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Comment Re:Perfect? Really? (Score 1) 340

Exactly, we humans really suck at making random choices.
50:50 at Rock/Paper/Scissors should actually be the worst-case scenario : If your opponent understands your logic and begins to win, just make truly random choices, and you'll get back to 50:50 after enough time.
But you should also try to bluff and analyse your opponent's smile, voice and body language.

Comment Re:In the words of the editor of Charlie Hebdo (Score 1) 1350

Stéphane Charbonnier, who is rumored to be one of the causalities of today's attack

Not rumored anymore.
Charb's dead, as well as Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, Bernard Maris and at least 7 others.
Cabu was my favorite cartoonist, and the father of my favorite singer, Mano Solo.
May they all rest in peace.

Comment Re:I have Cancer (Score 1) 214

Do you have any "life todo list"?
I wish you luck and strength if you still want to get some important things done before the end.
3 friends died this year, and it reminded me of the importance of some things that I might have forgotten otherwise.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
