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Comment Re:How does it get any light? (Score 1) 405

...none of the morons on the roadways south of the Mason-Dixon line have any clue how to drive in snow.

So, if I grew up in Hawaii where it doesn't snow, I'm a moron for not knowing how to drive in the snow? Because everyone should know how to drive in the snow, even if they've never seen it, right?

Comment amidoinitrite (Score 2, Insightful) 308

"Just because there are many quacks that get involved with the subject of Teabaggers doesn't mean that the entire subject is without interest or merit."

You see how fucking stupid you sound right now?

I can play this game!

"Just because there are many quacks that get involved with the subject of String Theory doesn't mean that the entire subject is without interest or merit."
"Just because there are many quacks that get involved with the subject of Medicine doesn't mean that the entire subject is without interest or merit."
"Just because there are many quacks that get involved with the subject of Archeology doesn't mean that the entire subject is without interest or merit."
"Just because there are many quacks that get involved with the subject of Economics doesn't mean that the entire subject is without interest or merit."
"Just because there are many quacks that get involved with the subject of Space Travel doesn't mean that the entire subject is without interest or merit."

Comment Re:Because selling "Shine on you crazy diamond IV" (Score 1) 601

I'd take that one step further, I wish mp3 players were designed with a easy "Continue on to next track" feature for random play. I love having my iPod on shuffle, except when playing things that segue like Dark Side of The Moon or Abbey Road or Frank Zappa's Apostrophe. When a tune like "Brain Damage" comes on, it would be nice to have an one-push feature that will continue to "Eclipse", as opposed to Floydus Interruptus.

When that happens, simply switch your random mode from "songs" to "albums". I do that all the time. Alternately, you can do what I've done in a couple of cases (Tool's Parabol/Parabola and Disposition/Reflection), which is to combine the two tracks into a single track using something like Audacity.

Comment Re:I'm paying for WHAT? (Score 1) 577

z"Does this mean that clueful people with secure computers are going to be required to pay to help clueless people with insecure computers?"

Yep, just like the govt. healthcare 'reform' coming up...wants you to pay for Jerome and Debbie Public down the block who can't seem to understand contraception, exercise, food that isn't fast food, and that smoking is bad for you.

Everybody uses health care resources. Not just the fat and stupid. Why are you such an ass?

Comment Re:.NET Anyone? (Score 1) 265

the toolbar installation is clearly mentioned in the software EULA, so each time the toolbar is installed, the user agreed that he wanted it. As a developer for a Web optimizer plugin, this Firefox change will make it much harder for us to reach our users.

I fail to see the downside for anybody but you, and you make it sound like you clearly deserve it.

Here. This is for you.

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