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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Why would anybody do this?!?!?!? 5

Just got an e-mail from Amazon Talent Acquisition:
Amazon has launched a Part-Time Tech Program and is currently looking to hire Software Development Engineers to join a very exciting, growing team: Amazonâ(TM)s People Technology. We are hosting an invitation only hiring event in Seattle to meet talented Software Development Engineers such as yourself! These positions are located in Seattle.

With the People Technology team, your customers are essentially the entire Amazon organization, from line HR to managers to employees (current, former, and future). This is a rapidly growing mission critical team for all of Amazon with intriguing work with high visibility and impact.

Part-Time Tech Highlights:
 30 hours per week
 Same benefits as full-time
 Prorated salary
 Seattle based
 Teams are entirely part-time, including the managers!

If youâ(TM)re interested in being considered for this opportunity, please reply back with your updated resume by Thursday, June 8th, 2017. This opportunity may require relocation to Seattle; Amazon will provide relocation assistance if made an offer. We will also provide travel and accommodations to the event if invited and necessary.

Thank you and once I receive your response, I will follow up with next steps.

Best regards,


David Tisdale, MBA, SPHR | Sr. Technical Talent Acquisition | Amazon


First of all, I don't want to live in Seattle. Second, what kind of idiot would take this deal?

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Why would anybody do this?!?!?!?

Comments Filter:
  • Everyone said that thanks to technology we'd work fewer hours per week and have so much more time to spend on leisure.

    Of course, getting paid less for working less remains unsaid by the people promoting it.

  • Without salary deets, I don't know how badly to get outraged.
  • If you can make enough to live comfortably on 30-hours a week, why not?

    Of course, for this to work in the Seattle area the wages would have to be astronomical -- or you'd have to be single, with no family, and probably share a house with other Amazonians.

  • Seems like a good idea to me. There are probably plenty of people who would like to work fewer hours in exchange for a smaller salary, but that's almost never possible. What if you had a small (hours per week) but lucrative consulting gig that was enough work where another 40 hours a week would be too much?

Help me, I'm a prisoner in a Fortune cookie file!
