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Comment An Anecdote (Score 1) 90

Well I'm not quite sure either but let me tell you what I experienced on an older Intel iMac Pro - (2017).

I loaded up the largest model possible just to see what it would do... I entered some initial question, I forget what, and then got about 10-20 minutes of a "thinking" message.

Then, I got... an "H".

A few minutes later... an "I".

Yeah it too about 30 minutes to begin a message with "Hi", I gave up after a few hours.

So 20 tokens a second is sounding pretty good compared with that!

Comment Once you know it's an LLM you can fix... (Score 1) 119

If an LLM doesn't understand something, the solution is to give it more context until it does...

So while "what month is it?" doesn't work with Siri now (I tested as well), what does work is "What month is it in Utah". It gives you the current date and time which you didn't ask for, but it does include the month and it does work.

But don't think I am excusing Apple here, I do think it's absurd they replaced a fairly functional Siri with something that can run into walls with simple questions... and as noted because context is important, probably simpler questions hi walls like this more often!

Comment Re:Farming is already there (Score 1) 46

There are indeed weed "pulling" robots

Used the scare quotes because it's not technically pulling but if the weed is dead and gone who cares.

That kind of stuff trickles down over time so it will reach smaller operations. Until recently though it really is cheaper to hire illegal aliens at far under minimum wage to to some jobs, which also stunts the expansion of robots in farming... but over the next few years I think you'll see a rapid uptake of existing technology.

Comment Re:Why is this even cheating (Score 1) 98

When a teacher assigns an essay to a student, it's not because the teacher needs that essay, it's because the effort of drafting that essay will cause that pint of bean soup the student is carrying in his skull to become more capable.

That's too bad, not gonna happen,

So the next best thing is what I said, have them use AI to generate output... but then they have to carefully screen what was output, maybe even edit it further to distill a point or correct something.

You are still building, just somewhat different muscles.

Your world is dead, get used to it and adapt or die.

Comment So how did it work then? (Score 1) 156

How then do you explain Twitter ran better than before the Musk purchase (observed fact, still running with more features, no Fail Whales in ages) after 80% of the workforce (or more) were let go - (also widely known fact).

Given those absolute facts, why did it work for Twitter if not for the reasons I mentioned?

Comment Re:Has been tried... (Score 1) 106

why look to examples of UK incompetence rather than examples of German success?

I thought Germany abandoned the Linux stuff as well, are they still using it? I figured it was all the same between the UK and other countries in the EU that had gone the same path, but if there was a good outcome I'm all ears...

Comment Has been tried... (Score 4, Informative) 106

Didn't the U.K. many years ago, try to ditch Microsoft Office for Open Office?

But then, some time ago they rolled that back if I remember right.

It's really, really hard to consider software not developed in the U.S. because software development keeps accelerating. Even if you were going to ditch Microsoft Office, the next viable alternative for an organization of any reasonable size is - Google Office!

Comment Or is this just rightsizing (Score 1, Insightful) 156

They are claiming they can have 10 developers do the work of 100....

But what if that's not because of AI, but simply because those 10 coders are actually working at full capability?

After all, Twitter reduced headcount by over 80%, and not only kept functioning but started adding more features. They were not using AI tools to achieve this, they simply had tons of coders not doing much!

Maybe "vibe coding" is nothing more than finding a small number of developers that are efficient and actually work most of the time they are at work.

Comment It looks like it USED to be a power corridor (Score 2) 83

If you compare the route shown in the linked BBC article to the aerial photo from Google Maps, it looks like the new road follows the path of an existing high-voltage power transmission corridor. You can look up and down it from a road that crosses it here:

Assuming I got the path right, this is a route that was ALREADY mostly cleared at some point in the past, and they're just making it MORE clear for a new freeway. But, "Brazil built a new freeway along an existing power transmission corridor" doesn't sound nearly as sexy as "Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit".

Comment Re: no (Score 2) 83

If the Amazon is anything like South Florida, you could literally bulldoze it down to bare earth, and within 20 years it'll look like primordial jungle again.

My parents live in Naples, Florida. At some point, my dad got old & stopped trying to maintain a 10x10 foot corner of their back yard, and allowed it to revert to South Florida jungle for almost 12 years. This is an area that was literal *grass* when I was in school. When I took it upon myself to clear it for them, it took 3 weekends with a chainsaw, wood chipper, twice-emptied DUMPSTER, and a day with a rented backhoe to transform it back into "grassy yard". It had trees with trunks literally fused into each other & growing SO TIGHTLY TOGETHER , I would have probably died from impalement if I'd lost my balance and fallen backwards or sideways onto the stumps of trees cut down earlier while cutting my way back into the area with the chainsaw.

Have you ever wondered what GRASS looks like when it's left to go completely wild in Florida? Basically, it turns into an alien-looking plant that's neither bush nor tree, but just kind of has this tightly-bound shaft that's about 3 feet tall that erupts at the top into HUGE blades of grass taller than you are.

My parents had an area along the side of their yard that was originally 3 feet deep where they had some plant that's kind of purple and fleshy. By the time I went to go beat it back into submission, its offspring had sprawled a good 12 feet from the property line and practically overgrown the brick path around the outside perimeter of their pool cage. And THAT was the result of MAYBE 2-3 years of yard-neglect.

It's absolutely UNREAL how quickly plants in South Florida go wild and overgrow everything within a few feet. In less than 3 years, something can go from "weed" to "tree with trunk and roots thick & extensive enough to need a chainsaw & backhoe to remove"

Comment Why is this even cheating (Score 1) 98

If everyone is going to be doing this anyway and you can't detect or stop it, why are you fighting? It's like trying to punch the ocean because the tide is coming in towards a sand castle you have built.

So what can you do instead? Help them learn to prompt AI more carefully, but also how to evaluate the results, and grade them down harshly for failures. It's in the evaluation they will have to learn enough to evaluate what is a good or bad (or even real) answer, if you are worried about them learning nothing.

So basically many courses become about common sense which on the whole is what society needs anyway! It's not like in real life at a job you don't tell someone to go do something, and have to evaluate what was done. We do that all the time in any workplace!

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