Correct. As you can tell, I'm in favor of safety/insurance/competence regulation of taxi service without the artificial scarcity caused by these fixed numbers of medallions. I don't care if it's called a medallion, a permit, or whatever ... it's wrong to artificially restrict supply.
I am *against* what seems to be the modern startup model, which is "Let's pretend copyright/safety regulations/any other inconvenient law somehow doesn't apply to us, because our business model doesn't work otherwise. Once we raise billions by being 'disruptive' then we can afford to buy laws/regulatory capture and retcon that our actions were legal all along..."
In this group, along with Uber and Lyft, we have YouTube, AirBnb, various streaming music library startups, et al.
Do I believe copyright as it presently exists is unethical? Sure. But it galls me when someone gets rich by cheating and everybody seems to think it's innovation that gave them the edge in the market.
Maybe Bernie Madoff should have called his model "disruptive innovations in investing" instead.