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Comment Allied with John The Pedo (Score -1, Troll) 66

This guy is allied with John Pedophile Podesta.

From the article:

CM:The reason John Podesta and I suggested a Federal Scanning Commission in our letter at YesWeScan.Org is we really don’t know how big the holdings of the government are.

That tells me everything I need to know.

Comment It’s to be able to prosecute tax errors (Score 4, Interesting) 59

For years now, wealth management firms have advised clients to 1) File an Extension, always, electronically, and 2) always file a paper tax form in paper and mail it on the 3rd or 2nd last day of the extended deadline.

Why? Because the IRS never gets to the 2nd or 3rd last day of backlogs. Sometimes, they start from the end, so if you send on the last day, maybe they’ll get to it.

After three years, if they haven’t manually gotten to your tax form, typed it into their system, etc., then any accidental error you made ,well, it will be too late for them to do anything about it. And currently their backlog is like 5 years, so unless you show up on their radar and they go hunting in their warehouses, you’re probably in luck.

Digitizing everything on receipt, however, seems to counteract that, so lots and lots and lots of upper-income folks (NOT top 1%, more like Top 20%) and small to medium sized businesses that sent in their stuff by mail will be caught up in the dragnets.

Comment Re:The Good Ol' Days (Score 1) 284

Go back to 1 June 2007 and show Steve Jobs what life is like in 19 June 2023.

He’ll be so fucking horrified that he’ll not do the iPhone 1 Release on 29 June 2007. In fact, he’ll destroy the iPhone and stick to making a better BlackBerry. Making sure that we avoid all the dopamine addiction of smartphones.

We should also visit the guys who created Android and show them the same thing.

We get to keep Amazon Prime, Netflix, Uber, Twitter, YouTube, AirBnb, everything else, all of which was created in a 1 year period between June 2006 and June 2007, which obviously was the best year of innovation in my entire life.

Comment Re:The Good Ol' Days (Score 1) 284

Let’s go back to June 1, 2007.

There was NO IPHONE.
There was NO ANDROID.

Reddit was 2 years old.
Twitter was 15 months old.

There WAS Amazon.
Heck, Amazon MP3 was great (!!)
And Amazon Prime was about 2 1/2 years old.
Netflix went Digital Video in January 2007, 7 months previously.

AirBnb had just been released and was a few months old.
YouTube was bought by Google on November 2006, 7 months previously.
Heck, Facebook had opened up to the world on September 2006, 9 months previously.

Yes, if we time travel back to 1 June 2007 and STOP STEVE JOBS, we can save humanity AND still have all of the modern Internet we love WITHOUT SMART PHONES (!!)

We could still support RIM and BlackBerry and not have the intense digital addictions that we have today.

Win/win/win/win/win (!!!)

Comment Re:Why not make a law(tariffs) for exporting jobs. (Score 2) 100

I am the CEO and main programmer / Architect of a small web development firm that has been in business for 10 years next month (so hardly a startup).

If I were to hire an American as an independent contractor, i have to 1) get them to fill out a W9, 2) submit a 1099-NEC for them every year, and 3) mail them the 1099 each year.

If I were to hire an American as a W2 employee, I have to 1) get them to fill out an I9, 2) verify employability (docs, please), 3) register them with their state’s unemployment board, 4) set up payments to their state’s unemployment service, 5) set up a bank account for their withheld wages, 6) set up autopayments to the IRS for their withheld taxes, 7) fill out a 1099 for them, 8) mail it out, 9) sign them up in the payroll processor, 10) buy them health insurance via the Marketplace, 11) set them up in the 401k account, 12) register with their state income tax body, 13) autodeposit withheld taxes to their state income tax body, 14) make sure they go through mandatory trainings (such as sexual harrassment, etc.), 15) BUY THEM A LAPTOP Probably more stuff

When I hire a foreign contractor: 1) I pay a lot less money. 2) I have them fill out the W9-BEN that says they aren’t a US citizen and don’t live in America, 3) set up for their autodeposits.

That’s it! And they usually cost 1/5th to 1/10th what Americans cost

Clearly, from a pure burden perspective, America makes it far more easier to hire foreign nationals than Americans.

Comment We aren’t being controlled by humans!!! (Score 1) 83

> And conspiracy theories are all too complicated. People aren’t that good, human systems aren’t that good, people can’t keep a secret to save their lives, and most people in positions of power are bumbling stooges.

Ah, I see the logical fallacy!

The “people” on top ARE NOT HUMANS! They’re Reptilian Draconins from the Alpha Draconis star system.

I am NOT making this shit up.

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