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Comment Re:Why talk (Score 1) 525

"if the process really worked they would be commercializing it"


âoeOur plan is to have a demonstration-scale plant operational by 2010 and, in parallel, weâ(TM)ll be working on the design and construction of a commercial-scale facility to open in 2011,â says Mr Pal, adding that if LS9 used Brazilian sugar cane as its feedstock, its fuel would probably cost about $50 a barrel.

Submission + - AMD: "Barcelona" 40% faster than "Clov

Dysfnctnl85 writes: AMD is claiming that the launch of their Barcelona chipset will represent a shift in focus for the company from price to performance. A ZDNet Blog cites that the 65nm Clovertown will be available later this year and "rather concentrate on price, AMD are instead emphasizing performance." Also from the blog: "Intel is eager to claw back some of the server market share from AMD, and this is where Clovertown comes in. Clovertown is the codename for Intel's latest quad-core Xeon 5300 line. The Xeon 5300 line will represent excellent value for money since Intel plans on pricing them the same as its dual core Xeon 5100 processors. That could make things tough for AMD."

Submission + - Professors want to ban Wikipedia

Inisheer writes: "History professors at Middlebury College are tired of having all their students submit the same bad information on term papers. The culprit: Wikipedia — the user-created encyclopedia that's full of great stuff, and also full of inaccuracies. Now the the entire History department has voted to ban students from using it. Other professors agree, but note that they're also enthusiastic contributors to Wikipedia. Read the full story here"

Journal Journal: Google Kills "Google-Bombs"

Google Kills Bush's Miserable Failure Search & Other Google Bombs.

After just over two years, Google has finally defused the "Google Bomb" that has returned US President George W. Bush at the top of its results in a search on miserable failure. The move wasn't a post-State Of The Union Address gift for Bush. Instead, it's part of an overall algorithm change designed to stop such mass link pranks from working.

Father of Internet Warns Against Net Neutrality 322

An anonymous reader writes "At a recent talk at the Computer History Museum Robert Kahn, co-inventor of TCP/IP, warned against net neutrality legislation that could hinder experimentation and innovation. Calling 'net neutrality' a slogan, Khan also cautioned against 'dogmatic views of network architecture.' A video of the talk is also available."

Submission + - Big Red Button disasters

FredDC writes: The Daily WTF? has a story about a Big Red Button disaster. What Big Red Button disaster have you experienced? caused? heared about? Or can happen any day now?

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