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Journal RailGunner's Journal: The Climate Change Myth is starting to unravel... 5

I don't agree with the hyperbole, but it's the biggest Science Scandal of the last 30 years or so.

Someday, my children will mock the Climate Change Chicken Littles much the same way I mock the "Today is just a space between ice ages" Global Cooling morons of the 1970s.

Even then, the arguments were largely the same.

"Even if we're wrong, it's too big to risk. Shouldn't we do SOMETHING? After all, IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN."

... and the "solution" then is the same as it is now -- more State control of individual lives.

No thanks, count me out.
This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The Climate Change Myth is starting to unravel...

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  • Don't pollute

    • As a Catholic, I believe we should be good stewards of God's creation.

      However -- CO2 isn't pollution -- it's plant food. And we shouldn't have to pay Al Gore (how convenient!) "Carbon Credits" to exhale.

      I've written about this kind of thing before though -- there are two things that the government has to control in order to truly own you -- your health, and the environment. Every choice you make affects one or both of those things. Control that, and government controls you.

      Patrick Henry had the right
      • However -- CO2 isn't pollution -- it's plant food.

        So is nuclear fusion... Don't get too close. Pollution does not respect property lines. If you could contain it on your property, of course I would say go nuts. So, regardless of the global thing, please show enough respect and at least move downwind/stream. Camper's creed: Leave no trace. There are many less offensive ways of moving about.

        And another thing you should be aware of is that this climate change business is just another player in the capitalism g

      • As a Catholic, I believe we should be good stewards of God's creation.

        As a pragmatist, I believe we should take good care of the only biosphere we have (so far).

        However -- CO2 isn't pollution -- it's plant food. And we shouldn't have to pay Al Gore (how convenient!) "Carbon Credits" to exhale.

        H2O isn't pollution, either. But an excess of it can lead to problems.

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
