Comment Lots of "SS's". Did I Nazi what you did there? (Score 1) 120
"ssometimes strange, ssometimes strained."
Lots of 'SS" going on. Did I Nazi what you did there?
"ssometimes strange, ssometimes strained."
Lots of 'SS" going on. Did I Nazi what you did there?
Bill Hicks on what happens between a POTUS election and the Oath of Office...
Difference being: Would you pay $50 or $100 to *watch* a CEO in action for two hours? Didn't think so.
"yet no one would argue for the return of child labour."
Well, no *sane* person, anyWho...,8599,2075859,00.html
Sleep tight!
One obvious difference in your analogy: movie actors can't hijack the movie-making process, loot the pension fund, and torpedo a [movie] project for short-term gain at a cost of EVERYTHING to EVERYONE else.
Since you were already modded up to five, I couldn't give you any of my freshly baked points a.k.a. "geek love..."
With liberty... Ah, who are we kidding?
Agreed that "preparing for zombies" is a good goal. But, as George Carlin said, zombies are unreliable. I'm much more worried about the Douchebag Apocalypse -- which is already upon us.
"And we couldn't have *caught* him without the NSA's *help!* Thank G** for "domestic surveillance!"
Here endeth the tinfoil rant...
"make sense to profile them as more likely to try to dodge taxes?"
If their organization is pulling down a multiple billions of $ every quarter, and/or individuals involved are worth at least a few million $? Absolutely!
So, anyWho, I recently told my 72-yr-old mother that I'd be replacing her antique Dell-box [running Noobuntu] w/ a newer, faster, legacy tower but running Win7 Pro. She politely declined. Per her: "They still make me use Windows at work." GO, MOM!
"Yeah, you'll need some bigger tools for that."
Can't we just raise money to buy/rent/bribe the "bigger tools" who keep telling us that this (drone-use) horse$hit is "legal?" Just sayin'...
Proof? Who gives two $hits? I'm f$cking relieved that they haven't tried to pin it on Syria, Iran, Chechnya(?), The Tea Party, Occupy*, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexican Drug Lords, Canadian pharmacies, poor people, rich people, unions, PETA, gun owners, gun makers, Muslims, drug addicts, Social Security, or Medicaid & Medicare, or smokers.
"(Y)ou might try 'occupying a job.'" Wow. Thanks! You condescending pr$ck. Apparently not being able to do that left loads of free time for protesting in the first place. But, obviously, you'll *NEVER* have to worry about YOUR position being downsized / made redundant / insert-your-own-euphemism-here. Because..., why? You're just so damn good at what you do that you're immune to that sort of thing? I'm pretty proud of ya.' Or -- just maybe -- you'll be a job-loss statistic one day. And when it happens, maybe you get as much "helpful" advice as you appear to give. Then again, maybe not. All of my vitriol aside, right there with you on your other points...
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson