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Submission + - NASA pondering two public contests to build small space exploration satellites (

coondoggie writes: NASA today said it was looking into developing two new Centennial Challenge competitions that would let the public design, build and deliver small satellites known as Cubesats capable of operations and experiments near the moon and beyond. The first challenge will focus on finding innovative ways to allow deep space communications with small spacecraft, while the second focuses on primary propulsion for small spacecraft.

Comment Not actually a problem with AWS. (Score 5, Informative) 114

This is no different than booting a LiveCD and changing the Windows password from a Linux LiveCD running with access to the same storage device. This is not a flaw in AWS in any fashion, other than illustrating the trust you place in AWS having access to your physical devices. Why is this news? This is a standard if-you-have-access-to-hardware-you-can-have-complete-control-over-everything-on-it-not-encrypted problem.

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