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AI Businesses Cloud

Microsoft To Invest $2.2 Billion In Cloud and AI Services In Malaysia ( 8

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Microsoft said on Thursday it will invest $2.2 billion over the next four years in Malaysia to expand cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) services in the company's latest push to promote its generative AI technology in Asia. The investment, the largest in Microsoft's 32-year history in Malaysia, will include building cloud and AI infrastructure, creating AI-skilling opportunities for 200,000 people, and supporting the country's developers, the company said.

Microsoft will also work with the Malaysian government to establish a national AI Centre of Excellence and enhance the nation's cybersecurity capabilities, the company said in a statement. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who met Nadella on Thursday, said the investment supported Malaysia's efforts in developing its AI capabilities. Microsoft is trying to expand its support for the development of AI globally. Nadella this week announced a $1.7 billion investment in neighboring Indonesia and said Microsoft would open its first regional data centre in Thailand.
"We want to make sure we have world class infrastructure right here in the country so that every organization and start-up can benefit," Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella said during a visit to Kuala Lumpur.
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Microsoft To Invest $2.2 Billion In Cloud and AI Services In Malaysia

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  • outsourcing their call centers to Malaysia and India. Everyone hates those too.
    • What I have found about outsourcing is that in particular countries, your data for your company quickly becomes their data for whatever the fuck they're doing to subsidize their meager wages.

      Just because you aren't handing cash to the employees doesn't mean you aren't paying for that labor, you're just paying for it by having all your intellectual property stolen. Nobody gets to sidestep paying for labor, you just get to pay for it in different ways.

      There's a reason why everyone has your phone number, emai

    • outsourcing their call centers to Malaysia and India. Everyone hates those too.

      It might be better than giving it to some Nigerian businessperson of dubious background.

  • My guess is that these jobs will be mainly for tagging and labelling photos and other things that will be fed into the neural networks.

    I'm also guessing that they will completely ignore copyright yet again.

  • Reminds me of the time white men showed up in the Americas. Don't worry, we're here to help.

Bell Labs Unix -- Reach out and grep someone.
