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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: Oh fuck , that's right 18

I almost forgot that tomorrow is "Slashdot doe something supremely unfunny for April Fools'" day. Which means I'll check in once to see what the stupid is this year and then wait until the coast is clear the day after that.
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Oh fuck , that's right

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  • So we can expect those won't be part of slashdot tomorrow, I guess.

    Maybe something about radioactive polar bears surfing?

  • It's been going on for months, since the format change.. and now it's full of all sorts of bizarre clicks. Unseen buttons in the middle of nowhere. Eh, maybe it's just a poltergeist

    • It's been going on for months, since the format change.. and now it's full of all sorts of bizarre clicks. Unseen buttons in the middle of nowhere. Eh, maybe it's just a poltergeist

      I've found the problem to be that a collapsed comment produces a div with an OnClick for the ENTIRE div to expand it... this means that if I have a comment that is expanded underneath that one, then clicking anywhere in that expanded comment is passed on to random higher-nested unexpanded comment. And that comment then expands, and moves all the crap on the screen around.

      It would be nice if the Click To Expand area was limited to the comment's title or at least not into the nested comments...

      • by Qzukk ( 229616 )

        Yes, that's been driving me crazy as well, since it makes it impossible to click in the comment box to type until you've opened all the parent comments (but for some reason the Subject box is immune, at least in Chrome, so I just end up clicking there and tabbing down when I remember it's jacked up).

        • I end up opening "Reply to This" in a new tab... It reverts back to D1, but.. what the hell

          • by Qzukk ( 229616 )

            It seems some recent version of chrome has decided that not only should middleclick do the "onclick" thing, it should not open the link in a new tab while it's doing it.

            I consider this a regression from the previous behavior of middle click ignoring onclick while opening the link in the new tab, which was an improvement (which IIRC I had voted on a bug requesting, which I am going to find and see if it's been reopened yet) over the previous behavior of doing the onclick thing AND opening the link in the new

      • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

        At first I thought the wonkiness was IE6's fault. But Konqueror was little better. Even Firefox is wierd in kubuntu, less wierd in Win7. The only OS I've tried that renders it correctly is, ironically, IE 9.

        Wierd. Sure seems like an April Fool's joke.

        Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

        A: None, that's a hardware problem.

  • They have the usual collection of stuff for April 1st. Do you think conservapedia will do it too? That would really fool us, if they could show that their editors have a sense of humor.

    (leaves me to wonder how many times the page on Finland will be edited tomorrow...)

    If I wasn't already so damned tired I'd wait for to update for the day (bastards are on central time) and see what kind of gimmick they go for; they usually sell those out quick.
    • They (Conservapedia) already have attempted humor... look at their Atheists and Obesity article...

      • They (Conservapedia) already have attempted humor... look at their Atheists and Obesity article...

        The sad thing is, conservapedia editors believe every last word in that article; it is a requirement in order to become a conservapedia editor. Their stoic belief in every last word they write is very similar to someone we all love dearly here on slashdot.

        Besides, they don't believe in humor. Indeed their scripture tells them that humor is bad; laughter even more so. They firmly believe that any time you laugh, Jesus tells Satan to send you down one level deeper into hell when you get there. And of c

        • They (Conservapedia) already have attempted humor... look at their Atheists and Obesity article...

          The sad thing is, conservapedia editors believe every last word in that article; it is a requirement in order to become a conservapedia editor. Their stoic belief in every last word they write is very similar to someone we all love dearly here on slashdot.

          Besides, they don't believe in humor. Indeed their scripture tells them that humor is bad; laughter even more so. They firmly believe that any time you laugh, Jesus tells Satan to send you down one level deeper into hell when you get there. And of course, that is after Jesus kills your kitten.

          You have it somewhat backwards, Kendoll has well established that his "atheism and obesity" article and for example, his flying cats article are all satire, and intended to be humorous. Of course, they totally FAIL at being funny...

          However, the odd nature of Poe's Law is that unestablished editors cannot act knowingly that they are satire, or else you're suspected as a liberal...

  • Been & gone []
    "There's a fine line between truth and fiction.
    Many eagle-eyed readers were quick to identify a prank story among this morning's leading news items on our website.
    The only problem is, some picked the wrong story." []
    "Informal voters could have their incomplete voting ballots fille

  • Haven't seen anything weird today. Sure the occasional "must be aprils fools" article, but even that seems to be limited. (Status: 13h26CEST... )

The best things in life go on sale sooner or later.
