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Journal Journal: Computer Engineering Barbie

So the internet voted and decided that Barbie's next job is computer engineering.. Having grown up playing with Barbies, gotten into computer programming through the Barbie fashion games (which I wanted to hack for better options), and finishing up a computer engineering degree, I think this has gotta be one of the most awesome things ever. But, I wonder if it'll have any effect on actual female participation in the major, which currently hovers in the 11% percent range (translating into 1 or 2 female compE's in a class.)


Journal Journal: portable moniter?

I'm part of my schools IGVC team and we're upgrading our bot's computer to an onboard mini-itx. Most of the access to the box is gonna be through ssh, but I want a terminal I can just mount on the bot for convenience/monitoring. Bidding on a PSOne lcd already, but what are some good options if that doesn't pan out? I want to keep it as cheap as possible and small. I haven't found any good guides to modding a digital photo frame or portable dvd player or any other screens (I've got two broken TI-83s with good screens and I'd love to do something with them), but I'm probably just not looking in the right places. Any suggestions?

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