I'd rather have the woman I'd known and loved for time, than a fetus I'd not met and hadn't even processed the atmosphere yetæ.now, he's stuck with a vegetable for a wife, and raising a kid on his own.
So the value of a human life is determined by your attachment the person? OR your enjoyment of the person? That seems like both an arbitrary and egotistical standard.
Why didn't they dump the kid and save her for God's sake??? . . . Why was this such a hard choice to me? [sic] Seems a no brainer to me (no pun intended).
For one thing, the neurologists didn't seem to think such a tragedy was likely.
But more to the point, your comment (and GP's) seem to imply that the mother wasn't (or shouldn't have been) the one making the decision, but that she either was or ought to have been entirely passive in this process.
So going back to the first point, maybe she was willing to risk her health to make sure her child could grow up.
how? the spelling is horrific, the grammar atrocious, and the logic faulty. who doesn't like programming advice who can't program natural language.
You should cut them a little slack; most natural language interpreters will parse anything by aggressively guessing how to correct typos and syntax errors (unless they support the -W or --pedantic flags). It makes it damned hard to debug.
In fact their pricing and services are so similar I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that there isn't some form of collusion going on.
I'm not a fanboi of the telcos, but this just isn't fair. Of course their prices are comparable and move together; it would be utter incompetence if that weren't the case, and no, that is not an indication of collusion. A basic part of being a viable business is tracking your direct competitors' prices to make sure your product is competitive. Do you accuse your local gas stations of collusion if their gas prices are always with 5 cents of each other? How long would any business remain in business if it ignored that fact that its competitors were significantly undercutting them on a directly comparable product in the same market?
otherwise they are just paperweights without buttons,
Do most of your paperweights come with buttons?
This reminds me of a story I heard once (maybe it was from a movie, or an XKCD, can't track it down right now), in which a pair of guys meet a random girl:
Guy 1: think of a card . . .
Girl: okay
Guy 1: your card is eight of hearts
Girl: no it's 3 of diamonds
Guy 2: Why did you think you knew her card?
Guy 1: I didn't, but I figure I have about a 2% chance of guessing it, and if I do this to everyone I meet then when I do get it right the reaction will be worth all the times I got it wrong.
Look the word up in practically any modern dictionary
OED lists 4 definition of the verb.
All four explicitly have to do with removing 1 in 10. Two of these four are marked "obs."
The last of the four has as second meaning (b) attached marked as "rhetorically or loosely"; only that is not explictly in reference to 1 in ten.
I cannot help feeling, Phaedrus, that writing is unfortunately like painting; for the creations of the painter have the attitude of life, and yet if you ask them a question they preserve a solemn silence. And the same may be said of speeches. You would imagine that they had intelligence, but if you want to know anything and put a question to one of them, the speaker always gives one unvarying answer. And when they have been once written down they are tumbled about anywhere among those who may or may not understand them, and know not to whom they should reply, to whom not: and, if they are maltreated or abused, they have no parent to protect them; and they cannot protect or defend themselves. . . . . Then [the one with understanding] will not seriously incline to "write" his thoughts "in water" with pen and ink, sowing words which can neither speak for themselves nor teach the truth adequately to others?
But the debt is really just a savings account provided by the federal government for people who don't want to spend their money right now. It is rather unfortunate that terms like "debt" are used at all in that context, since they just confuse what is really going on.
MMTers are crackpots.
They can only claim that private savings is equal to the government deficit by redefining 'savings' as 'net savings' which means 'savings less investments', i.e., 'savings that is held in government debt' which of course it a trivial tautology: Obviously the private sector can't acquire a net position in government debt unless the government runs a net deficit.
Did US households have lose their savings when Clinton was running a surplus? Yes, but only if 'savings' means 'government debt'.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.