It could be worse: Randall Flagg could be traveling the countryside to gather his minions in Las Vegas.
But what if he is?
the US is one of the richest countries in the world, but at the same time for sure the biggest polluter
Not quite. In fact, the US and Canada are net carbon sinks.
âoeOur plan is to have a demonstration-scale plant operational by 2010 and, in parallel, weâ(TM)ll be working on the design and construction of a commercial-scale facility to open in 2011,â says Mr Pal, adding that if LS9 used Brazilian sugar cane as its feedstock, its fuel would probably cost about $50 a barrel.
After just over two years, Google has finally defused the "Google Bomb" that has returned US President George W. Bush at the top of its results in a search on miserable failure. The move wasn't a post-State Of The Union Address gift for Bush. Instead, it's part of an overall algorithm change designed to stop such mass link pranks from working.
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden