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Comment AI fingerprints starting to show all over. (Score 1) 45

From the summary...
"It would be the first IPO of a major social media company since Pinterest's, opens new tab debut in 2019, and would come as Reddit and its peers face stiff competition for advertising dollars from the likes of TikTok and Facebook. The offering would also test the willingness of some Reddit users to back the company's stock market debut."

See my bold in the summary? I have seen that in over 10 articles JUST TODAY, the last being in the New York Post headline about the Boeing jet engine catching fire on a cargo plane today. It was later edited out, but I find it highly interesting that same three words--"opens new tab"-- popping up all over the place, on different publications and on totally different subjects.


Comment Re:...or is this a correction? (Score 2) 75

It's literally been YEARS since I actually logged in to reply to a post on /., but I had to respond to this one. I haven't laughed at a /. post as much as laughed at this one, EVER.

Dude, if someone showed me the OP, and your response, then asked me to identify the Sociopath/Psychopath, YOUR response would--without any hesitance--have been my choice.

Troll, or not, F'ing hilarious.

Comment Re:It's OK... (Score 1) 233

"Every future crisis is just a path to profit."

True, but this "crisis" is burning up vast amounts of OIL to powers the processors of Coin Miners, a crisis that will remain for all of us, for many years, if not permanently.

Personally, I think Cryptocurrencies are simply a means of supplying "added-value" for the oil industry in affort to stave off the effects of Peak Oil Demand (which we have already experienced, and will continue to experience).

Let me be clear on this--EVERY coin created is nothing more than OIL BURNED. If they can't get us to burn it in our cars, they'll get us to burn it with our computers, taking full advantage of GREED in the process. The value of Bitcoin is directly based on the value of the oil consumed--it takes a lot of oil to generate a single coin these days. THAT is why the (actual) value is going up.

That being said, leaving Bitcoins to your children is like saying "Here, I shit on your future to give you...a future."

Comment Re:Kind of half-assed... (Score 1) 180

"The best, and definitely the most enjoyable, primer on the potential for abuse of the TPP (based on abuse of previously negotiated similar trade agreements) and the underhanded way it's being negotiated, is probably John Oliver's segment on it."

That link now goes to a video of Oliver's discussing Big Tobacco.

Doing a search on YouTube for "John Oliver t" auto-fills with "John Oliver Trans Pacific Partnership" as third, leading me to the conclusion that quite a few people are searching for that video--which is now GONE, from what I can tell.

Google moves fast!

Comment More to this than just that. (Score 1) 1128

"We need those attitudes and policies changed by lawmakers, the problem isn't that Police are acting badly, its that they are allowed to act badly."

And that the Justice system is designed/manipulated to protect THEM when they do behave "badly", as you put it.

Here is another bit of information you should all digest, a quote from NPR: ( )

"To understand some of the distrust of police that has fueled protests in Ferguson, Mo., consider this: In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson--a city of 21,135 people--issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations."

Now, if most of those people with warrants for driving offenses are black (Ferguson is 67.4% black, according to the 2010 census), and these warrants preclude them from serving on a Grand Jury (they do), then how is it possible to get a fairly balanced jury of one's peers? In short, the Ferguson Police Department handing out tickets to mostly black residents precludes black residents from ever serving on a Grand Jury, or any jury for that matter, in effect stacking the deck against them, racially speaking. A black person in Ferguson is fucked before they ever even reach a courtroom, and white folks have got it easy as the deck is ALWAYS stacked in their favor.

A similar situation exists where I live because there are NINE overlapping legal jurisdictions in terms of law enforcement--fully 5% of the population here is law enforcement (I live near a border, and as a result fall under the jurisdiction of local law-enforcement, County law-enforcement, State law-enforcement and numerous federal agencies including ICE, Border Patrol, FBI, DEA and DHS.). You cannot put together a jury here that isn't 5% (or more) law-enforcement, in effect stacking the deck against anyone being tried in a criminal court, as other jurors tend to believe them even when, during jury selection, those same officers said they would always believe a cop over anyone else, regardless of content. And yes, I actually heard several cops state that during jury selection when I was called up for jury duty. As a result of hearing this before I was questioned, I stated at that time I thought the cards stacked against any defendant...and was dismissed from jury duty.

The cards were stacked against Justice in Ferguson, and in favor of Darren Wilson. This shit needs to change.

For what it's worth, I'm white (or Caucasian...whatever makes you feel better about yourself).

Comment Re:John Perkins (Score 1) 133

Goodbye, Cold Fjord.

While your incessant shilling, political doublespeak, out-of-context quoting, thread-diluting gibberish and lack of applicable morality have been interesting...I cannot say, with any grain of truth, that I will miss you.

From the ashes of Slashdot rises ....News BY the People, FOR the People.

Submission + - Community-sourced news site,, goes live 18

umafuckit writes: is the new way of taking the pulse of the nerd community. Soylentnews is a grassroots-based platform with the content feeds are powered by readers like you. The objective is to highlight news stories of general importance to everyone, but especially nerds. News about technology, art, science and politics: it's all there. Soylentnews is the new kid on the block and will adapt quickly to satisfy our community's needs and and push boundaries like never before. This is a real community site: no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Stop by and see what you think of the freshly-launched site.

Comment Not too late... (Score 0) 192

When the cops are all wearing them, they no longer need us to wear them.

Edward Snowden seriously fucked up their roll-out schedule--GoogleGlass was meant for us--so now they focus on getting it in place on the people that control us. They are running out of time because of people using websites like Slashdot, sharing information and raising public awareness. Even without Slashdot, YOU can still do the same. Seriously, folks--do you really think they are killing Slashdot on accident? Sheer stupidity? They are killing Slashdot to silence us.


If history is any sort of an indicator, any rights we sell today, our children must buy back with blood tomorrow

Comment Re:It's been done (Score 1) 876

" So why not make Slashdot picutre based only, to open it up more to the masses (who often have the intellectual capacity of a 2-year-old anyway)?..."

I'll give it a shot.

Did that convey my message sufficiently?

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