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Comment question (Score 0) 100

How do we know some asshole terrorist didn't set him up?

Or worse, blackmail the authorities into trumping up the charges?

Someone tried to impeach the AG during the criminal investigation of the January 6th riot

You don't fucking fire the sheriff in the middle of a bank robbery!

Something stinks big time and if anything they'd have better luck going after him as a material witness to whoever spilled the beans.

If he could crack a password THAT FUCKING EASILY I would consider it dereliction of duty for whatever agency was in possession of the material in question.

Comment interference (Score 1) 23

Honestly, the best way to deal with this isn't to socialize the process of approval, but to create an ecosystem where the laws of supply and demand can turf out the assholes by social darwinism. Unpopular people tend to get ostracized. The government's job is to create a level playing field so that cheaters get punished for breaking the rules and to prevent oppressive monopolization, but it's the market's job to decide winners and losers.

Comment real problem (Score 1, Insightful) 143

The real problem is that the fossil fuels industry has the energy economy by the balls and politician's can't afford to sacrifice their political careers to be advocates for the environment without the literally dirty money screwing them out of their campaign funds.

Plastic isn't meant to be recycled, it's meant to make durable goods that last a good while, like credit cards, keyboards, electronics.

Using oil as fuel is a last resort but at least it gets it burned up into a state where the existing biomass can recycle it through photosynthesis.

The earth is already giving us PLENTY of raw material to literally make plastic without using a single drop of oil and when we're done with it we just burn it up the same way we would have burned the raw materials for fuel anyway.

Even animals consume and burn plant material and cough out carbon dioxide and fart out methane, that is literally what metabolism is

The only reason we have pollution is because the energy industry is held hostage by greedy bastards who care more about green money than green power

Comment Re:Credit card numbers are typed in (Score 1) 60

The real "PCI compliance" issue is that credit card companies themselves are in on the deluge of spam because they get to collect fees off of every product pushed with it.

They also act as a cartel and have a monopoly on the economy of the entire world, which means no politician would dare try to outlaw spam beyond that required to make them less afraid of the public than they are of the banking sector

Comment guild (Score 1) 60

The only reason we're hearing about this is only because someone was greedy enough to wait for a good time to sue over it instead of being a good samaratin and warning Papa John's ahead of time

This is a simple case of incompetence among the tech illiterate being once again being taken advantage of by the rich and powerful to make a quick buck off the backs of the poor.

Comment troll (Score 1) 80

Puh leeze

I'm majoring in cybersecurity and I know better than most not to trust software alone to do something you can only guarantee through physical means.

Reusing storage devices is an infosec NIGHTMARE.

Whoever wrote TFA and thought it would be worthy of slashdot's attention needs to hand in their geek card.

The closest I'd ever come to reusing a storage device in this context is recycling the raw materials and feeding them back into the supply chain to manufacture new ones.

I happen to know that some storage devices have buggy firmware, and it could very easily be malware when a programmer is being blackmailed by an enemy nationstate.

Comment Re:answer (Score 1) 61

Simple, you go after them with a vengeance and you use human life to trump any financial issues.

Pursuing it as a homicide investigation and/or a terrorist attack will carry a lot more weight than simple fraud

Even if you don't catch them you can send a loud and clear message to the hacker world that endangering human life will not be tolerated.

It's bad enough that ransomware hackers go after banks and so on, but even in war the geneva conventions and so on forbid targeting of hospitals and so on.

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