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Comment Re:Perhaps a change in law is needed ... (Score 1) 207

As far as I know, it's very very rare that such a widget is of such clever design that you freeload on someone's hard work. What I think is the case (on basis of a thoroughly non-scientific survey, sample-size 6, personal observation) is that any ingenuity in the design is spent in making sure the widget in question can't be second-sourced without infringing on some sort of patent. E.g. by adding a special notch, a special hole, or simply making the dimensions so that the widget is unlike any other on the planet (and any other widgets won't fit) and that regardless of extent of use, environmental conditions, time zone.., the widget dependably develops a fatal fault one nano-second after the warranty elapses.

Comment Re: Note that this is a little different from soft (Score 2) 207

That said, there could be safety standards for home-printed parts along the lines of "this geometry printed using XYZ materials on a printer meeting these minimum specifications is equivalent to the original part",

How does this allow *someone* to maintain a monopolistic price advantage? Dude, ur anti-american.

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