Comment Bitcoins... (Score 1) 295
Think of all the bitcoins that could have being generated... RIP
Think of all the bitcoins that could have being generated... RIP
Titan disagrees with you.
We are the slashdot trolls, my (just made, surprise butt fuck) friend.
And we keep on trollin' till the end.
We post goatse links.
Natalie portman and hot grits.
No time for lusers (Linux users),
because FreeGayOS (FreeBSD) rules!
No, dragon is NOT yet human rated, Heck it just flew once,and that dragon didn't even had the equipment to berth with the station, lets alone give humans the life support.
Cheese is a lot easier to launch that a human, trust me.
Don't get me wrong, Musk is on the right track. His dragon sure will became soon man rated, he will eventually launch sats.
I just want to note that I think he is overly optimistic, taking all the time about how he will launch a falcon 9 every 3 months, about mars, re-usability, etc, and yet, until now he just can launch just one rocket per year,
On the other hand, he has plenty of enemies. I even witnessed one myself. Many peoples that work for pork that nasa provides are really upset by his work, and try to spread the FUD about how unsafe his rocket is and stuff like that.
So I guess here really plays it safe.
So go SpaceX, go and just suceed.
BTW, it looks like you (slashdot readers) were right when you laughed about Skylon
I actually registered here on slashdot to express my opinion about it.
Yet almost year passed since their 'precooler' test supposed to start, and its not done yet.
They indeed probably just blow dust into investor's eyes.
Did he launch them in falcon 9 last time?
I mean spaceX is awesome, but he really should have more realistic look on things.
Please first make a human rated space capsule, and actually start launching stuff from its long manifest,
then we will talk mars
Its still doesn't explain why did the Itanic sunk.
I have Fuze+. Apart from the fact that it does play ogg, its crap overpriced player.
Not only it has over sensitive touchpad that reacts to every finger movement while you hold that damn thing,
but it also buggy (crashed many times),
Its interface also lags a lot.
It barely recognizes IDv3 tags (I had to convert all of my MP3 collection to use very specific version of them to make it see them).
It plays videos only is very specific format for which you have to download their crappy video converter.
Battery life is decent, but its much lower that 24 hour, they claim. It works for about 6 hours with screen turned off.
And that is exactly what the troll wants.
Just don't feed the trolls, and they will die in painful death.
(To be honest I am feeding him now as well, so I promise that is my first and last post on this topic)
Its good, as it turns to be? Or do we want an ice age?
BTW, I hate them too.
So, even the name for that horrible Unity3D of Ubuntu, was stolen? Doh, and I used ubuntu for so long, and miss it so much.
Haven't you figured it out?
Mentioning iAnything causes Nerd Rage.
Nerd Rage brings page views. Lots and lots of them.
Page views bring profit!
Who cares if the summaries are misleading or don't tell the whole story?
You mean iNerd, don't you?
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer