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Journal zogger's Journal: Chicago Banking Industry Protest 12

There's a big banking convention going on in Chicago soon, and activists are planning some demonstrations. Showdown in Chicago

"The same financial institutions that caused the economic crisis and took billions in taxpayer bailouts are back to earning incredible profits. Meanwhile, Americans face shrinking pensions, rising foreclosures and unemployment, state budget cuts, predatory lending, outrageous overdraft fees, and sky-high credit card interest rates....." and so on.

There's one nifty thing an individual can do to help out, if they so choose and are motivated enough, and that is, just stop using credit, especially through banks and credit card companies. Yes, it is really doable. Just say no. If you can't pay for it, maybe you can't afford "it" in the first place. The "we the people" could solve this economic problem well before government and the banking industry can, by "opting out" instead of "in" for their usury and "investment" scams.

  The default in our society is, you get brainwashed-and this is clearly done on purpose and is rather extensive- into "opting in" starting when you are a little kid, and it carries on over to adulthood, and you are never really presented with credible alternatives, you are forced to seek them out on your own, whenever it dawns on you that there even might be an alternative to participating in all these scams. Most people are terrified of the thought "OMG! No credit! Howsoever would I live!?!!" shake, tremble, etc. And that's as far as it goes with most people, they shut down immediately and it is never considered again, trapped in that cult. And it is a cult, the cult of the crediots.. They have been literally terrorized into that belief system and mindset.

  The concept of living "without credit" in our modern society is so alien to most people's economic upbringing that they never rationally consider it, or even take little baby steps towards trying to implement it in their own lives. They heroically hang onto putting themselves into decades/entire lifetimes of near complete economic thralldom, they "opt in" to that experience, as they are convinced now, in cult like fashion, that this is "the proper thing to do, look, everyone else is doing it!".

    Now, many, millions and millions, are wondering where all their money went,(despite reading a few articles back in school about the great depression and the stock market crash, it never sunk it why this really happened or who won and who lost back then, and why) and they are all now so very upset, despite years of working hard, they demand the same crooks and grifters and conmen to "reform" somehow. HAHAHAH!.... Doesn't even enter 'wishful thinking" stage, it is so unbelievable to think that is going to happen.

These millions and millions of people simply gave their wealth away freely, without even being really conscious of it, they got scared into giving it away, they got scared and conned (the stick and carrot applied to them) into paying outrageous interest sums over years and years, for pretty much everything, and into also thinking the "something for nothing" stockmarket would make everyone rich, that that would be the magic cure to make up for paying all that interest, when it is economically near impossible for that to even happen. The stock market is both winners and losers, it is not all winners, and most who participate eventually are losers, with a few really big winners. The system is designed that way, exactly like the big casinos in vegas are designed so that overall, the odds always favor the house. That's just reality. Same with the banking and credit "industry", same with the government and tax "industry".

  You see, if you *really* think about it, there is NO, none, nada, zero, incentive whatsoever for government nor the big banking/currency and credit creation "industry" nor the stock market shilling industry to really solve the credit and money problem as regards YOU, because that's how they get paid and how they accrue and maintain so much economic and political power over "you" in general terms, it is NOT a problem for them, it is YOUR problem, they take it from your pocket and place it in theirs, AFTER you willingly hand it to them, based on some vague, outrageous and thoroughly unbelievable promises they mumble combined with a few big threats that if you don't, even more terrible a fate awaits you.

  It is never going to be "fixed" in YOUR favor, never, ever, evah, ain't gonna happen no matter what they say, despite anything they claim they will do, despite which of either regular mainstream "party" you vote for or is "in power", because their system itself is set up to be a mass wealth and power skimming effort from YOU to THEM..

  So, it is basically quite simple, the more people stop using credit, and the less they stop believing in the magic beans for the cow "something for nothing" theory of investing, the less important this becomes in the overall economy, and the more affordable all the various "things" you want will become, by eliminating HUGE layers of completely unnecessary and extremely predatory middlemen and the wealth skimming that occurs in those layers of allegedly "important jobs".

    And you can only start with yourself, there's no one else is going to start that for you, it won't happen, so it is silly to think it will.

You really can't reform the system as long as you maintain active participation in that system, it's a waste of time to even try. Like hitting yourself with a hammer because theoretically if will feel just so darn good when you stop. The better idea is not hit yourself with the hammer in the first place.

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Chicago Banking Industry Protest

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  • The actual method I've been using to achieve freedom from what I refer to as the worst drug ever (debt) is available to those who might want it for the cost of clicking the proper link at http://www.successlocomotive.com/ [successlocomotive.com]

  • Since I live in Chicago, I'll be down at the protest taking pictures and reporting on my blog site. I'll try to be as impartial as I can.

    • by zogger ( 617870 )

      That's cool, looking forward to it. Try to keep situational awareness of any police riot action that might happen, so you can slip aside early. This is *the banking industry* the big kahuna, the biggest deal they need to keep intact to "stay in power" over their vast herds.

      Well, I'm not neutral at all, this is obvious, but these are my thoughts.

      They are not going to be shy about telling their mercenaries to bust heads, in other words, nor are they going to fail at using agent provocateurs. They use them at

      • by chill ( 34294 )

        I'll do it the easy way and show up in a $500 suit smoking a cigar. Blend in, so to speak. :-)

        • I like it, urban camouflage. Get a busted free crackberry and tote that around as well. Or a clip on microphone and an earbud, and a small flag lapel pin, "pass" as some "security" guy...don't forget the dark shades!

  • Bigger, better and more successful then ever before!

    Just remember - they can't take it with them... Reminding them of this is the most cutting punishment you can serve.

  • A mortgage to acquire a place of residence of one's own (i.e. one where you're paying it down and slowly owning it) is a good use of credit to me. I've read some of the few people who say it's financially wiser to rent all your life, but it may be based on supposedly getting better returns in the stock market, and I'm skeptical of that, and besides, quality of life issues should be factored in to how you decide to live, and I'm less stressed when more of my nest egg is at less risk.

    Prolly HELOC's are dubiou

    • by chill ( 34294 )

      I've read some of the few people who say it's financially wiser to rent all your life...

      Bring back the "family home". Buy or build a house that can be passed down to your kids and isn't going to fall apart in 30 years. I live in a 117-year old "mansion" that will last another 100 years with proper care.

      Buy land, build a house. Buy enough to build houses for the kids when they get old enough and pass it on down the generations.

      My $0.02, anyway.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by zogger ( 617870 )

      Ya, debit cards work for buying stuff just fine, that's all I have now. I even rented a big moving truck when we moved here with a debit card, and have also ordered online both plane tickets and greyhound bus tickets for my girlfriend when she needed to go visit her folks. Got rid of all my credit about 12 years ago now. Cash, or I don't buy it.

      Some merchants still have lay-away, but I haven't used that, but my GF did when she got me a new monitor for Christmas last year. You don't get instant gratification

  • Oh and one more thing, how do you get all the businesses to stop using credit?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by zogger ( 617870 )

      No idea there other than businesses can do a pay as you build out thing same as an individual can do it. If you ain't making enough money to do that, maybe you shouldn't be borrowing large sums of cash in the first place, because if you aren't making it now, you have high odds of not making it in the future when you still have to pay off this or that PLUS interest. Tons of businesses are going bankrupt now because theygot big eyes as well, leased at way too high a rate (commercial rents just dropping all ov

"Plastic gun. Ingenious. More coffee, please." -- The Phantom comics
