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Comment Re:Self-hosting never left, but... (Score 4, Informative) 135

This service is intended to solve those concerns. It's a Wireguard VPN service. You create a reverse tunnel to their PoP and receive a public/external IPv6 address. The only technical control that would block this would be if your ISP blocks outbound connections to the service's Wireguard listener port (default UDP/51820).

Comment Re:Umm, that's negligence (Score 1) 224

The guy is lying too. He turned the breaker off. It stopped the alarms. Why would you expect alarms to stop when you restored power? The standard of care is understanding an on-off switch. His failure to do so implies gross negligence. Hope they triple the damages.

He is lying?? There are several things that will alarm on power loss. A UPS will. Most well-designed things that have multiple power inputs will alarm when a feed fails. Ever own a smoke detector?

Comment Re:Great points (Score 1) 223

I think this thread has some great ideas, but I wonder about the human factor. For postal workers delivering mail, efficiencies (and low error rates) come with routines. If you went to a different route/neighborhood for each day of the week, things would get fucked up. Maybe eliminating junk mail from the system would lower the error rates as well.

Comment Re:Silly (Score 3, Insightful) 36

Cloudflare has three PoPs in Italy, which would mean three anycast resolvers for (and that they could be compelled to drop queries for those records. That's my take on the technical concerns.

I'll bet they also have regional operations in Italy (employees (sales, accounting/billing, etc.)) where the Italian government could have jurisdiction.

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