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Comment AirBnB Highlights Existing Market Issues (Score 3, Insightful) 148

"AirBnB drives up housing costs" is first order thinking.

It does - but only because there's existing market conditions that are out of whack for whatever reason - usually some combination of geographical and bureaucratic. Anyone blaming AirBnB for high prices is essentially shooting the messenger.

Comment Good Riddance! (Score 1, Troll) 372

The largest bloat of our federal government is federal agencies taking vaguely worded laws and inventing entire bureaucracies to enforce their arbitrary interpretations of what those laws actually mean. This puts the appeal of the legality of those laws back into the courts, which is where we're supposed to be able to seek redress when we disagree with our government.

Comment But what about domestic misinformation? (Score 1) 122

And who's going to counter all of the domestic misinformation they spam us with, such as "The vaccines are safe and 100% effective", "You can't transmit the virus if you're vaccinated", "masks are effective", "double masking makes a difference", "staying indoors will help protect people", "the great Barrington declaration needs to be taken down", "people should socially distance 6 feet", "the unvaccinated face a winter of severe illness and death", "the virus wasn't man made", "Fauci didn't have Ecohealth Alliance fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology"... Oh wait, those are all the sorts of things that our government considers foreign government disinformation, aren't they?

Comment Amazing lack of context here (Score 3, Informative) 282

It's incredible how this entire writeup can go without mentioning what we've learned from Missouri v Biden and from the Twitter Files about just how much censorship and suppression was being done, yes, by private companies - but at the explicit request of government officials. Censorship by proxy.

Comment Oh look, economics works (Score 3, Insightful) 106

AirBnB has been so successful because it revealed a fundamental gap in the market in many areas. Places like Manhattan or other tourism hotspots don't like what it does to the housing market so they try and ban it while offering no alternative to actually fix the market gap that makes AirBnB so popular.

Comment Where "experts" are horrified by reality (Score 1, Interesting) 115

This is that stupid thing where "experts" are horrified that reality hasn't been perfectly equitable, so some races, historically disadvantaged, have ended up with higher levels of criminality. And so they pretend that the way to equalize the situation is to ignore the criminals in some areas, which ironically keeps those areas disadvantaged and perpetuates the problem.

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