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Comment Re:Escape the Solar System, and Galaxy (Score 1, Insightful) 265

Firstly, the sun is eventually going to render the Earth uninhabitable so - assuming we survive that long - we'll have to leave.

These are the words of someone who clearly has zero concept of the planet's past and future timelines, where we currently are in that timeline, and mankind's own history in relation to the planet's timeline.

Hint: An event that's expected to happen in 6 to 7 billion years isn't something we should worry about at all, especially when you consider that mankind has existed for 1 to 2 million years at most of the planet's 4.5 billion year history.

Comment Re:I usually see a chaotic oscillation (Score 1) 464

You also have a problem when the cashier themselves are in the Type 1 category. This happened to me at a drugstore a while back. Everyone was standing in one line that was generally straight back from one of the cashiers. Things were going well with most of the other cashiers calling "Next". Then a few people noticed that one cashier off to the side was just standing there fiddling with her fingernails. When someone asked her why she wasn't taking any customers, she replied "Oh, you all are in her line," which naturally forced the breakup of the nice orderly queue. Ugh!

Comment Re:Yikes (Score 2, Informative) 178

I'd say these articles at least demonstrate a history that indicates this product is in true development and why the company might have shifted direction so dramatically.

I'd argue the exact opposite. Every single one of those "supporting articles" was a press release issued by GoSolarUSA. You do understand what a press release is, right?

Comment Re:I'll miss them (Score 1) 390

update - they're not actually 2 inches by 4 inches!!! oh the horror!

This is clearly just the lumberjack elite trying to rip us poor consumers off by selling us less than what we paid for. They call them 2-by-4s, but then they try to get out of delivering that by using technical terms like kiln, moisture, and shrinkage. We should launch a class action lawsuit against Big Lumber. Or at the very least they need to come clean and start calling them by what they're really selling us.

Comment Re:Is it just me? Or is the e-book thing... (Score 1) 167

Just kinda underwhelming?

Maybe I've become a relic, but I don't enjoy reading for long periods of time on a screen.
If I do, I want a book, or at least, a printout.

That's where the whole e-ink thing comes into play -- a screen that uses reflected (instead of emitted) light. As much of a cliché as it is, the screen really does disappear once you get into whatever you're reading.

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