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Comment Because the current block is working so well (Score 1) 231

As highlighted by RevK from AAISP in a recent blog post on the stupidity of the blocking

I can reveal the secret high-tech method for accessing newzbin2 and by-passing the recent block on the site on BT residential lines.
Its top secret and highly technical, so don't tell anyone...
Instead of typing http://newzbin.com/ you type https://newzbin.com/
Yes, that is typing an extra s in the right place.


Submission + - 2007 Java Predictions in Java Developer's Journal

jg21 writes: Java Developer's Journal has published the results of its end-of-year poll of various Internet technology players, from its own internal editors to industry high-ups like the founder of Apress, Gary Cornell, and including too the thoughts of professor Tony Wasserman of Carnegie Mellon West. Participants were asked to foretell what they saw happening in 2007. Among the predictions...Cornell: 'The open-sourcing of Java will have no effect whatsoever on Java's slow decline in favor of dynamic languages (Ruby, Python) and C#;' Wasserman: 'The use of the GPL 2 for open-sourcing Java will inhibit the completion and acceptance of the GPL 3 proposal;' and Rails creator David Heinemeier Hansson: 'The stigma of being a Web programmer still using Windows will increase.'

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