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Is America going Marxist?

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  • Know what the Old Major was all about?

    America is going the way of Chile's or Argentina's Fascism in the 70's. I don't care if you call it "right" or "Left". That's an X-Y axis designed to keep you idiots feuding amongst yourselves, dissapating the energy that could be joined in stopping the real enemy.

    Obama is as much a part of the program that Poppy Bush was advancing as both the Clintrons and Junior were.

    You are intelligent, but not very bright. It's not your fault, youv've been fed a lifetime of lies

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      Know what the Old Major was all about?

      That's a good question. Unfortunately, it's been long enough since I read it last that I couldn't begin to give this question justice at this moment in time. I'll read it again this week.

      The funny thing about your Animal Farm [] reference is that I think about that any time I think about American politics.

      Although it probably wasn't written with it in mind, I consider the American Government (currently the Democrats, though not necessarily restricted to them) in the position of the Pigs. They claim that the

  • For they failed to implement the multi-party democracy of Marx's communist manifesto.

  • But I glanced above and once I realized that vampires are real and that we have aliens living deep under the earth- the U.S. economic system just didn't seem so important any more. Sharpening stakes and working on my system to detect tunneling.

    • Nice one. You know you're argument's whack when you're linking to Pravda, of all news sources.
      • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

        Well, I thought about that, and I thought about the penchant for some to complain about my choice(s) in reading material, or even my choices of sources used in my JEs.

        Who better to speak about Marxism (or at least some form of Communism, though I know there are several differences) than a Russian? They've had a Communist regime from the overthrow of Czar Nicholas around 1916 until about 20 years ago.

        As for Pravda itself, yeah... I'm aware of their reputation for "truth".

        For the specifics of the American d

        • They've had a Communist regime from the overthrow of Czar Nicholas around 1916 until about 20 years ago.

          No, they had a dictatorship. Al these big words you keep attaching to it are but window dressing, which makes you the rube suckered in by the shiny.

          As for Pravda itself, yeah... I'm aware of their reputation for "truth".

          No kidding. Ronald Reagan himself is spinning in his grave!

          For the specifics of the American direction in Government, would you care to deny that the Federal Government has

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