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Comment The NHTSA is unconstitutional. (Score 0) 279

Shut it down.

All of this stuff is better handled locally, or state-wide. The bureaucracy of the NHTSA is mind boggling, and the fact that folks look at their headline name but never what they actually do all year long doesn't surprise me.

"What about the children!" has never prefaced citizen safety or well being.

Comment Re:Please stop (Score 1) 171

Hyperloops are just a popularization of an older sci-fi concept, Evacuated Transport Tubes. There are places where they could work and be amazing - essentially bridging two cities together to seem like they're a short subway's ride apart. Think cities in the midwest. Crossing the Atlantic via bored tunnel is not one of those places, at least not until far far future....

Comment AirBnB Highlights Existing Market Issues (Score 3, Insightful) 148

"AirBnB drives up housing costs" is first order thinking.

It does - but only because there's existing market conditions that are out of whack for whatever reason - usually some combination of geographical and bureaucratic. Anyone blaming AirBnB for high prices is essentially shooting the messenger.

Comment Good Riddance! (Score 1, Troll) 372

The largest bloat of our federal government is federal agencies taking vaguely worded laws and inventing entire bureaucracies to enforce their arbitrary interpretations of what those laws actually mean. This puts the appeal of the legality of those laws back into the courts, which is where we're supposed to be able to seek redress when we disagree with our government.

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