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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: SOTU QOTD 4


The Washington Post: Michele Bachmann To Deliver Her Own State of the Union Rebuttal/1.21.11

I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that this is going to be the greatest fucking thing in the history of everything that has ever existed ever.

There'll be Barack Obama, the President of the United States.

Then an establishment GOP flunky.

Then a circus clown with Down's Syndrome tripping on Felix the Cat acid.

Have your popcorn ready.

Somewhere, Bobby Jindal is breathing a huge sigh of relief.

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  • but if u r in Seattle, there's SOTU watch parties at Mae's in Wallingford, just off I-5 on 45th, and Moe's on Capitol Hill, just off Pike/Pine.

  • It they can arrange a "wardrobe malfunction", someone may actually watch.

  • Anyone want to try taking a shot each time an iteration of "socialism" or "takeover" comes up in her rebuttal? I suspect the room will be spinning quite early...

    That said, I thought I heard her "rebuttal" will be written or pre-recorded to be released on some tea party blog. So it was probably written some time ago based on wild speculation. But of course, what else would we expect from the tea party?

If you can't understand it, it is intuitively obvious.
