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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Poe's law  *Tuesday September 20, 2016 @11:53AM  1
   attached to Journal Discussion: monopoly
Recruit me!  *Wednesday July 18, 2012 @04:25PM  0, Flamebait
   attached to Trolling Al Qaeda... For Peace?
Re:Nasty stuff  *Friday March 30, 2012 @10:22AM 1 2
   attached to Army Reviews Controversial Drug After Afghan Massacre
Re:Full service  *Friday December 30, 2011 @01:16PM  2
   attached to Ebert: I'll Tell You Why Movie Revenue Is Dropping
Re:Clear Explaination  *Tuesday December 13, 2011 @03:30PM  2
   attached to MIT's New Camera Can Take 1 Trillion Frames Per Second
Re:Netflix  *Monday December 05, 2011 @10:39AM  2
   attached to USPS Ending Overnight First-Class Letter Service
Re:spy satellite calibration targets  *Friday November 18, 2011 @06:07PM  2, Funny
   attached to Giant Chinese Desert Mystery Structure Solved
Re:Happy Holidays from the Golden Girls!  *Thursday November 17, 2011 @02:45PM  2
   attached to Boeing Delivers Massive Ordnance Penetrator
Re:Lost Channels  *Friday November 11, 2011 @11:33AM  2
Re:Lost Channels  *Thursday November 10, 2011 @06:03PM 1 2
   attached to Failures Mark First National Test of Emergency Alert System
Re:Actually...  *Thursday September 08, 2011 @01:05PM 1 2
Re:Actually...  *Thursday September 08, 2011 @12:36PM 5 2
Re:Amzon isnt dodging anything  *Thursday September 08, 2011 @12:32PM  2
   attached to Amazon Folds In California Sales Tax Deal
Re:Just remember  *Thursday September 08, 2011 @01:18PM  2
   attached to Google Acquires Zagat
Re:It's our own damn fault  *Friday August 19, 2011 @12:58PM  2
   attached to What If Aliens Came To Save the Galaxy From Mankind?
Re:Inefficient  *Tuesday August 02, 2011 @01:01PM  3
   attached to Use Your Car To Power Your House
Re:No More  *Friday July 22, 2011 @01:52PM 2 2
   attached to Massachusetts Plans To Keep Track of Where Your Car Has Been
Re:And this is on /. why?  *Friday July 22, 2011 @01:30PM 1 2
   attached to Terror Attack On Norwegian Government
Re:Have they nothing better to legislate for  *Friday June 03, 2011 @02:04PM  2
   attached to Tennessee Makes it Illegal To Share Your Netflix Password
Re:more importantly  *Wednesday May 11, 2011 @04:02PM  2
   attached to Google To Offer Chrome OS Notebooks For $20/month
Re:What is your definition of reputable?  *Thursday April 07, 2011 @04:03PM  2
   attached to Amazon Named the "Most Reputable Company"
Re:is there anybody here...  *Tuesday April 05, 2011 @01:07PM  2
   attached to Afghanistan Called First "Robotic War"
Re:And for Diesel?  *Tuesday March 29, 2011 @03:49PM  2
   attached to Europe Plans To Ban Petrol Cars From Cities By 2050
Re:So what's a "real" microcontroller?  *Friday March 04, 2011 @10:28AM  2
   attached to Book Review: Arduino: a Quick-Start Guide

The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters. -- Jean-Paul Kauffmann
