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NPR Story on the Future of Nuclear Power 353

deeptrace writes "The Living on Earth show on NPR recently had a segment on the future of Nuclear Energy. The nearly hour long show is available as an mp3 and in transcript form. It talks about hot fusion, cold fusion, and Pebble Bed Reactors. It provides a well balanced and informative overview of progress towards their use for future nuclear power generation. Most interestingly, they talk with Dr. Pamela Boss and Dr. Stanislaw Szpak at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego. Dr. Szpak says of their cold fusion experiments: 'We have 100 percent reproducible results'."
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NPR Story on the Future of Nuclear Power

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  • by ArcherB ( 796902 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:06AM (#14857375) Journal
    But how many times are you going to put the gun to your head and pull the trigger? It seems we've already hit that live round a couple of times. TMI and Chernobyl certianly come to mind.
    Well, right now we are sitting in a car with the engine running and the garage door closed. I think we are better off with the revolver.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:10AM (#14857398)
    Thats the best part of PBRs; they're not scary. They're totally stable because the reaction is self modulating. If you remove every single cooling system from a PBR it can't explode, melt down or otherwise get out of hand; the physics make it impossible.

    I'd love to see PBRs being built here in the UK. Using them to desalinate sea water would also be an amazing boon; large parts of the UK are already facing drought-like conditions this summer. We're surrounded by water, we should take advantage of that. Hell, it could even be an export oppurtunity in the coming century!
  • Small Scale (Score:5, Interesting)

    by hhawk ( 26580 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:12AM (#14857410) Homepage Journal
    The 1st NPlant in the US came in ahead of time and ahead of budget. Protests have kept every other plant from being on time and on budget. It also made every plant larger and larger; as they tried to make the economics work.

    Each plant being so big and so custom made to the area, also makes them hard to inspect; each one is different to some degree.

    The French have been building small scale N-Plants w/ passive cooling; meaning if something goes wrong it shuts itself down without any need (or room for) equipment failure. (an example being using the pressure from the reaction to hold back water. If there is less pressure or more pressure the water enters an shuts down the plant.

    It seems to be passive cooling and uniform construction is key to safety. Building them smaller means there are more of them and they are closer to "you." So not sure how I feel about size. Also there is security risks, more plants to watch equate to more risk.

  • by Stalyn ( 662 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:35AM (#14857559) Homepage Journal
    Very true, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl have put such a stigma on nuclear power that it will be almost impossible to build new reactors anywhere.
  • Re:Small Scale (Score:3, Interesting)

    by QuantumPion ( 805098 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:36AM (#14857566)
    The French have been building small scale N-Plants w/ passive cooling; meaning if something goes wrong it shuts itself down without any need (or room for) equipment failure. (an example being using the pressure from the reaction to hold back water. If there is less pressure or more pressure the water enters an shuts down the plant.

    All light water reactors have this system. It is called Safety Injection.

    Furthermore, most French reactors are basically identical to most US reactors, they are the same Westinghouse designs.

  • At some point you have a heat exchange process somewhere, right? They didn't detail it -- I did listen to the hour long program. Now, isn't that heated coolant considered 'dirty' and if so, what coolant can you use to carry that heat to an exchanger but use a low enough volume of it so that what is exchanged is still hot enough to crack open water to get hydrogen and still have enough energy left open to produce the steam required to run the turbines? Once you're used the steam that way, and its gone through the expansion process, how do you STILL have enough energy to heat even more water to desalinate it?

    It seems like you're re-using the same heat from that coolant quite a few times. You can't use the coolant directly without the exchanger, I assume, since it would be contaminated -- and what good would desalinated but otherwise radioactive water be to anyone?
  • by 'nother poster ( 700681 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:40AM (#14857592)
    Well, it happens every day. Big ass fusion reractor a couple of million miles that direction (points at sun)evaporates sea water. Water vapor rises and is spread around the world until conditions cause it to condense and precipitate out of the atmosphere. We throw a little bit of sodium hypochlorate, or other sanitizing agent in it, at least around where I live, and drink it. Yum.
  • by The Snowman ( 116231 ) * on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:43AM (#14857606)

    Let's just kick this "clean" nuclear energy out the window. Nuclear plants produce some of the most toxic substances known to man. (Plutonium comes to mind).

    Nuclear power plants keep their waste in shielded rooms deep inside the plant, which are then sealed up and stored so the waste doesn't get released. Coal plants, however, release more radioactive waste into the atmosphere. Coal contains traces of uranium, and as it burns, we get uranium dust in the air. Nuclear power doesn't have this problem. So, let's just kick this "clean" fossil fuel energy out the window. And unless you have a way to use hydro, solar, or wind power to produce as much energy as either fossil fuel or nuclear, we're left with this choice: store our radioactive waste deep underground, release clean steam; or burn massive quantities of coal, release tons of dirty smoke and radioactive particles in the air.

  • by meringuoid ( 568297 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:50AM (#14857646)
    Encase it in ceramic and concrete and embed it deep in the Earth's crust. Plant it in a subduction zone. Eject it from the planet. Deposit it in an extremely deep oceanic trench. Just because you may not like these ideas doesn't mean they don't exist.

    Personally, I think these are all bloody awful ideas. In fifty-odd years we'll be running short of the uranium fuel that our current reactors use - and which pebble-bed reactors will also burn. Unless nuclear fusion has really come on by then, at that point we'll begin building breeder reactors - which will burn the waste from the previous generation of plants.

    That nuclear waste will suddenly represent an enormous fuel resource. You could probably run the UK for centuries just off the amount of fissile junk stacked up at Sellafield already. And we'll really be kicking ourselves if we've thrown it all into a subduction zone.

    Bury it deep, sure - but bury it somewhere it can be dug up if we realise we actually want the stuff someday.

  • by Filik ( 578890 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @10:56AM (#14857691)
    Eventually, someone will screw up, trigger another disaster, and that'll be the end of nuclear power in the US forever once people start demanding a stop to it.

    Are you not aware that turning off the powerplants in the US is not an option? Where would you get the energy from? Hurriedly building 1000 water dams or 1000000 windmills? Coalplants? Burning the rapidly dwindling oil? Either way, Electricity prices would multiply by 20 and you'd have an instant major recession.


  • by jejones ( 115979 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @11:10AM (#14857793) Journal
    I cannot describe in words how assine [sic] this statement is..

    Let's see... This web page [arizona.edu] lists the LD50 for Clostridium botulinum for mice as 30 picograms per kilogram of body weight, and C. botulinum neurotoxin at 200 picograms/kg. We're so nonchalant about botox that people have parties where they inject themselves with it to get rid of wrinkles. See also this portion of the Wikipedia entry on plutonium. [wikipedia.org]
  • by The Fun Guy ( 21791 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @11:29AM (#14857988) Homepage Journal
    I don't think that they are proposing that you re-use the heat. Power generators like to have steam go from ~900F to ~500F, to imporve efficiency. Everything after that is waste, which they dump out of the cooling tower. If the power plant is nearby some homes & offices, you could capture that heat and pipe it to where it's needed, but that would require more heat exchangers, etc. I'm not sure the economics would work.

    For the desalination or hydrogen cracking, I believe they are talking about that being the *primary application* of the reactor. In a place where you need power, you use the heat to make electricity. In a place where you need water, you use it to desalinate. In a place where you need hydrogen, you use it to crack water.

    Electricity is great for running stationary objects like buildings, but not so good at vehicles. A storable fuel is better for that.

    Consider some seaside urban area that is outgrowing its supply of fresh water. Since these reactors are modular, you could install one reactor to make electricity, one to make water and one to make hydrogen for the cars. The power, water and hydrogen distribution grids are all in place and benefit from economies of scael, and you can share the administrative/training/regulatory overhead of running the reactors.

    Need even more power/water/H2? Install another module.
  • Re:Prove it (Score:5, Interesting)

    by slughead ( 592713 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @11:51AM (#14858205) Homepage Journal
    Please point to one study that shows the left bias of NPR News.

    Humans can't help but be bias, this is due to them being human.

    NPR's news is written and recited by humans.

    Therefore NPR is bias.

    Bias isn't always obvious and is rarely on purpose. The UCLA study [ucla.edu] on bias found that journalists often will use the WORDING of a story to slant it one way or another. For instance, they'll say that Newt Gengrich "gained notoriety for his time as house leader" instead of saying "he was the house leader." Of course, this is not word for word from the study, please read it before deciding how much you believe it.

    Getting back to your request, the study states that NPR does indeed have bias but not much more-so than the average publication such as Time magazine, for instance.

    I equate being a partisan to having a mental disorder, due to a study I read [stanford.edu] on how the rational thinking center of the brain of a partisan literally shuts down when exposed to a differing viewpoint. The reason partisan journalists are bias is because they think all facts point towards their viewpoint as "truth."

    The brain will cut off information input at some point because if we really knew how many variables we DIDN'T know, we'd never make any decisions. That's why I don't vote :)
  • by Zdzicho00 ( 912806 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @12:19PM (#14858498)

    The amount of excess heat is usually about a few Watts per square centimeter of palladium electrode.
    During some experiments this excess heat is believed to achieve much higher value:

    One event described here which is not described in the technical literature is an extraordinary 10-day long heat-after-death incident that occurred in 1991. News of this appeared in the popular press, but a formal description was never published in a scientific paper.

    Mizuno says this is because he does not have carefully established calorimetric data to prove the event occurred, but I think he does not need it. The cell went out of control. Mizuno cooled it over 10 days by placing it in a large bucket of water. During this period, more than 37 liters of water evaporated from the bucket, which means the cell produced more than 84 megajoules of energy during this period alone, and 114 megajoules during the entire experiment. The only active material in the cell was 100 grams of palladium. It produced 27 times more energy than an equivalent mass of the best chemical fuel, gasoline, can produce. I think the 36 liters of evaporated water constitute better scientific evidence than the most carefully calibrated high precision instrument could produce. This is first-principle proof of heat.

    A bucket left by itself for 10 days in a university laboratory will not lose any measurable level of water to evaporation. First principle experiments are not fashionable. Many scientists nowadays will not look at a simple experiment in which 36 liters of water evaporate, but high tech instruments and computers are not used. They will dismiss this as "anecdotal evidence."

    It is a terrible shame that Mizuno did not call in a dozen other scientists to see and feel the hot cell. I would have set up a 24-hour vigil with graduate students and video cameras to observe the cell and measure the evaporated water carefully. This is one of history's heartbreaking lost opportunities. News of this event, properly documented and attested to by many people, might have convinced thousands of scientists worldwide that cold fusion is real. This might have been one of the most effective scientific demonstrations in history. Unfortunately, it occurred during an extended national holiday, and Mizuno decided to disconnect the cell from the recording equipment and hide it in his laboratory. He placed it behind a steel sheet because he was afraid it might explode. He told me he was not anxious to have the cell certified by many other people because he thought that he would soon replicate the effect in another experiment. Alas, in the seven years since, neither he nor any other scientist has ever seen such dramatic, inarguable proof of massive excess energy.

    Here is a chronology of the heat-after-death event:

    • March 1991. A new experiment with the closed cell begins.
    • April 1991. Cell shows small but significant excess heat.
    • April 22, 1991. Electrolysis stopped.
    • April 25. Mizuno and Akimoto note that temperature is elevated. It has produced 1.2 H 107 joules since April 22, in heat-after-death.
    • April 26. Cell temperature has not declined. Cell transferred to a 15-liter bucket, where it is partially submerged in water.
    • April 27. Most of the water in the bucket, ~10 liters, has evaporated. The cell is transferred to a larger, 20 liter bucket. It is fully submerged in 15 liters of water.
    • April 30. Most of the water has evaporated; ~10 liters. More water is added to the bucket, bringing the total to 15 liters again.
    • May 1. 5 liters of water are added to the bucket.
    • May 2. 5 more liters are added to the bucket.
    • May 7. The cell is finally cool. 7.5 liters of water remain in the bucket.

    Total evaporation equals:

    • April 27, 10 liters evaporated. Water level set at 15 liters in a new bucket.
    • April 30, 10 liters evaporated. Water replenished to 15 liters.
    • May 1, 5 liters replenished.
    • May 2, 5 liters replenished.
  • In South Africa? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by f1055man ( 951955 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @12:51PM (#14858840)
    The SA plan for pebblebed reactors seems ridiculous to me. If I heard right, they were going to spend $2 billion on them. Once built nuclear power plants provide very cheap electricity but they constitute a massive capital investment. SA is capital poor but rich in cheap labor. A distributed system of cheap locally produced wind turbines and solar panels would make a lot more sense.
  • Re:But the uranium! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by lgw ( 121541 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @03:28PM (#14860496) Journal
    This reasoning, plus the fact we don't like breeder reactors today, is the primary reason why disposal of nuclear waste is difficult and expensive in the US: we're actually storing the "spent" fuel against future need. Tossing the "waste" into a breeder reactor would be cheap and easy, and disposing of the waste in a way we could never retreive it would be much cheaper and easier than what we're trying to do today.

    We don't want to use breeder reactors today (bacuase of the risks associated with enriched uranium), but we might want to do so in a few hundred years (because of limits on uranium supply), so we're stuck with the expensive proposition of storiing waste where we can get it again in a few centuries. Not an optimal situation.
  • by Chris Burke ( 6130 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @04:22PM (#14861133) Homepage
    Three Mile Island was effectively the worst-case scenario for the reactor and as a result released less radiation into the atmosphere than a coal plant does on a normal day of operation.

    If that's a "live round", then I'm going to have to say that I'm not very worried.

    TMI had a flawed reactor design. The control rods were designed as a single unit. Therefore, when one rod was unable to be reinserted into the reactor, none of them were. Oops. Now we have an unregulated reaction going out of control -- pretty much the nightmare scenario, right? Well, fortunately some other engineer didn't trust the control rod engineer, and put a bed of graphite pebbles underneath the reactor. When the reaction got hot enough, the core melted and dripped into the bed, which spread out the uranium and slowed the reaction.

    The radiation that was released while the reaction was uncontrolled was contained by the shell, and the outside area was largely unaffected. Chalk one up for good design and back up safety systems.

    We've only gotten better since then, and learned from the TMI accident. TMI has been used as a bogey man against nuclear power since it occured when it never warranted that status and certainly doesn't today. Fusion will be great when it comes, but in the mean time fission is a great way of providing power.
  • Re:Great! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MSZUNI ( 959313 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @04:43PM (#14861380)
    About the materials, you are correct that we still do not have a steel that can withstand years of neutron bombardment, however we do have methods to study the materials in relatively short times. You can simulate neutron damage pretty well in stainless steels with a proton accelerator. We cannot learn all of the problems associated with neutron damage with protons, however it is a great first step toward narrowing down the materials. Only the best proton resistant materials will we spend money on testing within a neutron source.
    We have started understanding the mechanisms that make irradiated steels brittle like the migration of chromium away from grain boundaries and the collection of "black dot" (black dot damage is a few interstitials or vacancies created by radiation in a materials lattice.) damage into larger faults. Hopefully with good science and unbiased reporting we can solve the materials and waste problem associated with nuclear energy.
  • by Burning1 ( 204959 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @07:16PM (#14862683) Homepage
    Especially since the revolver seems to be loaded with blanks.

    3 mile island was an econimic desaster but killed no one. Chernobyl caused a notable loss of life, but nothing nearly as bad as recent coal desasters. Given that Chernobyl's design was about as safe as playing hot potato with nitro glycerine, I think nuclear power has a pretty good safety record.

  • Re:But the uranium! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by dbIII ( 701233 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @07:52PM (#14862937)
    recoverable levels (current energy prices), it's about 200 years worth
    High estimate, but even with this what happens when you increase your nuclear power generating capacity by more than an order of magnitude? The answer is that the high quality fuels which currently result in carbon production of only one third of that of gas turbines (yes, it's rock that has to be mined and processed) runs out and the lower quality stuff that requires more resources to turn into fuel is used.

    As for breeders - find out about them, paticularly superphoenix and learn from the mistakes instead of ignoring them. They may be a possibility but there is still work to be done.

    There are not yet thorium breeders or any type of thorium plant, but research is ongoing into using thorium as a fuel.

    Anyone who pushes a single energy source is selling something or has been deluded - nuclear scales up, the only way to remotely consider it on economic grounds is large base load stations running at a constant output. Other things can cover the peaks.

    Pebble bed covers the safety angle by having units too small to fail catastrophicly. However, the big advantage of thermal power is you can build huge plants and get well over double the amount of power produced for twice the size of plant (as distinct from photovoltaics - get two and you only get twice the amount, which is why they are used as a comparison by anyone with a large scale energy source that wants to fool people). The small unit size of pebble bed makes it an unattractive way of generating electricity - unless someone works out a clever way of using multiple units working together. The first full size pilot plant is going to be constructed in China so we'll soon find out if it is a viable idea.

  • Re:But the uranium! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Rei ( 128717 ) on Monday March 06, 2006 @11:23PM (#14864063) Homepage
    High estimate, but even with this what happens when you increase your nuclear power generating capacity by more than an order of magnitude? The answer is that the high quality fuels which currently result in carbon production of only one third of that of gas turbines (yes, it's rock that has to be mined and processed) runs out and the lower quality stuff that requires more resources to turn into fuel is used.

    If you have ample high-temperature nuclear power, you can make hydrogen at 70% efficiency, and thus oil at around 30-50% efficiency through Fischer-Tropsh. Of course, if electricity is cheap, expect more electric or partial electric vehicles. Expect factories burning heating oil to switch to electricity. Etc.

    As for breeders - find out about them, paticularly superphoenix and learn from the mistakes instead of ignoring them. They may be a possibility but there is still work to be done.

    I'm not fond of sodium breeders. Superphoenix was just the start - look at Monju and its sodium leak which almost ate through its protective steel plating (i.e., it would have encountered the concrete; sodium + concrete is explosive). I much prefer lead and lead-bismuth breeders, as well as thorium breeders (which use moderated neutrons, so no need for liquid metal).

    There are not yet thorium breeders or any type of thorium plant, but research is ongoing into using thorium as a fuel.

    This is incorrect. There have been, and are, many thorium breeders. They're all classified as research reactors (i.e., none in mass production), but they've been working quite well. India has the majority of them currently in operation, as they want to replace their uranium reactors with thorium (India has much larger deposits off thorium).

    Pebble bed covers the safety angle by having units too small to fail catastrophicly.

    Building more little plants means many little failures instead of a few big failures. That doesn't buy one anything :) What matters is the safety of the facility, and without a containment structure, the PBMR doesn't have that.

"Only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core." -- Hannah Arendt.
