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Our New Pearl Harbor 1402

Weehauken, N.J. -- It's almost impossible to reconcile the cool, clear, cloudless day with the scene across the water. There are no World Trade Centers, and up above the giant white clouds steaming from the spot where they used to be, pairs of F-15's circle over Manhattan, around and around the encircled island. Along the closed entrances and highways into the city, ambulances, fire engines and police cars line up for miles waiting to take the thousands of casualties out of New York City and all over the Northeast. At the blood bank in Paramus where I tried to give blood, there were five-hour lines, and the police turned us away.Reporters break down on the air and sob. At the closed-down bridges and tunnels, people stand alongside their cars by the score, staring and crying. I keep calling the cell of one of my closest friends, who went to work inside the Towers at 8:30, and kept getting his voice-mail, until 11:00 a.m., when a recording said his phone was no longer in service. All around New York City, psychologists are showing up at school bus stops to deal with kids whose parents aren't coming home. It's impossible to stare at the TV and not think of the horrific convergence between technology, politics, and information.

Eerily, the scene invokes disaster movies -- a number of which have actually shown the World Trade Center towers being blown up. Staring across the harbor on this gorgeous day, it takes a few seconds to realize that this isn't the evocation of something new and horrible, but the real thing, our own Pearl Harbor, perhaps even worse, since it struck us closer to home and reminded us all how technology can bring us all nose-to-nose with war in seconds, and there are no real barriers between people willing to use it in evil ways and us. Technology allows us to see the building collapse before the reporters even know what has happened. We have to try and make sense of it ourselves.

The silence is stunning, unprecedented for mid-morning, mid-week anywhere near Manhattan island. Everyone is in shock. Stories, malls, business are closing, their workers crying, distracted, unsure of how to behave.

Technology turns planes into weapons. It tracks aircraft hundreds of miles away. It brings us instant and horrific images. It sends us to e-mail, telephones and cell phones to spread news, facts, rumors and stories.

We are both shocked and oddly prepared. Sci-fi and other forms of popular culture have been preparing us for this kind of Techno-Armageddon for years. Technology can do all sorts of amazing things, but it can't protect us from a handful of determined people. We've never seen anything like it, yet in a strange way we have thought of it for years.

Standing over the harbor, I did something I haven't done in 20 years. I dropped to my knees -- following the lead of a bunch of strangers -- and prayed. I have a bunch of friends in somewhere in that Techno-Armageddon, and just wanted to post these thoughts. If anybody wants to post their own, hopefully here's a good place.

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Our New Pearl Harbor

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  • News Links (Score:5, Informative)

    by FFFish ( 7567 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:22PM (#2280731) Homepage
    From a site that seems to be working well:

    World Leaders react [] -- "The following are reactions from around the world to the disasters at New York's World Trade Centre and the Pentagon."

    Related Links [] -- US Gov't, US Military, NYC, Airlines, and Anti-Terrorism Resources.

    Who Dunnit [] -- the BBC "Within minutes of the horrific chain of events unfolding at the World Trade Center, information began emerging suggesting it was not a terrible accident but a terrorist attack."

    World Shock [] -- BBC "The attacks on New York and Washington have brought swift reactions of horror and condemnation from around the world."

    Notable quotable: "But Iraqi television played a patriotic song that begins "Down with America!" as it showed the World Trade Center's towers falling, The Associated Press news agency reported."

    America has made a permanent enemy of Iraq. I can't imagine how that will ever be changed. :-(

    Also worth noting that many mid-East leaders of all stripes and colours are denouncing this terrorist act.

    Don't paint all the mid-East with one brush. This terrorist attack was the action of a very, very small radical group that is roundly despised by many mid-East civilians.

    The more I watch this on television, the less real it becomes. Repetition = numb.
  • Evil is Evil (Score:5, Informative)

    by 5foot2 ( 24971 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:25PM (#2280753) Homepage
    My heart goes out to your friends families, and to you John. To all the people who have, or will lose someone do to this. I truely feel for you all.

    Lets not forget evil is evil and technology has nothing to do with that fact. It's just the means to an end for the evil.
  • by CritterNYC ( 190163 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:25PM (#2280761) Homepage
    I have heard first and second-hand accounts that the whole World Trade Center complex began evacuating after the 1st plane hit. A friend was on th 61st floor of tower 1, was asked to evacuate, was in the stairwell when the 2nd plane hit. He made it out ok. I just heard secondhand reports of people as high up as th 88th floor of tower 1 getting out ok. My friend's father (staying here tonight) was across the street in front of Deutsche Bank when the 2nd plane hit. He hid behind the big pillars holding up the balcony to avoid the debris and then got as far away from the towers as possible.

    Unfortunately, it looks like there were hundreds of people on the ground by the towers watching the fires burn, both when the 2nd plane hit... and when the 1st tower fell.

    I've been listing my friends who make it out safe on my website, as well as adding an information I get from 1st and 2nd hand accounts of people who were there. All said it was gruesome, even after just the 1st plane hit. Pictures and a live webcam are on my site. SOMEONE PLEASE MIRROR the terrorism and webcam subsite so I don't get Slashdotted.

    I will also be creating a site tonight to try and help people get in touch and find people affected by this. I will post more when I have it up.

    Best wishes for all everyone knows and loves to make it home safe.
  • by manuellabor2 ( 520763 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:29PM (#2280813)
    i have composed a buisness directory from a cached copy of and put it on my host here's the 583K HTML file (not recommended) here's a 24K ZIP file (recommended) mindspring will have my head for this my apologies if this has been posted in another form
  • by Yanna ( 188771 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:30PM (#2280826) Homepage
    This [] website is meant for everyone who is caught in NYC and need to communicate their families/ friends that they are alive and ok.

    It is said that cell phones are unusable, so people can post their names to make a list of survivors.

  • by Forkenhoppen ( 16574 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:31PM (#2280833)
    Google []'s front page now contains links to a few major news sites, along with links to their own mirrors of those sites. If you're trying to access a given news organization's reports on recent events, I suggest checking Google for a mirrored link.
  • by Neck_of_the_Woods ( 305788 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:34PM (#2280876) Journal
    People went from amazement to shock, to anger. To put the Television on and see those kids and adults jumping around for joy that someone had struck such a blow. He we were standing on the Hudson thinking how awful it was, watching the towers fall and seeing someone else on the other side of the world jumping for joy.

    I really hope that we as a nation take the correct next step, what has happend is horrible but what could come because of it chills me to the bones. On one side I want to strike back, on the other I am scared straigh shitless of what will come from the actions that are sure to follow. Our world has changed, I mean mine and everyone else. Because where you want to see it or not this is going to have an impact on all of us, not just the US. Get ready, because someone is poking the sleeping giant and I fear what will happen.

    WTC pictures from the Hudson []
  • by rkanodia ( 211354 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:37PM (#2280918)
    "Did you know that President Bush repealed a law last year that outlawed the hunting and execution of terrorist leaders? I will be watching to see what happens."

    That would be quite a feat, since it means that President Bush has not only invented a time machine and made himself the President a couple months early, but also managed to remove legislative capabilites from Congress and vest them in himself.
  • by patiwat ( 126496 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:43PM (#2281001)
    Cambridge/Boston Update

    - Both the AA and UA planes that hit the WTC came from Boston Logan and bound for LA

    - 56 and 81 passengers per plane

    - AA's family response number is 1-800-245-0999, UA's number is 1-800-932-8555

    - The pilot and crew of one of the planes were from the Boston area

    - Both planes stayed overnight in Logan airport the night before

    - Families of passengers can go to the Hyatt where an emergency center is being set up

    - CTO and co-founder of Akamai on one plane

    - Donate blood at Beth Israel, or 25 Stuart St, or other centers. Appointments not needed, but expect long lines. Don't hesitate to give tomorrow or later this week.

    - Cellular 911 seeing major congestion problems, PLEASE DON'T USE CELLULAR 911 UNLESS ABOSOLUTELY NECCESARY

    - Logan Airport was surprised about the incident - claims to have known anything only after crash

    - Tall buildings evacuated, including Hancock and Prudential

    - Federal employees sent home

    - Most non-critical city employees sent home

    - Many colleges closing

    - Most schools, including after-school programs, not closed

    - T rides for free, extra capacity hauled out to accomidate people going home

    - Northeast Amtrack shut down, including Boston-DC

    - 9th district primary elections going on as scheduled

    - MIT not cancelling classes, but attendance is optional, cars not allowed to enter inside campus, vigil at 5pm in front of Student Center

    - No major police presense or activities (yet)

    - Otherwise a nice day, sunny and a good wind. Perfect day for sailing if I weren't feeling so bad. People crying and running around the corridors. Quiet everywhere. Please don't rush to conclusions and bomb anybody until somebody takes claim and it can be substantiated. Note that Taliban, Hamas, DFLP, Jihad, and Arafat have explicitely denied involvement.
  • by sportal ( 145003 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:48PM (#2281061)
    Here are some more World Trade Center Photos. []

    #1467 - 1472 were taken before the second tower collapsed.
    #1473 - 1474 is the National Guard deployed on Lexington Ave.
    #1775 - 1746 are people trying to get out of Manhattan waiting at a bus stop.
    #1477 - 1490 is lower Manhattan at 3pm.
    #1491 - 1496 is two blocks from the world trade center at 3pm.
    #1497 is a fire boat on the Hudson river.
    #1499 - 1503 is the world trade center an surrounding buildings
    #1505 is a fire truck damaged by the collapse 2 blocks away from the WTC.
    #1507 - 1510 is the WTC.
    #1511 - 1512 is a neighboring building.
    #1513 - 1515 is the surrounding area to the WTC.

    Everyone is free to forward these pictures, and use them without permission. Mirrors are welcome. --Terry

  • by bigdavex ( 155746 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @04:56PM (#2281175)
    "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apprt by Chaos, while the fotress undures, the great leader will succumb" "The third big war will begin when the big City is burning" quote -Nostradamus- 1654 n. C.
    This has already been refuted once today by nparr. [] Geez.

    Here's his post copied for your convience. Please mod him up.

    This is not real

    Just do a search on google for this phrase. If I make say a thousand prophecies that are fairly abstract for example:

    In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb

    Well let us analyse this. For Example what does City of God mean? It could be Mecca, Medina, Rome, Jeruselum, Salt Lake City, or any holy city depending on your religion. What do I mean by thunder--a storm? War? EarthQuake? lots of stuff can be described by thunder. There are a lot of two brothers on this world (I think the Number runs among the Billions) and fortress edure's what--Besiegement, Famine, etc? What Great Leader? How will he succumb? To what?

  • by TWR ( 16835 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @05:01PM (#2281241)
    Ah, the "genocide is the answer" solution

    When someone else has sworn to kill you, sitting around and trying to be nice is stupid. Kill them first. Or are you not paying attention to what those vermin are preaching in their newspapers, television programs, and mosques? Imagine a TV show for children which told kids how sweet the blood of the infidels smells. Or, if you'd like, move to the West Bank and watch it yourself.

    They started the fight. It's time to end it.


  • by Lawmeister ( 201552 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @05:17PM (#2281403) Homepage
    First off - my previous post had 2 errors, 'Debt of Honour' was Clancey's book, and yes, GWB was not in power last year, my apologies in writing at too fevered a pitch.

    Now, my report regarding the escorted landing of two 747's at Whitehorse International Airport:

    11:42am A Korean Airlines cargo 747-400 landed using every inch of available runway

    11:50am We spotted another inbound jet
    11:52am A Korea Airlines passenger 747 landed coming down just 15 feet above the awesome and scary sight from only 100 feet away. 3 F-18's (hard to say, they were pretty high up) escorted them in and continued to circle Whitehorse's airspace.

    Luckily Whitehorse's runway had just been extended to facilitate 747's last year.

    Emergency vehicles kept their distance from both planes, the passenger plane having taxied back to the north end of the runway, as far away from the terminal as possible.

    A gray truck approached the passenger plane, dispersing ground personnel to chalk the wheels, then fell in behind an officer wielding a long barreled weapon and backed up behind the officer to the truck and departed the scene

    A ramp was brought to the aircraft but no one left for about 20 minutes (at 12:36pm) when a single male came down and walked towards the police vehicles (we could hear the occasional word from a police loudspeaker) he made it about half way when he was obviously ordered to lift his shirt up, turn around, lift his pant legs, then he removed the shirt completely, holding it over his head while continuing to walk towards the vehicles. People with binoculars were able to see several FBI jackets amongst the police. There was a lear jet nearby which was probably used to get the FBI here from Alaska (since as far as I know we don't have any resident FBI in Yukon).

    At 12:43pm we were ordered away from the area by the RCMP. Apparently for 'our own safety' - we were on crown land, outside the airport's perimeter fence.

    There is the possibility that we may be receiving up to 10 planes, but I have no idea where they could park them.

    Further information available at: tm l -c p.html
  • OK... (Score:4, Informative)

    by Danse ( 1026 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @05:24PM (#2281484)

    So, basically you think we should fight fire with fire. We should become terrorists ourselves in order to punish those who committed this act. In the end, we will end up locked in a battle to the death with the terrorists responsible for today's attacks, and probably others as well. We will have no moral justification for our acts other than the same justifications that the terrorists of the world normally give. This was not the first stone to be thrown. This is just a bigger stone than usual. Most Americans don't even know what the hell our country does overseas or how our actions affect the people of other countries. Most people don't seem to really care. Is it any surprise that we've made enemies such as this?

  • by wwight ( 302660 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @05:28PM (#2281518)
    Speaking of three towers, building 7 in the World Trade Complex just collapsed.
  • by slashdot2.2sucks ( 516360 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @06:43PM (#2282330)
    The irony of your statement is absolutely disgusting. To speak of a country ignorant of its evil actions, Japan is the worst example. During WWII, Japan's actions toward the people of China were as terrible as the Nazi mass murders. Have you ever heard of the Rape of Nanking [].
    To this day the Japanese government has refused to apologize for these and other World War II atrocities, and a significant sector of Japanese society denies that they took place at all.
    Yes non-military citizens did die from the atom bombs and that was a horrible tragedy, but they were knowing located very near strategic military bases, and the actions of Japan were evil and had to be stoped.
  • by turbodog42 ( 122173 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @06:49PM (#2282385)
    According to CNN, they were owned by New York-based Larry Silverstein Properties and Los Angeles-based Westfield America Properties.

    See this article [].
  • Re:fp - mev (Score:5, Informative)

    by billn ( 5184 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @07:03PM (#2282475) Homepage Journal
    I'm writing this response from a desk within the NOC of the Networld+Interop show in Atlanta, GA.
    On opening day of what is still a very popular (and large) trade show, attendance was shockingly, and understandably, low. The CNN building directly across the street stood empty, evacuated against the remote possibility that it might be a target.

    Streaming media products were quickly retooled and retasked. Clusters of stunned attendees and staff gathered around state-of-the-art flat panels and projection screens as today's events progressed. The 2x4 edge-to-edge video wall within the NOC has been displaying streaming media and television all day, workstation monitors spun to face outward so passerby's can have other places to view.

    By 1 pm, Interop team volunteers were paired with Event staff to canvass the show floors to advise exhibitors that we'd be closing the show floor early to allow people to depart where possible. In between, people are emailing, messaging, calling, checking on loved ones. As I write this, Interop team members are still clustered within the I-Labs area, watching live newsfeeds streamed over the grid.

    The shock of the incident is incredible. This is the kind of tragedy you see in movies and pray never happens. During one of a couple meetings today, someone present for the Oklahoma City bombing brought up a powerful notion: The victims of these tragedies, and the people they leave behind, need to know there is support for them, that people care. I consider myself to be a fairly thick skinned individual, and this event has struck me to the core.

    We, as a chorus, are the voice of the world. Take the time to show your support. Resist the kneejerk response to lash out in anger. Even more, demolish the impulse to turn this into a laughing matter.

    Allow me a brief moment to express some outrage: Within hours of the initial incident, the remains of the WTC were placed for auction on eBay. I'm sure someone thought it was funny. I'm sure some people still think it's funny. I hope those of you who do mention it in mixed company, and have to face down the family member of a victim of today's incredible tragedy.
  • by Pig Hogger ( 10379 ) <`moc.liamg' `ta' `reggoh.gip'> on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @07:57PM (#2282872) Journal
    the people behind the attack wern't Muslims, because the traditional Muslim faiths don't condone killing others. Unfortunately for her and us, though, our only image of the Muslim faith is BinLaden carrying out his attacks in the name of religion.

    So, what are the muslim authorities doing to get rid of that image-breaking Ben Laden???
  • by Dix ( 73628 ) on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @09:50PM (#2283523)
    Well, they've expelled him so far from Saudi Arabia and Sudan ...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 11, 2001 @10:58PM (#2283864)
    Palestinian Official Television Broadcasts call for Killing Jews and Americans

    Following are excerpts from a sermon given Friday, October 13, in the Zayed bin Sultan Aal Nahyan mosque in Gaza, broadcast live on the official
    Palestinian Authority television. The speaker is Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, Member of the PA appointed "Futwa Council" and former acting Rector of the Islamic University in Gaza:
    "None of the Jews refrain from committing any possible evil. If the Labor party commits the evil and the crime, the Likud party stands by it; and if
    the Likud party commits the evil and the crime, the Labor party stands by it? The Jews are Jews, whether Labor or Likud? They do not have any
    moderates or any advocates of peace. They are all liars. They all want to distort truth, but we are in possession of the truth."

    "O brother believers, the criminals, the terrorists are the Jews, who have butchered our children, orphaned them, widowed our women and
    desecrated our holy places and sacred sites. They are the terrorists. They are the ones who must be butchered and killed, as Allah the Almighty
    said: "Fight them: Allah will torture them at your hands, and will humiliate them and will help you to overcome them, and will relieve the minds of the

    "O brothers in belief, this is the case of the Jews and their habitual conduct, and what happened yesterday, and has been going on for two weeks,
    and before that for many years, and which will be repeated in future years unless we stand up like men and unless we have the known Muslim
    position, [the position] of those who wage Jihad in the path of Allah, those who defend their rights and who sacrifice all that is dear to them."
    "O brothers in belief, the beautiful bride has a costly price and dowry? Our bride is paradise, o brothers in belief. ?The cost and the dowry of this
    bride, the dowry of this paradise, is that we fight in the path of Allah, and kill and be killed."

    "Allah has purchased from the believers their persons and their property in return for the promise that they shall have paradise, for they fight in the
    cause of Allah, and they slay the enemy and are slain. This is a promise that He [Allah] has made incumbent upon Himself, as set out in the Torah,
    and Gospel and the Koran"

    "We say to the Jews, and we say to Clinton, and we say to all those who supported the Jews and still cooperate with the Jews, we say to them, that
    this will not shake us, we are the Palestinian people, who are positioned in the land of the Isra' and Mi'raj. It will not shake a single hair of ours. Our
    determination will not sway. We will raise the banner of Jihad?"

    "America and Europe and the world were shocked by the kidnapping of three tramps, the kidnapping of three wretched soldiers, and the killing of
    two in Ramallah. But their feelings were not moved, and they did not shudder when they say the children Muhammad ad-Durrah and other women,
    and men, and youths - being martyred by cannons and missiles, and all the barbaric instruments and the Jews possess."
    "They were moved, for the sake of five persons, and the world went into turmoil and it will not stop for Clinton or for the old hag Albright, they will
    not be relieved, and they will not cease to be concerned, and they will not rest until the Jews return to their families. But as for the Palestinians, as for
    this pure blood, it can go to Hell in the eyes of the Americans and Europe and the Jews"

    "This is the truth, O Brothers in belief. From here, Allah and almighty has called upon us not to ally with the Jews or the Christians, not to like them,
    not to become their partners, not to support them, and not to sign agreements with them. And he who does that, is one of them, as Allah said: "O you
    who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies, for they are allies of one another. Who from among you takes them as allies will
    indeed be one of them"

    "The Jews are the allies of the Christians, and the Christians are the allies of the Jews, despite the enmity that exists between them. The enmity
    between the Jews and the Christians is deep, but all of them are in agreement against the monotheists - against those who say, 'There is no God but
    Allah and Muhammad is his messenger,' that is they are against you, O Muslims."

    "Even if an agreement of Gaza is signed - we shall not forget Haifa, and Acre, and the Galilee, and Jaffa, and the Triangle and the Negev, and the
    rest of our cities and villages. It is only a matter of time. The weak will not remain forever weak, and the strong will not remain forever strong? If we
    are weak today? and we are not able to regain our rights, then at least we have to pass on the banner - waving high - to our children and

    "None of the factions is allowed to stand on the sidelines at this stage, or not to think well of avenging our pure martyrs and wounded. ?Our people
    must unite in one trench, and receive armaments from the Palestinian leadership, to confront the Jews. By Allah, the Jews, O brothers in belief, do
    not know, nor have they ever known throughout history, anything but force and Jihad in the path of Allah. The Jews are like a [gas] pedal - as long
    as you step on it with your foot, it doesn't move, but if you lift your foot from it, it hurts you and punishes you. That is the case of the Jews."

    "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them.
    Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them - and those who stand by them - they are all in one trench, against the
    Arabs and the Muslims - because they established Israel here, in the beating heart of the Arab world, in Palestine. They created it to be the outpost
    of their civilization - and the vanguard of their army, and to be the sword of the West and the crusaders, hanging over the necks of the monotheists,
    the Muslims in these lands. They wanted the Jews to be their spearhead"

    "Let us put our trust in Allah, close ranks, and unite our words, and the slogan of us all should be, 'Jihad! Jihad! For the sake of Palestine, and for the
    sake of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa!'"

    "We will not give up a single grain of soil of Palestine, from Haifa, and Jaffa, and Acre, and Mulabbas [Petah Tikva] and Salamah, and Majdal
    [Ashkelon], and all the land, and Gaza, and the West Bank?"

    "Allah, deal with the Jews, your enemies and the enemies of Islam. Deal with the crusaders, and America, and Europe behind them, O Lord of the

"Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." -- Robert Orben
