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Journal shanen's Journal: So have they actually fixed the moderation? 1

So the answer to my earlier question was "Dropped off slashdot again almost immediately". I have no idea when I visited, but it claims this year.

I actually remember a time when I visited /. fairly often, though it was often quite annoying. Moderation was just one of many problems, but perhaps the most visible and annoying one... Having a very slow week, so maybe I'll look around a bit and see what has changed. Seems unlikely, but maybe some of the changes will be actual improvements?

I can already say that the new prominence of ads does NOT appear to be an improvement, though I agree that the financial model is one of slashdot's biggest and most obvious problems.

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So have they actually fixed the moderation?

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  • As far as I can tell the moderation system hasn't changed in the past year or two, so most likely the answer to your question is no. If you meant metamoderation, well it still doesn't have any obvious impact on anything so that also seems to not have been fixed anytime in the past ~5 years.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
