2.5 years ago. I did not unlock it, unlike my tablet. I decided to use it as-is. And I have not once had it crash, or lose any of its functions, since. Not one single time. This in spite me being a very intense user of this device, including its excellent GPS sensor.

Comment Microsoft still evil (Score 2) 192

MS is extracting royalties from all the Android phone manufacturers based on bogus patents. They make far more money from that than their own Windows Phone business. MS has also formed the patent troll company Rockstar Consortium, a "patent holding non-practicing entity" also known as patent troll.
And let's not forget that MS is in the process of locking down every new motherboard and laptop so that it can boot only Windows.

Comment Re:Lies, bullshit, and more lies ... (Score 4, Interesting) 442

Actually, the french revolution, with it's massive use of the guillotine, did have a positive effect on European democracy and decentralisation of power. Here in Europe socialized healthcare, free (or very affordable) higher education and strong worker unions have been a normal part of life since a long time.

Generally, employers have less rights over the employees, and they are more restricted in what their contracts can stipulate, compared to the US and the UK.

Comment Re:Caught up to Chrome 20 from 2012 (Score 1) 122

Recently Chrome on my Android tablet changed (it now reloads the site when you scroll to far up). Gosh - I'm really starting to hate Google.

"Changed"? You mean, you updated it, I guess? We have 5 Android devices in our family, and we all have control over which app we update and which we don't. E.g. the latest gmail for android is shit and buggy as hell, so I rolled back to the previous version, and did not update it on my phone. My wife doesn't update anything by default. So while there's good reason to hrl criticism at Google for their latest versions of their softwares, at least they give people the option to use the older, less sucky, versions.

Comment Re:Fukushima and Chernobyl not worse case failures (Score 1) 227

How about coal plants that have been spewing more radioactive particles per unit energy than nuclear plants IN ADDITION to mercury, arsenic and a host of other heavy and neurotoxic metals, into the atmosphere? Because of the bloody coal plants you can't safely give salmon and other large fish to babies, while it used to be one of the healthiest foods and most recommended for babies and toddlers, some 30-40 years ago.

Comment Re:Welcome to the USA (Score 2, Insightful) 181

It's not a practical weapon, and no one sees it as a threat, hence the almost complete lack of laws in the U.S. Even in WWII, it had limited use. No one wanted to be the one carrying either, since you became a target of enemy fire with an explosive backpack on. This thing is also incredibly dangerous for the user as well; just look at the protective gear in the video. Sure, it's whacky and unnecessary for most people (some people need a portable flamethrower for clearing land on large properties, but that doesn't seem to be the marketing here). But some people might say the same about your hobbies and spending habits. Let bygones be bygones.

Nobody said that "it's a practical weapon", just that it's incredibly dangerous. It's perfectly suited to kill, mail or deface for life a busful of random people. In this case not even the "if we outlaw handguns, only outlaws will have them"-argument flies, because you don't protect yourself from a flamethrower with another flamethrower. In fact, a flamethrower is not suitable for self-protection, only for attacking large numbers of soft targets. It's the perfect mass murderer's weapon.

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