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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Show them Plato's Republic  *Sunday February 17, 2008 @05:19PM  0
   attached to How to Convince Non-IT Friends that Privacy Matters?
Ghetto for video-game players  *Saturday February 16, 2008 @11:43AM 1 0
   attached to Videogames Doomed for a 'Comics-like Ghetto'?
First get agreement  *Tuesday February 05, 2008 @10:25PM 1 1, Interesting
   attached to Open Source Code In a Closed Source Company
Mega-D used for Arab Propaganda  *Saturday February 02, 2008 @03:04PM  0, Funny
   attached to Mega-D Botnet Overtakes Storm, Accounts for 32% of Spam
The media's for sale  *Wednesday January 23, 2008 @12:46AM  0
   attached to MPAA Botched Study On College Downloading
Objects produce skills?  *Wednesday January 02, 2008 @05:09PM 1 0
IQ tests are not biased  *Wednesday January 02, 2008 @05:00PM  0
Oversimplification  *Wednesday January 02, 2008 @11:29AM 2 0
Close but no cigar  *Tuesday January 01, 2008 @12:10PM 1 -1, Troll
Altruism doesn't exist  *Tuesday January 01, 2008 @11:22AM 5 -1, Flamebait
   attached to OLPC CTO Quits to Commercialize OLPC Technology
People want "It Just Works"  *Monday December 31, 2007 @10:28AM  1
   attached to Just What is this ASUS Eee Thing Anyway?
Re:Check the dictionary  *Friday December 28, 2007 @12:36PM 1 0, Flamebait
   attached to Chinese Government Sued Over Dog Height Censorship
The cheap PC concept was never "shiny"  *Friday December 28, 2007 @12:39PM  1
   attached to PC Mag Slams Cheap Wal-Mart Linux Desktop
IP is a joke because society is a joke  *Monday December 24, 2007 @10:25PM  1
   attached to Only 2 in 500 College Students Believe in IP
Retarded business logic  *Saturday December 08, 2007 @06:16PM  1
   attached to CompUSA To Close All Stores
Can't recognize the FUD  *Friday December 07, 2007 @12:06AM 1 1
   attached to Ron Paul Spam Traced to Reactor Botnet
Not secure  *Friday November 23, 2007 @02:15PM 1 2, Interesting
   attached to How PALS Help Secure Nuclear Weapons
Give kids a break  *Friday November 23, 2007 @11:14AM 1 4, Funny
   attached to MPAA College Toolkit Raises Privacy, Security Concerns
The American way is better  *Sunday November 18, 2007 @11:59PM  1
   attached to Japan to Start Fingerprinting Foreign Travelers
IBM helped the Nazis  *Saturday November 10, 2007 @05:53PM  -1, Troll
   attached to IBM Predicts Massive Shifts In Advertising
Who are they looking for?  *Saturday November 10, 2007 @05:50PM  1
   attached to Ex AT&T Tech Says NSA Monitors All Web Traffic
Re:Ebola, West Nile, Rift Valley  *Thursday November 08, 2007 @12:31AM  0, Troll
   attached to NASA Satellites to Predict Disease Outbreaks
National Socialism  *Thursday November 08, 2007 @12:28AM  0, Offtopic
   attached to YouTube Video Warned About School Shooting
Not all children are equal  *Tuesday November 06, 2007 @11:25PM  1
   attached to Students In UK Tracked With RFID Chips

You cannot have a science without measurement. -- R. W. Hamming
