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Christmas Cheer

Journal tomhudson's Journal: Office Christmas Party Poll 37

This year's Office Christmas Party Poll:
  1. We're throwing the same party as last year.
  2. We're throwing a smaller one this year.
  3. In Soviet Russia, communist party throws YOU!
  4. It's a "Happy Holidays" party, you ignorant clod!
  6. Just a long liquid lunch.
  7. Netcraft confirms it, Christmas parties are dead.
  8. Pink Slip, the rotten b*st*rds.
  9. Not after 3 people got CowboyNealed last year.
  10. This year's party was better than last years" - as per this fortunate persons' request
  11. They're not even trying as noted here.
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Office Christmas Party Poll

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  • I'll wait till I'm sure I'm not getting one, THEN bring in the wine bottles (or dish, not shure).
    • I'll wait till I'm sure I'm not getting one, THEN bring in the wine bottles (or dish, not shure).

      In today's environment, that's probably the safest answer.

  • Suicide Season (Score:3, Insightful)

    by unlametheweak ( 1102159 ) on Tuesday December 16, 2008 @10:52PM (#26141139)

    Suicide Season has arrived. I don't see the need to celebrate.

    (BTW, there's no need to check Snopes, that would be cynical and demonstrate a lack of trust towards me. Just mod me Enciteful.)

    • Funny thing is that a lot of the holiday blues are from a combo of debt-driven excess and the worry in the back of the mind that the other shoe will drop. Then there's the whole seasonally-affected depression bit. You'll see the effects in January, when the rate DOES go above the average.

  • Actually, we were going to have a party up until last month, when it was canceled on short notice. But because it was always a hella-lame "official party" featuring the usual cohort of suits telling us to have a Merry Christmas over watered-down Pepsi and crackers, we always met at a bar afterward and had an unofficial After-The-Christmas-Party-Party, where the drinking and debauchery occurred.

    This year we met at a bar anyway and had an After-The-Canceled-Party-Party. Drinking and debauchery occurred.

  • Cutty Sark is pretty good whiskey. Smooth, flavorful, and is much cheaper than the single malts;-)
    • Cutty Sark is pretty good whiskey. Smooth, flavorful, and is much cheaper than the single malts;-)

      Too bad ex-Senator Stevens was wrong - you could have poured some of that in the 'InnerToobs' and spread the Christmas cheer around.

      • Too bad ex-Senator Stevens was wrong - you could have poured some of that in the 'InnerToobs' and spread the Christmas cheer around.

        Aye laddie. Yae wouldnae min' if I filtered it through me kidneys first would yae?
    • by plover ( 150551 ) *

      Cutty Sark is pretty good whiskey. Smooth, flavorful, and is much cheaper than the single malts;-)

      Heretic! Out, out, damned heathen! Blended Scotch is crap (sorry Mike Myers.)

      Here's an easy way to explain it: what do you have if you take a barrel full of sewage and add a cup of whiskey? You have a barrel of sewage. And what do you have if you take a full barrel of whiskey and add a cup of sewage? A barrel of sewage.

      The point is that adding just one off-note Scotch to a bunch of good Scotch turns the whole batch bad. I've never found a blend that has just good taste -- there's always somethin

      • And what do you have if you take a full barrel of whiskey and add a cup of sewage? A barrel of sewage.

        Bring it on by - I know some people who will drink ANYTHING! Especially at this time of year.

        Besides, how bad can one cup in a barrel be? It's less than the 0.4% (4 tenths of 1%) foreign contaminants that's allowed in canned tomatoes, for example. If you've ever had to go into the sewage system, you'd know that raw sewage is pretty diluted even before it gets to the plant. It's mostly (more than 99.9%)

      • I've had several single malts and I was quite pleasantly surprised with Cutty Sark. The taste was smooth and complex, and I didn't find any off-putting notes. Of course my sense of taste is generally inferior to most, so it could be that I miss the subtler crappiness;-) The best single malt I've had, FWIW, is Macallan. That's part of why I'd like to try Famous Grouse since Macallan is one of the three single malts used. Likely that's just all the more damning in your eyes, but I am still intrigued...
        • by plover ( 150551 ) *

          No, I really like the Macallan, too. I prefer the sherry oak over the fine oak, which is more evidence that I lean towards the simpler tastes (and why I don't care for the blends.) And I really really like the 18-year-olds, which make a huge difference in which flavors are suppressed.

          The bigger problem I have is that they charge so much more for the 18 year old vs the 12 year old whiskeys. (Our store even has a bottle of 30 year old Macallan that's locked up in a display case, and has a crazy price ta

  • And I'm embarrassed. Due to us doing the do with a "sister" firm, we mingled this year, and the results were boring.

    I told the new girl, before she left, that next year would, as the previous two years had been, a lot more fun and exciting, and no bullshit about bringing significant others either.
    • I told the new girl, before she left, that next year would, as the previous two years had been, a lot more fun and exciting, and no bullshit about bringing significant others either.

      I know what you mean ... you can't really rag your co-workers too hard when their S.O. is there ... and they can't just let their hair down and say much either ... a whole range of topics is off-limits, everyone has to be politically correct, and if your party is taking place simultaneously with other parties at, say, a restau

      • XKCD had a comment discussing the Balmer Peak. Alcohol consumption to coding ability. I can't find the link right now though.

        • XKCD had a comment discussing the Balmer Peak. Alcohol consumption to coding ability. I can't find the link right now though.

          I remember that - it explained WinME... methinks it needs to be updated to the 21st century :-)

          • Ok, did I miss a inside joke, or did noone want to use their googlefoo to find this : [] not that it took a long time...

            On to other more pressing oddities, why would you want to see WinME ported to the 21st century? I mean, surely Microsoft's about ready for a realllll bomb of an OS, but I think it'll be 8 that'll be the worst...

            • I was saying the *joke about WinME* needs to be ported to te 21st century - make it drunk programmers and Vista. Or more realistically, drunk project managers, because programmers, left to their own devices, wouldn't have made that gross an error no matter how bombed they were ...
              • Oh, I got the joke ;)

                I figured Vista was the joke :P

                No, but in all honesty, I find Vista to be pretty damn nice overall, there are just some UI tweaks I would make, and I would totally revamp UAC. For the most part it does what users need it to, and once you turn off Aero (and the sidebar, or is that redundant by saying turn off Aero) it's very usable...

  • Option 1.

    I dislike Office Christmas parties, which where I am is "simply" a Christmas dinner. Of course, I end up drinking too much and stay at home the next day and as such losing a day off.

    I'd rather have the monetary value of the dinner and not go. Of course, as I got to know last year, no excuse is accepted to be absent. Not even a valid one. *sigh*

    • I'd rather have the monetary value of the dinner and not go. Of course, as I got to know last year, no excuse is accepted to be absent. Not even a valid one. *sigh*

      This year, Christmas and New Years fall on Thursday, so I think most people ar going to stretch it out into a 4-day weekend.

      So next year, why not go to another party, and when they call you up on your cell phone to ask why you're not at "the" party, say "I am. Can't you hear all the noise? Hey, where ARE you all?" You'll know, and they'll kno

      • You obviously don't know how things worked last year. My wife did a reception at the kindergarten for the parents. I was there, obviously, to assist her. I served the Champagne and stuff like that. It was really fun, and all over for 20h00, if I recall correctly.

        I told my boss that I had another party, and that excuse was not taken. So, I did both... I won't mention the hangover of epic proportions I had the day after that.

        So, neither your trick nor the Santa thing would work.... Sadly, or I would hav

        • There's always the "too drunk to drive to the 2nd party" defense. Up here, DUI convictions get you a criminal record, so that excuse works.
    • no excuse is accepted to be absent

      How does that work? Do you get paid? Comp-time? Is it during normal business hours? Do you get written up or fired if you don't attend? Are they afraid you might have fun doing something else? Or is it some kind of petty control over other peoples' lives kind of thing?

      That just doen't sound right to me.

      • Last year, I told: "I cannot come, I have a party at my wifes work". The reply was pretty much: "That's no invitation, attendance is mandatory". Of course, nobody can actually force me, but I didn't want to be the black sheep either.

        So, I complied. That's about it. Can I get fired over such a thing? Probably not. Even if, I couldn't care less if they fired me. Not at this point. A year ago, I did care about not getting fired.

        No, I didn't get paid that evening, and yes it was in my free time. They

        • As Randy Pausch said in his last lecture, iirc, "The last time you were here you were asking for permission, this time you told me what you were going to do"... Perhaps that might work?

          I know the feeling tho, when we have our big annual trade show here in town and when the big-wigs from our manufacturers that we represent come in and congratulate us on being tops (over $1 million for that rep annually, so they like us - they being a small family outfit) then we are compelled to goto dinner and make nice.

          • Ah, the grand old classic: It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission

            You are absolutely right of course...
  • Where's the option for "This year's party was better than last years"?

    Seriously, normally it's at the horse track here in town, but this year they're closed for Ike damages, so we did a casino night instead... best party yet.

    • Where's the option for "This year's party was better than last years"?

      Good point

      my bad

      will fix :-)

  • I'm working for a different employer this year, and they don't even try: Actually, quite refreshing in light of the "your absence will be unofficially noticed" alternatives - I'll be sitting sipping my 15-year old Dalwhinnie and proving via Mario Kart on our new Wii *exactly* why driving under any influence is a truly bad idea...

    • thanks for pointing my omission out - I've fixed the mistake, and credited you in the link, as per my usual modus operandi :-)

      As for the Wii, I was thinking of buying both my daughters Wiis. My sister talked me out of it, which might be just as well, seeing as my younger one bought herself one (and a Wii Fit) a week ago. Apparently, she played with it for 4 hours straight, and was both tired and sore when it came time to go to work ...

      So now, instead of getting her the GPS she had originally wanted,

      • by RM6f9 ( 825298 )

        Got the Wii Fit with it, as well as the Mario Party, Mario Kart, Wii Sport, Wii Play - got the Fit because to do better with exercise equipment that will realistically handle my size would cost ten times as much and not be as much fun. The key is, as with everything else, moderation...

    • by sootman ( 158191 )

      A bar near college used to have Virtua Cop. [] I used to do pretty well, even WHILE drinking a Long Island tea. (As in, drink in one hand, plastic gun in the other.) Good times. :-)

  • Christmas parties used to be pretty cool. Nice hotel or entertainment complex, often the new hot one that just opened that year. (Orlando area.) It was like that up until 2005. Then...

    2006: Held in the open area outside of our office; a local BBQ chain catered. Great chain, but catering on this scale is so-so.
    2007: Held outside again, catering supplied by the in-house cafeteria. Yup, just as bad as it sounds.
    2008: Nada. Though my department head (who does well enough, naturally) let us come over to her (nic

  • I'd go with option '8', but I completely understand the reasoning... Business is business, after all.

    On the "plus" side, this shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as when the Dot-com bubble burst.

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
